Chapter 930
"Don't be afraid. I have already received the teacher's order. I want to use your acquaintance to lobby for you to stay in Tongli Empire. This time you have gone through all kinds of troubles, and the mission of the mission was suppressed. When I need comfort and persuasion, I naturally can't miss this opportunity. Now I am doing business for His Majesty, whoever dares to talk too much, let them go, and see if they will be scolded bloody by His Majesty." Shi Yue asked himself He took a seat, with a sneer on his face.

Meng Tianchen chuckled, and asked Shi Yue to come to recruit him, which would save him a lot of trouble, and avoid wasting his energy by making false claims with someone else.

"You know that my ambition is not in the Tongli Empire, and now you come here in such a hurry, presumably it is not so simple to show your loyalty to His Majesty the Tongzhu?"

Shi Yue glanced over Meng Tianchen's body, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that you really don't know what Gulongtan is, otherwise how can you maintain stability at this moment. Presumably you also don't know. Although His Majesty's official order has not yet been issued, the entire division has already made a fuss over this matter. Wait for news in a few days As the news spread, I am afraid that there are still many warriors coming from far away. This incident in the Mangu Region is likely to leave a strong mark in history. Our Majesty's method is really brilliant. "During the speech, there was admiration and longing on his face.

"Although I think the scene you mentioned is very spectacular, you still haven't told me where the Gulongtan is?" Meng Tianchen poured himself a cup of tea and said in a low voice.

Shi Yue also felt that he didn't know the efficacy of Gulongtan, and the shock caused by talking about it was a little pale. Now he fully explained the efficacy of Gulongtan that he knew, and his eyes became brighter and more dazzling with the narration.

"This is Gulongtan, I wonder what Brother Meng thinks?" When Shi Yue said this, there was a faint pride on Shi Yue's face, a faint pride.After all, in the final analysis, he is also the clan of the Tongli Empire, or in other words, this Gulongtan belongs to their master!Although he has not obtained the qualification to enter it so far, this does not prevent him from feeling somewhat complacent because of the blood in his body.

After all, something like Gulongtan is really more effective.

Promote bloodline, increase potential!

Improve your physique and change your life against the sky!

The effect of Gulongtan can be summed up in these eight characters.

But that's amazing enough!
Meng Tianchen's face was slightly stiff, and his heart was already shaken!
As the owner of one of the most noble bloodlines of the Dragon Clan, Meng Tianchen originally disdained the Laoshizi Gulongtan mentioned by the boy master, not to mention that he was very disgusted with the Shi family's bloodline, and he didn't know how the Shijia's bloodline had the dragon bloodline.

More importantly, Meng Tianchen was afraid that he would stay in the master for a long time, especially when he encountered some old immortals from the master's family, he would be able to sense the dragon bloodline totem on him.

That would be a disaster.

However, when Meng Tianchen heard about the heaven-defying effect of Gulongtan, he couldn't calm down anymore.

After he awakened with more and more Qinglong bloodlines, Meng Tianchen even inherited many ancient dragon clan's unknown secrets.

He can almost conclude that this Gulongtan is definitely not a simple Gulongtan, it is very likely to be a sacred object of the ancient dragon clan.

After a long silence, Meng Tianchen slowly regained his composure, but he was confused for a while and couldn't make a clear judgment. Seeing Shi Yue's smug face, he couldn't help but speak lightly.

"If there is nothing wrong, there should be some blood of the clan of the Tongli Empire in my body. That is to say, even if Gulongtan belongs to the master's family, and you have never entered it, you should not have the right to show such a look in front of me."

Shi Yue's face froze, and then he showed embarrassment, coughed lightly and finally put away his complacency.

The two fell silent at the same time, both of them lowered their heads slightly, their brows were furrowed, obviously their thoughts were turning.

After a while, Shi Yue still spoke, breaking the silence between the two.

"How about it, have you considered the matter clearly? In all fairness, the qualification of Gulongtan is too precious. I hope you can fight for it. After all, with your strength, you have this qualification. It would be a pity to miss it." .”

If the opportunity to enter Gulongtan is in front of you, if you miss it, it will be more than a pity, it will be a matter of regret for the rest of your life, and you can't wait to reach out and shake your seventeen or eighteen big mouths.

Meng Tianchen was silent, and slowly raised his head after a while.

"If I hadn't been reminded by you, maybe I would have really tried my best to seize the opportunity in the matter of Manguyu and get the opportunity to enter Gulongtan. But at this moment, do you think that if I successfully enter Gulongtan, His Majesty Tongzhu will still Will you let me go?"

Shi Yue was silent, then shook his head and smiled wryly.

Although he already had such a guess in his heart, when he really heard these words from Meng Tianchen's mouth without nostalgia, he still couldn't help being shocked, and then he felt a wave of admiration, just seeing it in his hand like this What a pity to slip away.

"Just don't think about it again. Maybe you will never encounter such an opportunity again in your life?"

