Chapter 915 Entering the Palace
Even if Meng Tianchen's power to seal the town is not a long-term solution, once the town's power collapses, unless someone stronger can take action to suppress it, Xianzi will fall instantly.

Meng Tianchen frowned, his eyes flickered, and after a while, he made a decision in his heart.

Xianzi obeyed his orders and tried his best to keep Rong Zhi from being humiliated. He must not sit idly by in this situation.

The Great Yin Sect had already refined half of the power of Emperor Yuqiong's remnant soul, and the remaining half was his biggest trump card at the moment.With half of the remnants in hand, he has the confidence to fight in a crisis.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen decided to use half of the power of Emperor Yinqiong's remnant soul to save Xianzi!The injuries in his body could not be cured by ordinary means, and if he continued to delay, he might end up dying.

It may seem unwise to use the power of half the remnant souls of kings in the imperial realm to heal the warriors under his command, but this is Meng Tianchen's choice.

Sitting down cross-legged, the roulette in the Purple Mansion appeared directly, and the delicate and fine textures changed rapidly. In the burst of rich golden light, a pure and powerful force quickly gushed out from the roulette and merged into Meng Tianchen's body, using his body as the medium , was sent directly into the body of the string.

With the help of incomparably powerful power, all injuries will be healed!
The powerful force rushed like a torrent, entering Xianzi's body, directly merging into the flesh and blood, quickly repairing the injuries in his body.And after this tempering, Xianzi absorbed half of the remnant soul power of the eighth-rank great emperor powerhouse, even if most of it was lost in the treatment of injuries, it would give him great benefits.After he wakes up, as long as he successfully controls the power in his body, there will inevitably be a crazy surge in cultivation!
Two days later, Meng Tianchen's eyes slowly opened, all the injuries in Xianzi's body had recovered, and the Great Yin Sect had not finished refining the remnant soul of Emperor Qiong, leaving the last bit left behind by the roulette, and the golden light directly converged and merged into Meng Tianchen's body. Tianchen couldn't see it in his mind.

Xianzi's face has returned to ruddy, his expression is peaceful and his aura is long, and his body exudes a strong aura from time to time, which is also a sign that his cultivation base has skyrocketed and he has not completely fallen into control.

As for why he didn't wake up, it was because he integrated his spiritual will into his supernatural powers during the fight, and his spiritual will was also severely depleted with every punch. Even if his strength was fully replenished, he still needed to recover slowly in a deep sleep before he could wake up.

This period of time, I am afraid it will not be too short.

But as long as people are fine, everything is fine, and Xianzi's trip is a blessing in disguise.

Meng Tianchen pondered for a while, and with a wave of his sleeves, he once again placed a layer of restriction to isolate the breath, and then he waved his hand to open the restriction and went out.

The deputy envoy and other officials of the mission were already waiting outside the secret training room with a respectful demeanor.

"Xianzi's life is not in danger. He is currently cultivating in the secret room. He has sent warriors here to guard him. Without my father's permission, no one will disturb him." Meng Tianchen said lightly, immediately making the warriors of the mission even more awed.

They were aware of Xianzi's injury, but they didn't expect Lord Qingyun to be able to save him, what an astonishing method!
"Yes, Lord Qingyun." Everyone respectfully responded, Meng Tianchen waved his hand and sent them away.

But before he left at this time, Zhuo Liang came quickly, saluted and opened his mouth.

"Mr. Qingyun, Mrs. Zhi sent Aunt Nian to ask if Mr. Xianzi is well?"

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly in his heart, Rong Zhi obviously didn't know that he had just left the pass this time, and probably sent people to ask many times in the past two days.

"Go and tell her that Xianzi is fine, and let her tell Madam that there is nothing to worry about."


Zhuo Liang also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, turned around and hurried away after saluting respectfully.

Meng Tianchen fought against Wu Li of Liuli Valley, although he was crushed and defeated, he also suffered some injuries in his body, but he was barely suppressed.Coupled with the two days of recuperating for Xianzi's injuries, he was a little tired mentally, so he ordered that nothing should be disturbed, and he went back to the room to recuperate his injuries.

After the first battle in Xingtai, the mission of the Hu Kingdom was silent, and the warriors of the mission stayed in the Baiqing Realm and never showed up. The Liuligu mission, which has always been domineering, actually chose to acquiesce to this matter and did not continue to cause trouble.

But even so, the two missions still attracted countless attention.In the pilgrimage palace, all the missions of the dependent countries gathered their eyes, waiting for the outbreak of the battle after the silence.

The Liuligu Mission can really let go of this matter and not pursue it, they naturally don't believe it.

And this short-lived peace was completely broken with an order from the child master.

According to the order of the child master, Uli, the saint of Liuli Valley, and Rong Zhi of the Hu Kingdom were summoned into the palace to complete the formal canonization ceremony.

Entering the palace with the same edict, but there is a difference in priority. In the two palaces of the pilgrimage palace, it is a matter of face which one will be sent first to the imperial palace of the child power empire.If it was an ordinary family, it might not be difficult to make a choice according to each other's status, but when it fell between the Liuligu Mission and the Hu Kingdom Mission, it seemed full of excitement.

Countless anticipators have widened their eyes, waiting to witness the arrival of that moment.

Pilgrimage Palace.

