Chapter 914 Transcendence from Chaos
"Your Majesty has thought carefully. Now in the harem, apart from the concubine of the husband's family, there is still a lack of three of the four concubines. In my opinion, the Saintess of Liuli Valley can be made one of the three concubines to show His Majesty's importance."

Yi Zi has an unusually close relationship with the child master, and he has the right to intervene in the affairs of the harem, so he paused for a while before continuing.

"However, the position of Saintess of Liuli Valley can only reach the position of concubine at most, and the master of the harem must be the daughter of our child power empire."

"Teacher, don't worry, this matter is clear to me, and I will definitely not do anything foolish in the future." The child master nodded, his eyes glowing a bit.

"The teacher has already seen it with his own eyes. Mrs. Guo Guo, who is the candidate?"

Yi Zi stood up and bowed in salute.

"I am here to congratulate Your Majesty, a daughter who is protected by heaven and has good luck. I have seen it with my own eyes. Mrs. Hu Guozhi is only one step away from the body of Xuannv, and it can be achieved with a little adjustment. Your Majesty If you have a bond with your wife, you can naturally absorb the power of the mysterious spirit and enter your body. At that time, your Majesty will surely be able to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, and the time to achieve greatness is not far away!"

There was joy in the child master's eyes.

"This time it is all thanks to Master Yue. If he hadn't found this woman in the Pot Kingdom, I am afraid that I will miss this woman. Such a great achievement, I will definitely reward you."

After a little thought, the boy master has a plan in mind.

"The commander of the imperial army, Zhang Ling, died in the assassination. I have ordered him to be buried with honor. Now that there is no one in the army, Shi Yue will be temporarily appointed as the commander. After he is familiar with military affairs, he will become a full-time member. I wonder what the teacher wants?"

"The minister on behalf of the master thanked His Majesty!" Yi Zi's eyes showed a bit of joy. At the beginning, this honor should belong to him. Now that it has been transferred to his hands, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of an obsession in Shi Yue's heart.

The child master smiled and nodded.

"This is the reward for the merits of Shiyue, the teacher does not need to be too polite. It is just that I have to ask the teacher about one thing. Do you know that there is a person named Meng Tianchen in the mission of the Hu Kingdom?"

Yi Zi was surprised.

"Your Majesty actually knows about this person?"

"At Xingtai today, he made a big splash. Even if I don't want to know, it's hard for me."

The two missions were fighting, and in the division capital, the child master would naturally receive the report in the shortest possible time, and immediately told about Meng Tianchen's all-out defeat of the Liuligu mission.

"This person is in the middle of the emperor's realm, but his combat power is comparable to that of the king of the emperor's realm. He is a monster! The Lord of the Pot Kingdom sent him to pay tribute. I am thinking about whether I can take him back. After all Calculating carefully, I still helped him with today's matter, if Wu Guda hadn't stayed here, how could he have defeated the Liuligu Mission so smoothly. And according to the teacher, but he has already noticed this person?"

Yi Zi shook his head, he didn't expect Meng Tianchen to enter the division for only a short time, but such a huge disturbance had already arisen.Hearing what the child master said at this moment, he cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty is right. Even if you don't mention this matter, I will recommend you to recruit Meng Tianchen. But there is one thing, Your Majesty, you may have underestimated Meng Tianchen's cultivation level. Before the minister deduced the chaos, I realized that At the place where yin and yang are mixed, I went to meet Mrs. Hu Guoguo in order to prevent accidents. When I arrived, it was the day when Mrs. Zhi was intercepted and killed. The big lord of the Tian family sent Huo Nanlian to attack, but still failed. However, the person who attacked on that day was not a minister .”

"The teacher said that it was Meng Tianchen who pushed Huo Nanlian back that day?" The child master's face showed a little seriousness for a moment. The target can escape, and his cultivation has already been proven. He is at least the peak of the eighth-rank great emperor, and because of his body, the burst of power is even stronger than that of the king of the imperial realm!
Meng Tianchen was able to repel him!

With such power, even in Tongli Empire, he is an absolute powerhouse!
Yi Zi said yes.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it." Immediately, Yi Zi fully explained what he had seen before.

"Huo Nanlian was blasted through by his punch, and he took out the divine power bead to make a move, but the minister showed a trace of breath and frightened him back." Speaking of this, he frowned slightly, and continued to speak.

"But I see that Meng Tianchen has always been calm and never showed any fear. Maybe he still has a hole card in his hand, and it's not that he has reached the point where he can no longer fight. Maybe Huo Nanlian also noticed this, and he had no choice but to take out the divine power bead when time was running out. want to destroy everything."

"The art of maximizing the power of the bloodline is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. He dared to use it like this to fight Huo Nanlian and force him to take out the magic power bead. This is not unusual for Meng Tianchen. In his generation, he must have the means to quickly replenish the loss of strength in his hands. This kind of cultivation method that was popular in ancient times has become a powerful trump card in his hands." The child master whispered, and his heart was even more serious.

"I have one more thing to tell His Majesty. The original power of chaos controlled by Meng Tianchen is very strange. Maybe others can't detect it, but I can still sense a trace of his original power of chaos. It contains or is fused with other more terrifying powers! It is very likely that it is the original power of the other world."


