Chapter 932 Mu Yuanshui

At this moment, Taoist Lu's eyes flickered slightly, and he fell on Meng Tianchen, pondered for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

"A young and strong man like brother Meng Tianchen shouldn't be an unknown person, but forgive me for my ignorance, but I don't know when the Meng family came out of the master capital."

Meng Tianchen cupped his hands and opened his mouth when he heard the words.

"Ren Daoist Lu is serious. Meng is not a teacher and warrior, but an envoy from the Hu Kingdom. He was sent as an envoy to the Tongli Empire by the Lord's order."

"It turns out that Xiongtai is actually a martial artist from the Hu Kingdom."

"It's not wrong to say that, it's just that I ascended from the small world, and then stayed in the pot kingdom." Meng Tianchen said lightly, but he carefully observed the expression and reaction of the person in front of him from the corner of his eye.

Taoist Lu nodded slightly, but his expression didn't change at all. Even with Meng Tianchen's eyesight, he didn't notice anything wrong. With cultivation base and self-control ability, he can perfectly camouflage without revealing any abnormalities in front of his eyes.

For a moment, he hesitated a little.

Taoist Lu suddenly smiled.

"I've been out for a long time today, so I should go back, but meeting the two brothers is also considered a fate. I want to give the two brothers some small things to form a good relationship. I don't know if you have something that you need. Tell me, maybe I can meet your requirements."

Shi Yue's eyes changed slightly, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

The Lu Taoist in front of him has unfathomable cultivation and extremely mysterious identity. It was strange to invite them to drink at first, but now he wants to present treasures.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, he will not accept it.

But at this moment, he did not realize that the bright color flashed in Meng Tianchen's eyes, and the halo flowed in the pair of dark eyes, and he opened his mouth slowly.

"Since Taoist Lu opened his mouth, Meng will not be polite. I really need a treasure now. I don't know if you have it in your hand?"

"Haha, brother, it's okay to say." Taoist Lu smiled and said without too many guarantees, but in this smile, there was endless confidence.

"Muyuan water."

Shi Yue's pupils contracted slightly, and he suddenly looked at Meng Tianchen, with an unconcealable shock in his eyes!
What a treasure this wood source water is!
Meng Tianchen actually opened his mouth and directly asked for such an incomparably precious treasure, which greatly exceeded Shi Yue's expectations.

In the entire Linglong world, only the giant power does not fall into the alliance. I heard that there is Mu Yuanshui.

Legend has it that there is a forbidden place in Buluo League, named Yibao Mountain and Kuan Mountain.The mountain stretches for 800 million miles, and the dense forest is covered with lush ancient trees. All kinds of rare herbs and spiritual things grow densely in the crevices of the rocks, shaded by trees, streams and canyons.During the natural breath, he can absorb the power of endless wood spirits.

And in this mysterious wide mountain, there is a small pond. The mountains and terrain form a formation of their own due to the power of heaven and earth, absorbing the power of endless wood spirits to condense, and every other year, a drop of water can be condensed, flowing from the stone wall of the small pond. Slowly oozes and slides into the pool.

And this small pool is called Muyuan Pond, and the water in the pool is naturally the legendary Muyuan Water.

Since the existence of the Buluomeng, the wood source water accumulated in the Muyuan pool has always maintained a rough balance between output and consumption. The wood source water has never been more than two fingers deep, and no more than two hundred drops. Incomparable!

Every drop of Muyuan Water is a treasure of chaos, but for any warrior who is seriously injured, especially those whose soul or mind has been injured, as long as it has not collapsed and the injury is within the repair range of Muyuan Water, a drop of Muyuan Water is enough to kill him from life to death. Pull it out directly, and even reshape the flesh directly!
And for wood-type magical warriors, it is a rare treasure in the world. Those who refine one drop can not only be sublimated in all directions, but their cultivation base will also soar!

Yun Tong's mouth opened slightly, she naturally knew Mu Yuanshui's name, she never thought that Meng Tianchen, who looked calm and calm, could open his mouth suddenly at this moment.

Taoist Lu frowned slightly, bowed his head in thought for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"I used to get some wood source water, but I have already used it, but now I don't have it in my hand." Speaking of this, he paused slightly.

"Based on your current state, you shouldn't need to use Mu Yuanshui to cultivate. Could it be that you need this thing to save people?"

Meng Tianchen nodded.

"In the early years, an elder fell asleep to help me with a serious injury. Now that my condition is getting worse, I really need this thing urgently."

That's right, what Meng Tianchen wanted to save was not one, but two!

Wuhen old ghost and Xiaoyu!

Especially Xiaoyu, who has never woken up, Wuhen old ghost occasionally wakes up, but the tendency of the old ghost's remnant soul to collapse is becoming more and more serious, and it is difficult to survive for a long time.

Although Meng Tianchen has grown to the point where he is quite strong today, even if Old Ghost Wuhen recovers and the Blood River Pagoda is completely restored, it is impossible to give him more help.

However, when he was still very weak, Wuhen old ghost and Xiaoyu saved him from trouble more than once.

