Chapter 925
Patriarch Weng glanced back, and immediately two warriors stepped forward, each took out a sandalwood box in their hands, and respectfully sent it to Madam Tu to open it.

"Inside the two wooden boxes, there are three storefront title deeds and a storage ring for storing millions of Chaos Crystals, please check it with Madam Tu."

The Tu family's wife was at a loss and didn't know what to do. She raised her head to look at Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue. Seeing them both smiling and nodding, she timidly stretched out her hand to take it, but she still felt as if she was in a dream.

"It is the Weng family's fault for disturbing the interest of the two lords today. If there is a chance in the future, I must toast and apologize to the two lords. Today I will stop disturbing you and leave." Patriarch Weng respectfully bowed again, Turn around and take the Weng family warriors away.

Meng Tianchen suddenly spoke lightly.

"Patriarch Weng, the Tu family and I have a deep relationship, I hope you can restrain your children in the future, and don't let things like today happen again."

Patriarch Weng's body was slightly stiff, he turned around respectfully, gave a deep salute to Meng Tianchen, and then turned and left.

After leaving the gate of Tu's house, he looked back with lingering fear, reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, his eyes fell on the blackmailer, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

"If the old man hadn't gotten the news in time, I'm afraid the two of you would have caused great trouble for our Weng family! Remember to me, if you see the Tu family's warriors die in the future, help them, don't have other thoughts, Otherwise, the old man will definitely not tolerate you!"

The warriors from the Weng family responded respectfully, and a bit of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the warriors from the Chengnan Prefecture.

"Patriarch, what are the identities of these two people that made you so cautious?"

Patriarch Weng sighed lightly.

"The green-robed man should be Lord Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom, and most likely the king of the Emperor Realm! The person beside him is Shi Yue, who has now been appointed as the commander of the Imperial Army, and when I look at his aura today, I am afraid that he has already Touching the threshold of the upper emperor's realm, the future is limitless. You should be careful in the future, don't be careless for a while, and bring disaster to my Weng family!"

The martial artist from Chengnan Prefecture froze, and hurriedly lowered his head, the trace of unwillingness in his heart dissipated immediately.

No matter which of these two people are, he is definitely not able to provoke them. If he dares to be unwilling, he will really be looking for a dead end.

After the warriors from the Weng family left, they were shocked and inexplicably envious, and finally the mourning warriors in awe retreated one after another, but after they walked out of the gate, they looked back at the inconspicuous courtyard of the Tu family, with complicated expressions on their faces at the same time.

The look in the eyes that fills the face is just like the ones listed above.I just feel that the changes in the world are really unpredictable, and the speed is so fast that people are caught off guard, and the speed is so fast that people cannot be prepared.

The Tu family's decline and prosperity have undergone such an astonishing change in just a few days.

Tu Gang is dead, and the Tu family has no pillars, but after today, do they dare to say that the Tu family will not be more prosperous and stronger in the future?
Sighing, all the warriors looked at each other, turned and left one after another, but their eyes were flashing with thoughts in their hearts.The Tu family obviously did not decline as they expected, and there is even a possibility of further becoming stronger. In this case, how to get along with the Tu family in the future will naturally become a plan that needs to be re-formulated.

Tu Kui fell to his knees and kowtowed three times.

"The two adults rescued my Tu family. They are the benefactors of my Tu family. The previous offense was only done by Tu Kui. Please punish me alone. Don't embarrass my family."

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, this Tu Kui has an upright temper, without much heart and calculations, so calculated, he is a simple-minded person, he pulled him up with a flick of his sleeve, and his eyes fell on the Tu family warrior who was still in a state of perplexity. Open your mouth.

"Don't panic, we are both old friends of Tu Xiongtai, we received great kindness from him before, and now we have come to Tu's house to repay the favor."

"That's right. Brother Tu's death is ultimately related to both of us. Although we can't tell you in detail, as long as we are here in the future, we will protect your Tu family." Shi Yue's voice Calm, but loud, it has a bit more willpower that the strong cannot compete with.Accompanied by the breakthrough in his state of mind, his cultivation base touched the doorway of the upper emperor's realm, and his whole spirit has undergone a breakthrough improvement. It seems that it is not obvious, but he is completely different from before.

The Tu family's wife and others felt relieved, they never thought that these two adults were actually Tu Gang's old friends, and this relieved their Tu family's current crisis, recalling the grief of the deceased for a while, but feeling somewhat proud and joyful.

"Mother, hurry up and invite the two adults to sit down in the hall, and we will serve you refreshments before we talk." Tu Kui was lifted up by Meng Tianchen, with gentle and gentle strength, but with irresistible strength.Just like the calm water surface, it seems ordinary, but it is bottomless, and a wave can turn into a monstrous wave!
For a moment, Tu Kui felt even more awed.

"Yes, being a concubine is already negligent, please hurry up, two adults." The lady of the Tu family stretched out her hand to pretense.

Meng Tianchen looked towards the mourning hall.

"No hurry, the two of us are here today. Only by offering a stick of incense to Tu Xiongtai can we express our gratitude." In the golden flames, Tu Gang's body, mind, and spirit were all reduced to ashes. The world disappears.Worship is a comfort to the living, and it is also a choice that can make oneself feel at ease.

