Chapter 935
"Don't forget that this time the child master is so generous. He has arranged the matter of the Mangu domain after three months. He has made up his mind to recruit all the powerful people in the child power empire. Being lured by the Gulongtan, when the time comes There will inevitably be a large number of powerful people frantically rushing into the Mangu Realm. Even I am not fully sure that I can retreat unscathed. If there is an emergency, you can ask for blessings."

Shi Yue's face was slightly stiff, but all the relaxed expressions on his face were put away.Although Meng Tianchen's words were mocking his excessive security, it was not without mentioning him.

This matter in the ancient domain is not easy.

The two were silent for a while, Shi Yue got up directly, strode towards the layman, talking while walking.

"When will you go to Mangu Realm? Call me. During this period of time, I will take a good retreat and strive to make my state reach the peak."

Meng Tianchen watched him leave, his face was calm, but there was a hint of solemnity and fierceness.

No matter how many powerful people gathered in the Mangu Territory this time, he only knew that Mu Yuanshui must be in his hands!

There should be no surprises in this matter!
Mangu Territory, also known as the Royal Hunting Ground, is a hunting ground that is permanently owned by the royal family of the Tong Power Empire and that ordinary warriors are not allowed to enter!

The entire Mangu Territory is vast and vast!
In the secret territory of the Mangu Domain, there are countless large and small meteorites, which seem to be scattered all over, but if these meteorites are reduced to a point and connected in a straight line, you will find that these connected lines faintly form a formation.

These meteorites attract and interfere with each other, turning into an invisible blockade, locking the entire space, and no wild beast living in the ancient domain can cross the void and leave this void.

But today, people outside the Mangu Territory are full of voices. The Mangu Territory is about to open, and countless warriors gather here, their eyes are either dignified, excited or longing. .At a glance, within the void, on top of the meteorite, there are dense auras shining without seeing the edge.

But in this chaotic and crowded place, there are also large and small blank areas, and in each of these blank areas, there is a hidden powerful aura, which represents a strong person here. the existence of those who

These auras are faintly visible, and the occasional glimpse of them is already amazing enough!
In it, there is not a single aura lower than the middle Emperor Realm, the one with the strongest superficial induction, even has the power close to that of the Emperor Realm King!And this kind of breath, a little sense, there are more than a hundred ways, as to whether there are hidden people among them, it is unknown.

There is no powerful aura exuding from Meng Tianchen's body, but there is still a large enough blank area around him. His reputation has spread throughout the Tongli Empire, deterring countless Tongli Empire warriors from daring to act presumptuously.

As Meng Tianchen's identity was seen through and quickly spread among the surrounding martial artists, the eyes of those betting on him couldn't help but feel a little more awe.

Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom, although many people have never seen him make a move in person, it is said that he is suspected to be the eighth-rank emperor, the real king of the imperial realm.

After receiving so many shocking and awe-inspiring gazes, instead of feeling proud at all, Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. From his point of view, he has not yet entered the Mangu Realm, and yet he is showing himself so unscrupulously. Undoubtedly, it is an extremely stupid thing.But the two companions beside him obviously did not have this kind of awareness, one of them was full of complacency, and the other bowed his head in silence.

Looking across the two of them, Meng Tianchen frowned even more.

Shi Yue saw all these in his eyes, and smiled wryly in his heart, but he could only cast a sorry look at Meng Tianchen.His original intention was to be with Meng Tianchen, apart from other things, the safety would naturally be much higher.

This is the Ancient Realm, the Royal Hunting Ground, don't think it's just some play tricks.In this vast area, there are countless powerful savage beasts hidden, some of them have even evolved into stronger wild beasts, possessing wisdom not inferior to warriors, even if the middle emperor warrior enters it, he may not be able to retreat completely .And don't forget, often times like this, the biggest threat is not the beasts, but the warriors who entered the Mangu Realm with them!
Shi Yue's plan was very good, but he never thought that the teacher would let Shi Ji and Shi Xiang be with him.According to their seniority, these two people should be Shi Yue's senior brothers, and they were also young and strong in Shidu who were very popular in their early years.It was only after a long time ago that he retreated and cultivated, his reputation gradually faded away.

Not long ago, the two left the customs one after another, and they took a step at the same time, promoted to the upper emperor realm, and became the seventh-rank emperor. Yi Gong was also shocked by this. Yi Zi even held a small celebration banquet to celebrate that Yi Gong is more powerful !
A high-ranking emperor-level warrior is an absolute powerhouse even in the Tongli Empire, and it is naturally a big event for two high-ranking emperor-level warriors to appear at the same time!
It is rumored that His Majesty has even secretly summoned and faintly promised that as long as the two of them show enough strength in the Mangu Domain, there will naturally be rewards afterwards!
For a while, the two of them enjoyed a lot of scenery, and their vision naturally became a little higher.