The boy master was shocked, and suddenly looked up at Yi Zi.

"Teacher, is this true?"

"Transcend chaos and achieve godhood." Yi Zi spoke slowly, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

"I can sense it clearly. It should be true. If he grows stronger steadily, it is indeed possible for him to become a god!"

In the world of chaos, the most fundamental thing is the great world of ten directions, or the ten original worlds. The other middle worlds and small worlds are not worth mentioning at all.

All the creatures in the chaotic world, if they want to prove the position of gods and become true gods, they must transcend the origin of chaos, so that they can truly break free from the shackles of the chaotic world, jump out completely, and truly enjoy themselves.

And Meng Tianchen, who is in the middle of the Emperor Realm, seems to have fused the original power of the other world.Already have the clues to jump out of the chaotic realm and transcend the origin of chaos.

If Meng Tianchen knew his secret at this moment and was basically investigated by others, he would definitely be terrified.

Although Yi Zi's deduction skills are against the sky, he still can't know that Meng Tianchen's magic power is not the original power of chaos mixed with a trace of the original power of another world.

It is an existence that completely surpasses the original power of chaos.

Even so, once a martial artist like Meng Tianchen is detected, he will be wooed by any giant force!
At least, Meng Tianchen can become a strong demigod.

Demigods are supreme existences that act as deterrents among the major forces. Only the highest level of the giant forces can know their existence. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, they are just illusory and legendary existences.

A demigod possesses incomparably terrifying power, and any one of them is commendable, even a powerful leader must treat him with courtesy.

"Teacher, this matter is of great importance, have you ever read it wrong?" the child master said in a deep voice, his eyes were serious.

Yi Zi bowed his hands in salute.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is absolutely no accident in this matter!"

"Potential, mind, means, this Meng Tianchen is the best choice, and please His Majesty must keep him and become the minister of our Tongli Empire! If he can be cultivated well, there will be more children in our Tongli Empire in the future." Choose a demigod to be your majesty's arm!"

"Haha! Good!" The child master laughed, revealing a sense of joy.

"This seat has Mrs. Zhizhi first, and good ministers second. It seems that the Chaos Heavenly Dao is really good to my Tongli Empire!"

"Your Majesty bears the destiny, and will surely lead our Tongli Empire to wipe out the opponents and dominate the Linglong world!" Yi Zi stood up and saluted, naturally he didn't mind saying something to make the Tongzhu Longyan happy at this moment.

Sure enough, the boy master nodded again and again, with a smile on his face.

Yi Zi hesitated a little, but still spoke respectfully.

"One more presumptuous statement. Although Mrs. Zhi has arrived at the capital, after entering the palace, Your Majesty needs to be more cautious. Don't make any more twists and turns, otherwise it will be too late. This interception and killing is a Alarm bell."

The child master's smile was restrained, and he was slightly silent.

"The teacher is right. I will be careful about this matter. If they keep their own way, let it go. If they dare to make a move, I will definitely not tolerate it."

"Your Majesty is very thoughtful, it's because I'm overthinking." Yi Zi felt a little relieved, the child master was on guard, and the ladies in the imperial palace must have been beaten. I hope she can abide by her duty. The position of the child queen, isn't it? What their luck can touch.

"This time, the Great Yin Sect, the great lord of the Tian family, and the empire of the Han faction have successively violated the agreement and made moves. I wonder how Your Majesty will respond?".

The child master snorted coldly, his face slightly gloomy.

"I have already informed the Holy Land of this matter. This time the three parties violated the rules and sent the kings of the Emperor Realm to take action one after another, which is a provocation to the Holy Land from all directions. If you don't want to start a battle of world competition immediately, you need to pay the price for it, otherwise I am a child The power empire will definitely not let it go."

Yi Zi nodded, since Holy Land made a move, he didn't need to worry about this matter, so he spoke respectfully now.

"Your Majesty, I will retire first."

"Teacher, walk slowly."

The boy master watched Yi Zi leave, frowned slightly, and spoke in a low voice after a while.

"Mrs. Hu Wang Guozhi, if you can really help me to achieve greatness, so what if you can be appointed as the second place? It seems that this seat should probably bring you into the palace as soon as possible."

A low groan slowly spread out in the hall.

Pilgrimage Palace.

Meng Tianchen entered in a hurry, the cold aura outside his body made the warriors of the pilgrimage palace chill all over, he didn't dare to step forward, and watched him enter the Baiqing territory, before he reported to the warrior in charge, sweating profusely.

And the news of the Xingtai battle that came later shocked the entire pilgrimage palace. Whether it was the missions of all parties or the warriors of the pilgrimage palace, they looked at Bai Qingjing with deep awe.

But Meng Tianchen didn't take these things to heart, he went directly into the cultivation secret room, and with a wave of his sleeves, he put down the restraints, put the strings on the ground and sat down cross-legged.He reached out and slapped his back with a palm, and the strength surged out, carefully checking his injuries.

Exercising the secret art of the witch palace, Xianzi burst out with extremely powerful cultivation in a short period of time. Although under the suppression of Meng Tianchen's power, the injury did not explode immediately and barely saved his life, but the injury in his body was already serious enough to be added. the point!

(End of this chapter)

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