Chapter 926 Wen Lao

Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue walked not far from Tu's house, and they stopped separately.

"Brother Yue, now that the matter has been settled, I will return to the pilgrimage palace and wait for the opening of the tribute ceremony of the Hundred Kingdoms."

Shi Yue smiled and nodded.

"In the next few days, I will also take up a post in the Forbidden Army, so that I can become familiar with military affairs earlier, so that I can truly control the military power. In this way, you and I will see you after the Hundred Nations Tribute Ceremony."

"it is good!"

Meng Tianchen clasped his hands, turned around and left without pausing, his steps seemed normal, but his speed was extremely fast, in a blink of an eye, his figure had disappeared.

Free and easy, as it should be.

Shi Yue smiled and walked away alone.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The main gate of Tongli Empire's imperial palace was opened, and the elite forbidden army was like a javelin column, with no end in sight.The dragon flag was raised high, hunting and making noise in the wind, and the giant dragon on the flag seemed to be about to take off and roar towards the sky!
The Hundred Nations Tribute Ceremony begins.

The envoys from all parties set out from the pilgrimage palace, each dressed in their own costumes, with solemn faces, lined up in a long but neat line, gathered outside the imperial palace, stepped into it, and entered the core of the power of the child power empire!
An invisible beam of light rose into the sky, invisible to the naked eye, but it looked like a brilliant pillar of heaven in the telepathy, piercing through endless space, connecting the earth and the sky.

Its color is golden, its momentum is huge, and its energy is full!

This is formed by the confluence and blessing of the luck of hundreds of millions of subjects of the Tongli Empire, covering the entire Tongli Empire imperial palace, representing the supreme power and luck of the Tongli Empire!Under the range of this beam of light, any warrior must feel awe and tremble.

If Tongli's empire never dies, this beam of light will never dissipate, protecting the imperial palace from any threats.In this beam of light, the child master is supreme, he can mobilize the fate of the country to suppress and kill him in a fit of anger, and no one below a demigod can resist!

With such a method, the ghosts and gods will change the situation!
There are 81 large and small forces affiliated to the Tongli Empire, referred to as Baiguo for short. All envoys pay tribute to the imperial palace, and the first one in the list is Liuligu Wuguda.

The power of Liuligu is so strong that even the Tongli Empire cannot be underestimated, but when paying tribute, all the envoys of Liuligu are ranked first, this is a custom.

The remaining forces are arranged in order of strength and weakness.But at this moment, among the envoys of the affiliated countries, it was not the Liuligu mission that attracted most of the attention, but Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom who lined up among the envoys.When everyone's eyes fell on his figure, most of them showed fear and awe.

Although the Pot Kingdom has not been promoted to a high-rank vassal state, its own strength is sufficient, and it ranks at the bottom of the high-rank vassal state.

Meng Tianchen walked forward with a calm demeanor in the face of many surrounding gazes, not showing any abnormalities.But at this moment, all his thoughts have not been put on this matter. Sensing the invisible coercion coming from the imperial palace of Tongli Empire, his expression is awe-inspiring, and his heart is even more shocked.

The imperial palace of the Tongli Empire is just a luxurious and majestic palace group, but with the blessing of the luck of the Tongli Empire, it has the powerful power to destroy and suppress everything!This is another manifestation of the power of influence!Although he doesn't know what the child master's cultivation level is, but as long as he is within the territory of the child power empire and has the blessing of the child power empire's luck, the child master will be invulnerable to all evil and has the qualifications to fight against the sky.Even a strong demigod can't think of posing a threat to the child master!

The power of luck is endless, and if you want to gallop in the Linglong world, you need the help of power!
Meng Tianchen exhaled lightly, and slowly suppressed his excitement, so that his mind returned to calm.Today, the feelings of the Tongli Empire Imperial Palace have strengthened his thoughts, and he must develop his own power. If the power is strong enough in the future, he can not only obtain an extremely fast cultivation speed with the help of massive luck, but also use the help of luck. Bless your body with the power of your body, so that your own strength will be greatly improved!

"Xuan's envoys from all parties, enter the palace to have an audience!"

The slightly sharp voice of the valet suddenly spread out under the blessing of strength, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every envoy.

"Xuan's envoys from all parties, enter the palace to have an audience!"

The guards shouted in unison, and the breath in their bodies was faintly visible, pointing straight at the sky like straight blades, and the rolling sound waves were like the tide of the river and sea, and the vast soup swept out, turning the whole world into an endless ocean!

It can be clearly heard from any corner in the imperial palace of Tongli Empire.

Accompanied by the explosion of sound waves, a dragon chant suddenly came out in the golden beam of light that soared into the sky, and a phantom of a nine-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared from the golden beam of light. Ten thousand zhang, stretching without end!
And at the moment when the dragon chant came, the bodies of the envoys from all sides couldn't help trembling slightly, and their hearts were filled with reverence and admiration. Above their heads, there appeared a small dragon figure, varying in size and reality. The difference represents the strength of the luck of their respective forces.

The stronger the power and luck, the more complete the dragon's body and the more powerful its aura.For example, the dragon on Meng Tianchen's body turned black, with a single horn on its head, but on the head of Wu Guda, the former envoy of Liuli Valley, the body of the dragon was dozens of times the size of the Qiyun dragon of the Pot Kingdom, with a pale golden body and a dragon horn on its head , no feet under the abdomen.If one day, the golden jellyfish grows enough, it will be able to transform into a dragon, and then soar into the sky!But even so, now under the suppression of the Golden Dragon of Luck of the Tongli Empire, the Golden Dragon of Liuli Valley struggled a lot, and finally had to hover and bow its head!