They don't pay attention to Shiyue who has touched the threshold of the upper emperor's realm, because the realm is low.

They didn't pay much attention to Lord Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom, who was famous for shaking the capital, because the rumors were always exaggerated, and what they had seen and sensed with their own eyes, they had never detected the slightest aura of a strong man from his body.

That's why the two of them acted a little unscrupulously.

Meng Tianchen could understand that Shi Yue must have difficulties in this matter, so he shook his head slightly to indicate that he didn't need to care about it.

He only cares about his friends. As for these two, if they can cooperate, they will stay. Otherwise, they will mess around after entering the Mangu Realm. Of course, he will not agree.Although the face of the emperors of the Tongli Empire needs to be taken into account, parting ways with them is not an offense, right?

It's just that he didn't guess how important the meaning of this boy power empire emperor's plan to send these two people to him was.First of all, the two of them can play a monitoring role, and if Meng Tianchen really changes something, he must have some scruples not to use it.

The second is relatively simple, following Meng Tianchen's side, the safety is high.As for the third point, I want to let these two high-spirited disciples know what it means to be someone who is beyond others, so that they can hone their arrogant and arrogant temperament, so that they can take care of their hearts and cultivate their nature, so that they can improve their cultivation in the future.After all, those who can enter the upper emperor realm, both of them are naturally first-class materials, and they are worth cultivating.

The Mangu Realm has not yet been opened, and amidst the bustle and noise, a solemn and tense atmosphere has slowly appeared, making the whole space a bit dignified.Time passed bit by bit, and the vigilance and fear in the eyes of many warriors were also increasing.

But at this moment, at the end of the distant void, there was a sudden sound.

At first it was very weak, and then it intensified at an astonishing speed!

At the same time, a touch of gold appeared in sight, approaching quickly, the vast soup was like a golden river.

This is an extreme and pure golden color, which grows rapidly from a point, and gradually turns into a brilliant golden sky that covers the sky and the earth, and there is no end to it at a glance.

The golden armor, the golden spear, and even the mount below him are covered with golden armor. This is a golden army that looks like an ancient magic soldier.At this moment, it is swept like this, and it can directly form a very visually impactful picture, making countless warriors outside the Mangu Territory stiffen and their faces turn slightly pale.

Even those kings with powerful auras must restrain all their aura when facing this golden army.

The whistling spewed like a long river and the big waves rolled in, and suddenly stopped silently, and the tumbling sound suddenly dissipated.It is so abrupt yet so harmonious, there is no confusion of spots, and even the steps of the mount's feet are completely consistent!
This golden cavalry showed almost perfect military accomplishment in an instant.

The knight was silent, and the mount under his crotch was also silent.

The entire space was silent, as if it was shocked by the power displayed by this golden cavalry!

Suddenly, the golden cavalry slowly separated from the center, like a big golden wave that split open, revealing a straight passage hundreds of feet wide.

The golden luan drove slowly, followed by the frames of different sizes and models due to their status, surrounded by guards.When the golden luan drove to a stop, the rear frames opened one after another, and distinguished figures stepped out.

Owning the pale gold frame is Yizi, the emperor of the Tongli Empire, Luo Kai, the number one general of the Tongli Empire in the military department, and several princes who have no real power but are respected.In the future, there will be many important ministers who have been called to participate in the affairs of the ancient domain.

At this moment, they lowered their heads slightly, and in silence, they showed enough respect to the golden car in front of them.

The Forbidden Army of the Child Power Empire is one of the strongest legions in the world, and the Golden Cavalry Army in the Forbidden Army is an armed force fully controlled by the Royal Family of the Child Power Empire!Cultivated by the child master, directly responsible to the child master, no one can interfere.

Their only task is to protect the child master!

Wherever the child master leaves the palace, he must be protected by the Golden Cavalry.

So when they saw the golden legion used by the spring tide, many warriors outside the Mangu Territory had already guessed who was sitting in this noble majesty, revealing the supreme power of the chariot.

This is the Lord of the Child Power Empire!
No matter how arrogant they are, or how strong their mentality and cultivation are, they must lower their heads in front of this golden caravan, with awe in their hearts, and then countless awes.

The emperor Luanjia, which is tens of feet long, is driven by a nine dragon, each with a body of a hundred feet, with golden scales all over the body, and nine legs under the abdomen!

A warrior in golden robe stood in front of Luanjia, his face was as calm as a rock. Although he didn't emit any breath, he had a strong and unshakable will that made people feel clearly.

He is like a mountain, standing in front of Luanjia, unless he falls down, no one can approach the boy master without permission.

At this moment, he turned around and walked quickly to the side, bowed his head and opened the Luanjia.Although many people wanted to look up and see what was going on in Luanjia, the awe in their hearts and the invisible but clearly felt coercion that filled the void made them dare not be presumptuous.

(End of this chapter)

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