Chapter 933
However, not all the elites of the dragon bloodline are successful, and the Qianlong lineage is one of the many failed branches of the dragon bloodline.

However, Shi Yu escaped from the catastrophe and saved his life because he was on a mission to contact other hidden forces of the dragon blood to jointly carry out an incident.

Later, he sneaked back to the Qianlong Clan's lair alone, and what he saw was only traces of fighting and destruction. The entire Qianlong Clan was slaughtered without leaving a single person!
Qianlong's lineage is secretly preparing for an incident, and Fang will gather all forces to return. This is a top secret, and non-dragon high-ranking warriors will never know about it.

But under such circumstances, Qianlong's lineage's actions were discovered, and they were brutally besieged and killed when the tribe gathered, causing a catastrophe.Shi Yu originally thought that his lineage of Qianlong was completely extinct except for him, but he never imagined that today in this Yun family wine shop, he would meet Meng Tianchen who also has the noble blood of the dragon family!
The most important thing is that it actually aroused the resonance of the blood in his body.

Shi Yu couldn't help being agitated. There are only two possibilities for this situation.One is that the dragon bloodline in Meng Tianchen's body is extremely prominent, surpassing the Qianlong bloodline.

Both of them, the other party also has the blood of Qianlong.

Shi Yu is very clear that among the dragon clan, even in the ancient times when the dragon clan was extremely powerful, the Qianlong lineage is extremely noble, not weaker than the Canglong.

Can be more noble than Qianlong's bloodline, there are only a few kinds of supreme bloodlines.

Obviously, Meng Tianchen!It is very likely that she has the blood of Qianlong.

The surprise came without warning, and even Shi Yu's state of mind could not be completely calm. He could force himself to suppress it in the wine shop just now, and now he can show it to his heart's content.

In Qianlong's lineage, besides him, there are actually other people!

Let's listen to Meng Tianchen's words, he is a warrior who ascended from the lower realm, does it mean that before the clan was exterminated, there were warriors from the lineage of Qianlong who fled to the lower realm and continued the bloodline of the clan!Thinking of this, Shi Yu became more and more excited, making him want to directly confess his identity to Meng Tianchen, and then question him in detail.But this impulse was still suppressed by him.

The joy on his face disappeared bit by bit, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he let out a sneer.Even though he has confirmed Meng Tianchen's identity, he can't say anything now, otherwise some people may feel restless.

After all, according to the family rules, with his current status, if he has a descendant, then he is also qualified to compete for the orthodoxy of the Tongli Empire, and to sit in the position of the ninety-five lord!He can have today's status because he has no descendants, and he will not have an impact on the current rule of the boy master's lineage, otherwise he will be suppressed!So this matter must not be revealed in the slightest until he has not broken through in his cultivation and has enough power and voice!

Moreover, it's not that he didn't have some doubts about the extermination of the Duo Qianlong lineage back then, but he didn't have any evidence and he didn't have the qualifications to pursue the matter, so he had to keep it in his heart and never reveal it.

But not revealing it does not mean that he has now given up his belief in doubting and pursuing this matter.

Back then, Qianlong's lineage was slaughtered, and it was unknown who leaked the news. Now the forces that did it at that time have long since perished, but the real murderer is still at large.

The inability to find out who was behind the scenes became an obsession in Shi Yu's heart that he could not let go of. With the passage of time, it became more and more deeply rooted in his beliefs, and turned into a knot that prevented him from improving his cultivation.This is not a bottleneck, but a knot in the heart. The deeper the cultivation base, the stronger the knot in the heart. If you can't untie the knot in your heart, you can't be at peace for a day, and there is no possibility of improving your cultivation base!
It's just that now that Meng Tianchen appears, he has the opportunity to shatter the obsession in his heart and break the biggest shackles that prevent him from improving his cultivation.At that time, it is not impossible to arrange carefully to make up for the lack of one's own luck, and to successfully take the third step to promote the Supreme Martial Dao!
The appearance of Meng Tianchen does not simply mean that the bloodline of the Qianlong family has not been cut off, but also an opportunity for Shi Yu to break through the shackles and set foot on the throne of God!
In this way, naturally more attention should be paid!
Shi Yu took a deep breath, suppressing all the turmoil in his heart, and regained his identity as the calm and calm elder Lu Taoist.

In the Imperial Palace of the Tong Power Empire, the Tong Master dominates everything, and he must not show any abnormalities, lest he be noticed and cause twists and turns.However, although the identities between them cannot be revealed now, it is not difficult to help Meng Tianchen a bit.

Although he didn't have Mu Yuanshui in his hand, he must have it in the monument of Tongli Empire's power.

Elder Lu Daoren's eyes flickered slightly, and he closed his eyes slowly, with a peaceful and peaceful expression.

Although there has not been an official decree issued in the imperial palace regarding the matter of Mangu Domain, the matter has spread throughout the capital through the mouths of courtiers and envoys of the Tongli Empire at the meeting that day, and spread to the entire Tongli Empire at an even more astonishing speed. The territory spreads wildly.

Three places in Gulongtan are enough to drive countless warriors completely crazy!
This is the opportunity that you can clearly see right in front of you. As long as you can rank among the top three in the Mangu Domain, you can take this heaven-defying opportunity into your hands!