Shi Yue nodded, and the two stepped forward, lit a stick of incense each, bowed slightly, silently said Tu Xiongtai, and walked well.

A warrior from the Tu family took it respectfully and inserted it into the censer before the coffin.

The two then entered the hall surrounded by members of the Tu family.

Meng Tianchen and Shiyue sat at the top, as they should have been, and they didn't give way too much.

"Back then, Old Brother Tu gave us his life in exchange for an opportunity to escape. This kindness is extremely great. Today, I came here with Lord Qingyun. If you have any needs, you can tell them yourself. If you can meet them, we will definitely give you a chance to escape." Yes."

The teacher spoke slowly.

Although Meng Tianchen didn't say much, he nodded slightly.

The most precious thing in this world is human life, and the dead are dead and will never be found again.Therefore, the favor bestowed with life is the most difficult to repay.

The Tu family's wife showed hesitation on her face, hesitated for a while, but still bowed respectfully.

"If it weren't for the action of the two adults today, our Tu family might have been cornered, and we can only leave the division to find another way out. In addition, there is compensation from the Weng family. These are enough, and I really dare not ask for more. If If there is anything to worry about, it is the third son of my Tu family. If their father can still find a way out for them, if it is possible now, please ask the two adults to help them. My Tu family will definitely remember the two adults. I dare not forget the slightest bit of kindness."

Shi Yue waved his hand.

"Sister-in-law of the Tu family, please don't speak like this. We should repay the kindness of old brother Tu." Speaking of this, he frowned slightly, and opened his mouth after a little thought.

"Shimou is worshiped under the emperor Yizi's family. If the sister-in-law of the Tu family is willing, I can ask the teacher to accept the three of them into my Yi Palace. But whether they can enter the inner palace depends on the performance of the three of them in the future. "

The imperial teacher of the child power empire, Yi Gong!

In Tongli Empire, there are hundreds of millions of warriors who don't know it!
The Tu family's wife was excited, she turned her head and drank in a low voice.

"The three of you still don't kneel down, thank you uncle!"

The three brothers Tu Kui immediately fell to their knees and kowtowed to Shiyue.

"Thank you Uncle for your success. I will work hard in cultivation in the future, so as not to lose face for Uncle." While speaking, his face was full of excitement.

It is extremely difficult to be able to enter the Yi Palace, even if it is only a disciple of the outer palace.However, if the entrants either have a strong background or have extremely strong cultivation talents, being able to enter and practice in it is something that the three brothers have never expected.

Shi Yue received a gift from the three brothers, and with this nominal uncle-nephew relationship, it would be justifiable for him to take care of the Tu family in the future.If he hadn't owed too much favor to Tu Gang, how could he be easily infected with such a burden of karma.

Meng Tianchen frowned, and spoke slowly after a while.

"After all, I won't stay in the capital for a long time, and I don't have much background to arrange for you. All I can do is give you some things, hoping to make your journey on the martial arts road smoother and safer."

With a flick of his sleeve, dozens of treasures suddenly appeared on the floor of the hall, each of them shone with awe-inspiring aura, and waves of powerful aura radiated wantonly, causing the entire hall to suddenly turn into a turbulent sea.

The three Tu Kui brothers were breathless, their eyes fell on these treasures at the same time, and they could no longer move away.Although they don't know their true quality, they can know their power only from the induction of these breath fluctuations!

There are dozens of treasures, and the power contained in each one is enough to kill them easily.

Shi Yue also felt a slight shock in his heart, and his peripheral vision fell on Meng Tianchen's calm face, wondering how many powerful men he had killed to collect these powerful treasures.Each piece has a power comparable to that of a superior emperor, and they are all exquisite products!
"The three of you can choose one of these treasures according to your own needs."

The three Tu Kui brothers were immediately ecstatic. With such a treasure in their hands, although their cultivation base was a little weaker, they could still have some strength to protect themselves even in the face of a strong man. After saluting, they carefully selected .With such a rare opportunity, they naturally have to be cautious.

After a while, the three of them hesitated, and finally chose their own treasures.It's just that treasures have spirits, but they are not allowed to control them.

Meng Tianchen stretched out his hand, and the power of Pei Ran instantly suppressed the three treasures. The three treasures quickly made a choice between being wiped out of their wisdom or surrendering.

Under the premise of no resistance, the recognition of the Lord was successfully completed, and the three brothers Tu Kui saluted Meng Tianchen again.

As for what happens to the Tu family in the future, it can only depend on their good luck.

Meng Tianchen can protect them for a while, but he can't protect them for a lifetime. People still have to rely on themselves.But with Shiyue staying in Shidu, they must have a much better life in the future.

After finishing the matter of the Tu family, Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue stood up and said goodbye, the wife of the Tu family held them back twice, seeing that the two did not want to delay, she did not continue to speak, and respectfully sent them outside the door, seeing the two go away Just returned.The whole family knelt down in Tu Gang's mourning hall and prayed to him for today's events, and the grief in their hearts was greatly diluted by this.

(End of this chapter)

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