This is the most direct confrontation between forces and luck!
Under the child power empire, all the dependent countries must bow their heads!

The envoys and warriors of all parties were in awe, bowed their heads and entered the Golden Palace of the Tongli Empire one by one. Under the majestic pressure, they did not dare to look at the slightest bit, and paid homage to the Tongzhu, who was on the nine-fold throne, and shouted that His Majesty the Tongzhu will enjoy the infinite forever !

"Pingshen." The child master said lightly, his voice was calm, but it seemed to contain infinite and powerful power, and possessed a strong will that was beyond doubt and irresistible!
Every word and deed are rules!

This is the supreme power endowed to him by Tongli Empire!
"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the envoys got up and stood respectfully at the bottom.

Suppressed by the fate of the child power empire, they dare not be presumptuous in the face of the child master, and their words and deeds are all respectful and submissive.

Standing on both sides of the main hall are only the important officials of the Tongli Empire, standing in awe with no expression on their faces, their eyes occasionally sweeping over the envoys of various countries, which also has a sense of arrogance.The luck of the children's power empire is in full swing, and the affiliated countries pay tribute one after another. They naturally have the right to be proud.

"Time flies by in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye it's time for hundreds of nations to pay tribute. I am very relieved to see all of you here. I hope that after you return, you will tell the masters of your respective forces and let them act cautiously in the future. Think twice about everything, if you can be respectful and submissive to the Tong Power Empire and never give in, I promise not to change the tribute, not to use the power of swords, and not to bully the weak!"

"Your Majesty is merciful, we will surely pass on this message!"

The child master nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand slightly, and the servant beside him took a step forward.

"His Majesty the Xuantong Power Empire ordered that the envoys of all parties pay tribute, and all of them will be rewarded, and they will be brought back to their respective power masters to show the great grace of the emperor, and bestow it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

All the envoys bowed down and saluted.

"Your Majesty, all vassal states should act in accordance with the will of the emperor of the Tongli Empire. If there is any change, and despise the Tongli Empire and our emperor's will, what should we do?" The old man with a resolute face stepped forward and saluted the child master respectfully, speaking with an air of self-indignation and self-indignation.

The child master frowned slightly.

"If it is as you said, it means that you are disrespectful and disrespectful to my child power empire, and you should be severely punished."

"Your Majesty is holy!" The important minister saluted respectfully, but the tone of his words changed instantly, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Since that is the case, please Your Majesty order that among the tribute envoys, those who are disrespectful and disrespectful to our child power empire be taken down, and show their heads to the public!"

The voice was resolute and decisive, with a sense of coldness and sternness!

The entire hall was suddenly quiet.

All the envoys from all sides were shocked, and when they came back to their senses, they turned their heads at the same time, looking at one place faintly.

As for the important ministers and heroes of the Tongli Empire, their eyes were cold, with a hint of mockery.

Meng Tianchen's expression was calm, but there were some wrinkles between his brows, he looked down at the bright and clean ground of the hall, his face was calm, without showing any strangeness.

This composure made many warriors in the hall either stand in awe or frown or secretly sneer!
"I don't know who Elder Wen is referring to?" The child master opened his mouth slowly, his eyes swept across the hall, and all the ministers felt awe-inspiring.

Only Wen Lao was not forced by the boy master's aura, and bowed his hands in salute.

"The envoy of the Pot Kingdom, Lord Qingyun, Meng Tianchen!"

Although everyone has guessed, but at the moment when they heard the words, they couldn't help being shocked in their hearts!
The name of Meng Tianchen has already been spread all over the teacher capital, no matter whether it is the little-known envoy of the Hu Kingdom, the cultivation level of a suspected eighth-rank great emperor is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

But at this moment, Wen Lao, the important minister of Tong Power Empire, directly admonishes the Tong Master and captures Meng Tianchen from the head of the owl. How amazing is the courage of such a move!

The child master frowned and said nothing, but his eyes had passed the crowd and landed on the figure of the envoys who bowed their heads slightly to show awe.It's just that at this moment the other party's brows are furrowed more and more tightly, but there is still no panic on his face.

This made the child master a little curious, but also a little angry.

He is the lord of Tongli Empire, and now someone is directly impeaching him and punishing him with death, but Meng Tianchen can still deal with it so indifferently, is he sincerely admiring him?Still haven't said that His Majesty the boy master is in his eyes.

The emperor's heart moved with a single thought, but the whole momentum changed drastically. The gentle and gentle pressure of the emperor suddenly turned into a cold wind at this moment, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became rigid and stagnant.

"Is there any basis for Mr. Wen's statement? And don't make false statements and frame the envoy."

Although the child master was still questioning, the changes in breath and the deep meaning revealed in the words shocked the hearts of the warriors in the court.

For example, the three brothers of the father-in-law's family, although their faces are expressionless at the moment, they still can't hide their joy in their hearts. They followed the will of their ancestors and put aside their enmity with Meng Tianchen for the time being, but it doesn't mean that they don't want to see Meng Tianchen in trouble .

We don't want to touch you, but it's okay if someone makes a move, sits on the sidelines or adds fuel to the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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