Chapter 931 Blood Resonance

The boy's face was slightly stiff. He had stayed in the Yun's wine shop for a long time, but he had never heard of these three kinds of wine names, and the person in front of him seemed to have an extraordinary bearing, so he naturally didn't dare to open his mouth and bowed immediately. .

"Guests stay here, the villain will pass on the owner of my wine shop for you, and I will reply later."

Taoist Lu nodded slightly, and sighed a little in his heart.Sure enough, the years have not come out for a long time, and even the things that I used to drink back then can no longer be found now.

Yun Tong is carefully preparing the raw materials for the brewing pool in the wine cellar. Their Yun family's wine can become a well-known time-honored brand in Shidu. Mistake.

Hearing the young man's report, she also had a bit of surprise on her face, she pondered for a while, and followed the young man towards the lobby.

Looking at the warrior from a distance, he was actually quite young in his twenties. Only the brilliance floating in his eyes and the calm and peaceful aura outside his body could make people feel the precipitation behind him who has seen all kinds of things in the world. .

Yun Tong's heart trembled slightly, and he walked to the table and bowed his knees.

"Hi guest, I am the current owner of the restaurant. We no longer sell the three kinds of drinks you need, Li Dao, Youhen, and Drunken Sky."

Taoist Lu raised his head, frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on Yuntong.

"Why is this?"

Taoist Lu's voice was calm, but when it fell into Yuntong's ears, she unconsciously explained it.

"The fierce knife is the most powerful wine. It needs to collect the blazing vines that were uniquely bred in the blazing secret realm of the Tianjia clan as raw materials. However, 30 years ago, the blazing secret realm collapsed and exploded for unknown reasons. The blazing vines It just disappeared. My ancestors tried to collect other materials with strong attributes to make wine, but they reached the level of not strong enough to be strong, so they decided to seal off the wine party and no longer make it for sale. Youhen and Drunken Sky also had insufficient raw materials or disappeared over time. The things that have happened have been dusted and no longer brewed."

"Everything in the world can't resist the passage of time, except for eternity, the rest will eventually decay and dissipate one day." Taoist Lu said in a low voice, a flash of emotion flashed across his face, and then he became flat and spoke gently.

"Since the old things have disappeared, let's taste the new wine recently. I think that with the means of your Yun Family Winery, the new wine will not disappoint me."

"Guests can rest assured that my Yun Family Winery will definitely not disappoint you. There are so many fine wines that are newly brewed. I wonder if the guests can order some on the list?" Yun Tong is now sure that the person in front of him must be someone who survived. A warrior of the ages may have escaped from the world, or may have not returned to the capital for a long time, but no matter which one it is, it is enough to prove his strength!
Warriors in the world can be said to have endless lifespan after stepping into the emperor's realm, but those who can truly survive for 10 years or even longer are all true peak powerhouses!
"I don't know which ones will be selected, so I asked the owner to choose a few excellent drinks." Taoist Lu could feel the awe of Yun Tong and others, but he came here today just to reminisce, and maybe he will never set foot here again.That being the case, it doesn't hurt to be sensed by them.And he didn't mean to hide himself. He has cultivated to his current state, which is a state where he can act freely but with his heart, and his thoughts are unrestricted.

After all, in this world, there are very few people who can restrain him.

Yun Tong respectfully agreed, and then she went to the wine cellar, took out several kinds of fine wine from the restaurant's collection, and offered them one by one, while she herself stood respectfully by her side.

"Dream of yellow beams, which means a dream of yellow beams. If you drink this wine and fall asleep, it will trigger the obsession in your memory and turn it into a dream of yellow beams."

"Thinking about hurts, thinking about hurts in the heart, drinking wine is like savoring the past years, the past memories of the mundane world come to my heart, and joy and sorrow are all in it."


Taoist Lu nodded slightly, brought the wine to taste one by one, and nodded slightly, but there was a little regret in his heart.

Wine is good wine, but with his current state of cultivation, all kinds of effects can no longer play its due role. After all, even if he does not put defenses on his current mind, it cannot be shaken by the power of this mere drink.

After drinking a sip of Sishang, my mood fluctuated slightly, and then calmed down without any waves.

In the world, there are gains and losses, and the cultivation base has been raised to such a state, and now it is impossible to achieve the effect of a taste of fine wine.Just like him now, even if his cultivation is as high as the sky, he can't go back to the past.

What is gone is always gone.

No more.

Lu Dao sighed softly, put down his wine glass, and wanted to get up and leave.

But at this moment, two warriors suddenly walked into the door of the restaurant, and at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened.

Yun Tong also saw the two people stepping in for a moment, with a look of joy in his eyes, and respectfully saluted the mysterious guest, then turned to welcome them.

"Today, His Majesty hosted a banquet at the tribute ceremony of the Hundred Kingdoms. Why did you two come together?"

Shi Yue shook his head slightly, Yun Tong was guarding the restaurant, probably not aware of the turmoil at the tribute ceremony, but this is not a place to explain too much, his eyes fell on the only guest in the lobby, and there was something in his eyes dignified.