Meng Tianchen shook his head, the confusion and hesitation in his heart disappeared after he made a decision, since he has made a decision, don't regret it.

So at this moment, his expression was extremely calm, and he spoke slowly.

"I admit that Gulongtan is indeed a heaven-defying opportunity not to be missed. If I can get it, it will be of great benefit to my future cultivation. But if I get this opportunity, the price I need to pay is that I will be stranded in the The Tongli Empire, even in this life, has no chance to get rid of its shackles. That being the case, this time the opportunity of Gulongtan is not worth it."

Speaking of this, Meng Tianchen paused slightly, and said softly: "Besides, even if I miss the opportunity of Gulongtan this time, I don't think I have lost the opportunity to climb to the top of martial arts. With my own strength, I can also get my Everything you want."

Meng Tianchen's voice was a little low, but calm, but it was in this calm that there was an undeniable strong will.

This is a kind of absolute confidence in oneself.

Shi Yue suddenly realized that maybe Meng Tianchen could achieve today's cultivation achievement, and the strong self-confidence hidden under his calm appearance also played a vital role.

The so-called heart of the strong is unwavering, not moved by foreign objects, not hurt by setbacks, maybe that's what it means.

"It seems that you have thought clearly, so I will stop persuading you. Then this time about the Mangu Domain, are you going to leave?" With Meng Tianchen's mind, since he can be decisive enough to give up Gulongtan Naturally, when the time to escape comes, she will leave without hesitation.

Meng Tianchen nodded and sighed softly.

"Above the main hall today, you can also see clearly that His Majesty Tongzhu has already started to attack me. If I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't have the chance in the future."

Shi Yue nodded and agreed with his judgment.

"Being a minister in the same court as me in the Tongli Empire, it is also a joy to get together frequently, but you have high ambitions, and I can only hope that you can succeed. Since you are about to leave, I don't think you will be in a hurry If you have time to practice, accompany me to Yuntong's place for a good drink, and I'm afraid there won't be many opportunities like this in the future."

"I haven't tasted the wine at Yuntong's place yet, so I can't miss it this time." With a smile on his face, Meng Tianchen stood up and walked towards the outsider.

Shi Yue was stunned, then shook his head and smiled wryly, knowing that he already had such thoughts in his heart, and was just waiting for him to open his mouth to invite.But there was no pause under his feet, he got up and followed behind Meng Tianchen, and the two went out.


The head of the guards stood up straight like a javelin, sitting on the carriage, his body was as motionless as if the roots of pine and cypress penetrated into the ground, his gaze was steady, but occasionally a sharp light flashed through it.Any martial artist who sensed his aura would feel a sense of awe from the depths of his heart, and then become even more in awe of the owner in the car.Being able to use a martial artist of this level as a driver, even if he never showed up, is enough to prove his strength.

Every few moments, the voice of a mysterious adult can be heard in the carriage, calm and gentle, guiding him in the direction.

And at this time, the respectful look on the face of the head of the guards will become more serious.

And just when the thoughts in this person's mind turned, the car had already turned into a long alley, and after a while, an adult's faint voice came from inside the car.


The leader of the guards woke up suddenly, but his body remained motionless. He reached out and gently stopped the car, without any vibration or instability.

There are already several cars parked outside the restaurant, the decorations seem ordinary but each has its own extraordinary, each has a coachman standing quietly at the side, looking at the leader of the guards who jumped off the carriage at this moment, I couldn't help but jump slightly in my heart, slightly bow their heads in awe.

He jumped out of the car, glanced cautiously around, not seeing the awe of these drivers, and opened the car door respectfully.

Taoist Lu stepped out, looked at the restaurant in front of him, with a look of nostalgia on his face, walked towards the door of the store, and said lightly: "You wait for me here."

The status of the head of the guards is very important, and it has been a long time since he worked in the palace as a driver, but today he was left by Taoist Lu to take care of the carriage, and he didn't even get the chance to enter the restaurant, so he didn't feel any resentment.

Because adults have such qualifications.

Taoist Lu stepped in, his eyes swept across the room, there was a gleam in his eyes, full of emotions and reminiscences, all in a calm and indifferent.

It's not that the restaurant doesn't have a lobby, but most of the warriors who come here to drink are of high status, they won't be stingy with Chaos Crystal and don't want to be disturbed by others, so the upstairs private room is naturally their first choice.

The wine shop boy has already walked over quickly.

"I don't know if there is a reserved box for the guests?" Although the young servant has never met the warrior in front of him, he can feel the indifference and calmness of him. He knows that he is not an ordinary person, and his expression is quite respectful.

"No, I can just stay in the lobby. It's just that I haven't been here for many years. I don't know if there are still some rare wines in the restaurant." Lu Dao walked into the lobby, took a seat in a corner, and pondered for a while.

"Fierce Knife, Youhen, Drunken Sky, if there are any, let's use these three first."

(End of this chapter)

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