It can be said that Wuhen Old Ghost and Xiaoyu are Meng Tianchen's relatives besides Ji Yan'er and other wives!
As early as in Hu Kingdom, he had ordered Xianzi to inquire secretly, knowing that it was precious, he could only put it down for now, after all, with his current strength, there was no way to get Mu Yuanshui.But facing this mysterious Taoist Lu today, Meng Tianchen chose to speak after quick thinking, one is because he does have the possibility of possessing such a treasure, perhaps this is an opportunity.Secondly, it is also to use this incident to test the meaning of what this Taoist Lu has done today.

It's just that even though he said bluntly that he didn't have this thing in his hand, it didn't give people a sense of perfunctory, as if the facts were as he said.And Meng Tianchen never had the belief that he must get it, even if he didn't get it this time, he would not feel disappointed.

Taoist Lu pondered for a while.

"Although I don't have Mu Yuanshui on me, maybe if you wait patiently, there will be a chance to harvest this thing in the near future. I want to give you two some gifts today, but one dare not speak, and the other doesn't have it in my hand. Really helpless."

"Then I'll take a step first, maybe in the future, you and I will have a chance to meet again."

After Yuluo, he got up directly, turned around and left casually.

Shi Yue showed a puzzled look on his face, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, hesitating a little, but he still didn't ask any questions.Maybe the matter involves privacy. Although we are friends, we should have a little sense of propriety as the way to get along with friends.

Yun Tong is a person who can't hide his words, but under the restraint of Shi Yue's eyes, he can only hold back his curiosity, but his eyes blinked and blinked, as if he got to know Meng Tianchen again today.

Meng Tianchen was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly.

"I know you two are curious, but I really can't give you any answer. Today is also the first time I met this Taoist Lu. I just vaguely feel that there is something different about him, but I can't say what it is. "

"Forget it, I'm about to leave the capital, and maybe I won't see him again in the future. Today, maybe I really think too much."

While moaning, he inhaled slowly, smoothing out all his emotions.

"Then will you and I still drink this time?" Shi Yue asked.

"Of course I want to drink. After I arrived in the capital, you have never invited me to have a real drink." Meng Tianchen said with a smile.

"Yuntong, just bring all kinds of good wine in the wine cellar. If someone treats you today, I won't be polite."

Shi Yue shook his head helplessly, but he felt a little admiration in his heart. If the two had changed seats, he thought he would not be able to do so freely.

"Don't forget, Yuntong is mine now, so naturally this restaurant is also mine."

Meng Tianchen stepped up the stairs, and nodded upon hearing this.

"Then pack some wine for me and taste it slowly in the future."

Packing drinks, of course, is about leaving.

Shi Yue was silent, then nodded, got up and followed behind him.

The car was parked outside the wine shop, and the head of the guards stood aside with his eyes slightly closed, his face calm, and he didn't notice the awe-inspiring gazes around him.

Regarding the arrogance of this driver with a mysterious background, the surrounding warriors who also came from unusual backgrounds did not dare to feel dissatisfied. After sensing the cold aura in the other person's body, they didn't even have the courage to take a step closer. .

And at this moment, the leader of the guards closed his eyes and suddenly opened them, took two quick steps forward, bowed slightly to salute, with a respectful expression.

The surrounding martial artists also bowed their heads in awe.

Taoist Lu stepped forward, boarded the carriage calmly, and said calmly, "Let's go, go straight back."

The leader of the guards bowed his hands and said yes, he glanced at the wine shop from the corner of his eye, feeling a little bit suspicious in his heart.Although the lord's voice was calm, he could sense that after leaving the wine shop, the lord seemed to be in a better mood.

He shook his head slightly, suppressing the thoughts in his mind, no matter what happened in this wine shop, since the adults don't want him to know, it's better not to think too much about it.


The car directly soared into the sky, and the rich spiritual light shot up into the sky, releasing a powerful and amazing aura.

Previously, the adults asked him to walk slowly to see the changes in the capital over the years, but now he is asked to go back directly, so naturally he no longer has to hurry as before.

The faces of the warriors driving outside the Yunjia Restaurant were stiff, their pupils constricted, revealing endless shock.And the aura that flashed across the sky that day naturally attracted the eyes of countless martial artists along the way, all of whom were in awe.

The identity of someone who can drive so unscrupulously in the capital is certainly not simple.

Taoist Lu sat cross-legged in the carriage, his eyes shone with excitement, and his face flushed slightly!

"Good! Good! Good!"

A low groan echoed and churned through the inner walls of the car.

A long time ago, in the ancient times when the great world of dragons was falling apart, some great powers of various races of dragons who had premonitioned the disaster showed their supernatural powers one after another, and sent elite children to go to other nine great worlds to lurk one after another.

At the end of the World Annihilation War, the Dragon Clan was almost completely destroyed, and even some of the lurkers who had been hiding extremely deeply were all eradicated one after another.

Only some descendants of the dragon clan who were exiled to the Linglong world were able to be preserved.The descendants of the dragon clan who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe infiltrated various forces under their identities, forbearance and secret accumulation of power, and suddenly launched an attack at the critical moment of the annexation war, annexing a large area in one fell swoop, and becoming a strong contender for the ownership of the Linglong world.

(End of this chapter)

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