Baiqingjing is composed of a hundred courtyards with completely different styles. The courtyards are lush with trees and have different styles.Because of the array, many courtyards can present completely different scenes.Or heavy snow is flying, and the world is white.Or the sun is shining and the air is scorching hot.Or the flowers are in bud, full of spring, or full of fruits, full of autumn. There may be a completely different world separated by a courtyard, which is wonderful.

The place where Meng Tianchen lives is Xuezangyuan.

The entire courtyard is covered with snow all the year round, just like a courtyard hidden deep in the snow-capped mountains, with a biting cold wind blowing in the air, and occasionally there is a trace of cyan on the ground that breaks through the snow, but it can show vitality.


The gate of the courtyard was suddenly pushed open, and the cold wind mixed with ice and snow swept in. The figure in the green robe did not stop the coming of the wind and snow, and raised his head slightly, feeling the coolness melted by the snowflakes falling on his face, and the last restlessness in his heart depress.

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

His footsteps landed on the thick snow, making creaking noises. Without using his cultivation, he walked slowly in this snowy courtyard like a mortal, until he reached the gate of the courtyard. Out, he let out a breath, his whole state of mind was calm, his face was calm, without any waves.

With a flick of the sleeve, the door closed in front of him and opened, no matter how heavy the wind and snow behind him, it would not overflow the door at all.He straightened his back and stepped out of the door.

The wind and snow disappeared, and the door behind him closed automatically without a sound.

Meng Tianchen looked up at the sky, and the date given by the child master was not far away.And the warriors of the mission had already been waiting respectfully outside the gate of the courtyard, they all lowered their heads slightly and never made a sound.

Looking across the crowd, Meng Tianchen nodded and spoke lightly.

"It's about time, you wait to come with me, and send my wife to board the Luanjia and enter the emperor's palace."

"Follow Qingyun's order!"

The deputy envoy and other missionary warriors responded respectfully, the crowd split into two sides, Meng Tianchen stepped forward, followed by a group of warriors from the Hu Kingdom.

As they walked forward in silence, there was an outrageous aura lingering over the entire mission, and the passage along the way attracted the attention of countless warriors, with excitement in their eyes.

Meng Tianchen's pace was not fast, but Wanhuajing arrived soon.

Raising his hand slightly, the warriors of the mission behind him stopped one after another, Meng Tianchen stepped forward and knocked on the door himself.

The door of Wanhuajing opened in response, and two rows of beautiful maidservants stood respectfully on one side, all dressed in brand-new dresses.

Directly in front, Aunt Nian was wearing a long red dress, holding Rong Zhi who was wearing a red wedding gown and covered her face with a hijab.Today's Rong Zhi, under the background of this wedding robe, has a more thrilling beauty.She just stood there quietly, but like a jumping flame, she instantly attracted everyone's attention.

She is ready to enter the imperial palace.

Meng Tianchen's eyes paused slightly on Rong Zhi's body, he cupped his hands in salute, and said slowly: "My subject, Meng Tianchen, is here to send my wife to the Luanjia and enter the imperial palace."

Rong Zhi nodded slightly, she was not allowed to speak before entering the imperial palace, this was repeatedly entrusted by the nuns in the imperial palace, naturally she would not make mistakes.

But at this moment, there was a sudden singing and shouting from the distant sky.

"Luanjia is here, please step on Mrs. Hu Wangguozhi to enter the imperial palace!"

A fiery red team meanders in the flash of spiritual light. Hundreds of warriors wear red robes and hold high the big seal characters of happiness. The maids in the palace behind hold flower baskets and sprinkle countless petals as they walk, floating in the wind, like A sea of ​​petals.

This sea of ​​petals looks beautiful, but it is only a momentary brilliance, and it is inevitable to fall to the ground and return to the end of the earth.This is its destiny and cannot be changed.

The dazzling red Luanjia is suspended in the air, with six dragons as the driver, luxurious and exquisite, luxuriously built, revealing royal nobility.

Meng Tianchen was silent, and suddenly with a wave of his sleeve, layers of water vapor quickly gathered and turned into white clouds, starting from the ground and rising straight into the air.

"Ma'am, I will send you into Luanjia."

Stepping up to the clouds, Meng Tianchen led Rong Zhi, step by step up to the sky, towards Liulong Luanjia.

It took more than ten steps, but to the two of them, it seemed to be a long time.

After this moment, it is unknown whether they will meet again in the future.And even if we meet again, whether we will have a peach blossom or not is still completely different. After all, no one can grasp what will happen in the future.

Meng Tianchen was calm in his heart, without any melancholy or unwillingness, but only a faint blessing. He hoped that Rong Zhi could live happily in the imperial palace of the Tongli Empire, relieve the cold poison on his body, and no longer be tortured by illness.

With a wave of his sleeves, he opened the red curtain of Luanjia, and opened the car door.

Rong Zhi didn't have any nostalgia, she felt that she was greedy enough, she should be content with walking with him for a while.

Letting go, she stepped into the car and sat on the soft couch.

Meng Tianchen took a deep look at Rong Zhi, then cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Madam, I will send you away from the pilgrimage palace and into the imperial palace of Tongli Empire!" The voice was calm, but clean and cold, without too much sonorous momentum, but there was unshakable firmness in this calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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