Do you have confidence in your own strength?

Yes, then come and participate in the grand event in the Ancient Realm hosted by His Majesty the Child Lord!
Even if you can't get the quota of Gulongtan, this is still a chance to stand out and soar!

There are still Lin clan bandits in the Tongli Empire. They hide in the vast void, appear and disappear, and often surround and suppress them. In a few years, Lin clan bandit organizations, large and small, will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

Therefore, if it is not for their own strength, most warriors who penetrate the void will choose to take the wormhole ship that specializes in crossing the void.Although the price is not low, but there are a large number of guards and powerful warriors sitting in the guard, the safety is much higher than that of warriors crossing the void alone, and it is also the first choice for most warriors when crossing the void.

Now that the news of Shiduman's ancient domain spread, countless warriors in the entire Tongli Empire were shocked, and then they were surprised and left for Shidu one after another.

The merchants who originally did business across the void have already arranged enough wormhole ships on the route towards Shidu, but it is still far from enough at the moment.Faced with the sudden surge in the number of warriors, the merchants hurriedly deployed more wormhole ships when they were happy, increasing the number of warriors per ship by [-]%, and almost doubling the price. It is hard to find a ticket for a boat.

Every wormhole ship is full of warriors, either alone, or in small groups, talking in low voices and discussing one after another.


Amidst the noise and confusion, their eyes sparkled with excitement, and their hearts were burning hot.

"Your Majesty's opening the Mangu Realm is the chance for you and me in this life. If you are lucky, you may be able to rise to the top from now on!" A slightly thin warrior said in a low voice with excitement.

"That's right. You and I must not miss this opportunity. We must give it a go and try to become the master of that person in the future!"

Several warriors around nodded repeatedly, but one person frowned slightly and spoke in a low voice.

"Although this time is an opportunity, there are also many dangers, so you must not be careless. Otherwise, you may not get the opportunity, and you will ruin your own life."

"Wealth is hard to come by, and it's a normal thing to come by chance. If there is no danger, why would His Majesty offer such an attractive reward! I don't know who will get the three Gulongtan places in the end. That is the real genius." Great opportunity!"

All the warriors who heard these words showed envy on their faces.Although most of them will also participate in the affairs of the ancient domain, their goal is only to set the rare treasure, and the quota of Gulongtan is not something they are qualified to dream about.

Not far from here, a white-faced man stood silently. From the beginning to the end, his face was calm. He never talked with the surrounding warriors, nor did he show any changes in his expression because of what they said.

Because he is different from them, his goal is one of the three places in Gulongtan, and he has absolutely strong self-confidence, I believe he can succeed!
In the void, a warrior stepped on the void, wearing a pale white robe, hunting and drumming as he hurriedly walked.

Although he didn't control the treasure to move forward, he can cross the endless space with one step, and the speed is as fast as thunder and lightning, but it is much faster than ordinary treasures.

The faint aura of the king in the imperial realm exudes, although it is not obvious, it is enough to be noticed by the warriors from a distance, scaring away countless bandits from the neighboring clan, making them retreat far away, not daring to approach.

This person's face was calm, but his eyes were looking forward, showing a faint eagerness.

There is the direction of the capital.
A faint smell of blood permeated the void, and countless stumps and broken arms fluttered in the void. The black and cruel man retracted his sword, and the three-foot green blade did not touch a drop of blood.From the beginning to the end, he didn't show the slightest change in his expression. He turned around and returned to the outside of the pink car, and knelt down on one knee.

"Master, it has been resolved." As he spoke, there was a hint of obsessive respect on his face.

"Acheng, you are getting more and more powerful, and I like you more and more. I really want to just open my mouth and swallow you directly." A soft and charming female voice came from inside the luan car. Although I haven't seen the woman in the luan car yet, but just This voice makes people think about it, and it is difficult to control the ups and downs of the mind.

The cold black-clothed man's face flushed slightly, but he remained absolutely respectful and motionless.

"Hehe, the little guy is actually shy. My old lady doesn't eat grass by the side of the nest, you little virgin should rest assured. Let's go, although you have plenty of time, if you arrive at the teacher's capital a little earlier, maybe you can have some fun."

"Yes, Master."

Ah Cheng got up and stood outside the Luanjia, the nine chariot beasts roared at the same time, and the spiritual light gushed out from under their hoofs, and it turned into a spiritual light and whizzed away as if they were pedaling on the flat ground.

Teacher capital, husband's family.

"Your Majesty has revoked the ban on you, which shows that he is not completely disappointed in you. This time, the Mangu Region is your chance." Zhang Long, the head of the Zhang family, said slowly.

"Get the top three places and get the Gulongtan quota, His Majesty will definitely reuse you again."

"There is no room for failure this time, do you understand?"

Zhang Zhan lowered his head slightly and stood below, at this moment he heard the words and saluted respectfully.

"Father, don't worry, Zhang Zhan knows the key to this matter, and he will do his best." As for whether it can be completed, he did not guarantee it. It's not that he has no confidence, but simply thinks that it is not necessary.

Since he has identified the goal, he can naturally achieve it.

(End of this chapter)

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