Meng Tianchen frowned, before he entered the restaurant, he saw the seemingly ordinary but very simple car driver, and the not-so-simple driver beside the car driver, and he knew that there were some great guests in the restaurant today .

It's just that looking at the martial artist in the lobby at this moment, the palms of his robe sleeves are still slightly stiff.

It's not like a vast ocean, it's not an isolated peak, and it's normal to watch with the naked eye through telepathy.But it is the aura that is as calm as a mountain and as immobile as the surface of an ancient well in a deep mountain that exudes in this ordinary life, which makes it even more astonishing.

And for some reason, just looking at his background made the Qinglong blood in Meng Tianchen's body tremble without warning. Although it soon returned to calm, it had already caused endless shocks in his heart.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen's expression was still calm, the look of surprise in his eyes flashed away, and he was suppressed by the powerful state of mind.

Yun Tong understood what the two of them meant and spoke in a low voice.

"This guest should be an old customer from the ancestor's time of my Yun family's wine shop. Maybe he hasn't returned to the capital for a long time. Today, he came to my Yun's house to look for fine wines from that year. Unfortunately, several types cannot be brewed due to lack of raw materials."

With that guest's cultivation level, nothing in the wine shop could hide his feelings, and Yun Tong didn't mean to hide too much when he spoke this time, but there was a hint of a hint.

Ingredients are missing!

Shi Yue's eyes widened slightly, his face was stiff, and his eyes were filled with shock.

He already understood the deep meaning of Yun Tong's words.

The Yunjia Liquor Shop has been established in ancient times, and there are definitely not many types of fine wines that have been discontinued, and there are only a few types of fine wines that cannot be brewed due to lack of raw materials, all of which happened even more distant years ago.

Although the martial artist's cultivation base and lifespan are not necessarily proportional, but those who can live from ancient times to today are absolutely terrifying existences!

Meng Tianchen also heard Yuntong's point, and his expression became more solemn.

During the conversation between the three of them, Taoist Lu's tensed body slowly returned to calm, but the shock and excitement in the depths of his eyes were so obvious.With his state of mind and cultivation as such, it is enough to know what a terrifying psychological impact the things in his heart have had on him.

Taking a deep breath, Taoist Lu forced himself to regain his composure in the shortest possible time, slowly turned around and looked at the three of them, and said with a smile: "It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. I met two brothers today. I wonder if you can have a drink with me?" A glass."

Shi Yue hesitated in his heart and hadn't made a decision, but saw Meng Tianchen beside him and directly opened his mouth.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother you." Yu Luo walked towards the table, Shi Yue was puzzled, but he also knew that Meng Tianchen's move must have a deep meaning, so he followed without saying a word.

A bit of surprise flashed in Yuntong's eyes, and he walked to the table and stood beside the three of them.

As the distance between each other shortened, the throbbing from the blood became stronger and stronger. Daoist Lu was certain in his heart, and then he was inexplicably ecstatic.But his face remained calm at the moment.

"I'm called Taoist Lu, and the two brothers can call me Daoist."

"Under Meng Tianchen."

"Under the master."

The two cupped their hands one after another, with a little respect in their voices.It's just that Meng Tianchen frowned slightly in his heart. Although the warrior in front of him was extremely calm, he had a faint intuition that most of the attention of this person was on him.

Meng Tianchen didn't feel any hostility, but instead had a strange feeling in his heart, which might be called closeness.It seems that the dragon bloodline on this person is very extraordinary, definitely not under the blue dragon bloodline.

However, Meng Tianchen didn't dare to stimulate the power of Qinglong's bloodline to sense the opponent's bloodline.

"Brother Tai's surname is correct, if it is correct, it should be the clan of the Tongli Empire. Is what I said correct?" Taoist Lu smiled slightly.

Shi Yue didn't hide it, and nodded casually.

"It's nothing more than a family member who is not outstanding in the collateral lineage, and it's nothing."

Taoist Lu nodded, then shook his head.

"It's great to be able to see your identity, be humble and self-restraining, but you don't have to belittle yourself too much. The royal blood of Tongli Empire, not to mention this Linglong world, is the most noble blood even in the entire ten-direction world. You can have it because of your luck, and others can't ask for it." He said casually, calmly, without preaching, but in this calmness, people can't help but think that the thing is in this way.

Shi Yue paused for a moment, then got up and gave him a deep salute.This statement seemed simple, but it made him understand that it was natural for a warrior to be calm.

This point may be simple, but it is hard to see through. For a moment, he realized something, which made him feel that his state of mind had changed a little bit, and the feeling of breakthrough in cultivation became clearer and deeper in an instant. One step closer to stepping into the realm of the upper emperor.

For a moment, I felt a little more awe and gratitude for the Lu Taoist brother in front of me.

Taoist Lu never stopped him from bowing down, after all, with his status and previous guidance, it is not an exaggeration to accept his salute.

Just now he opened his mouth casually, but he has already implicitly contained his own state of perception, which can instantly arouse Shi Yue's mood change, and naturally and smoothly figure out the deep meaning of his words, otherwise, if it is an ordinary warrior, even if he talks in his ear for three days without sleep Three nights will never have such an effect.

(End of this chapter)

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