Chapter 936
A figure walked out of Luanjia slowly, calmly and peacefully, but the striding footsteps, swinging arms, and tumbling clothes corners all revealed an absolute and powerful momentum, which blended into his behavior, naturally.

This is a kind of kingly demeanor who sits on the world and controls everything!
One thought moves all things to perish, one thought moves all things to life!

"This seat is opening the barbaric ancient domain today. Warriors from the child power empire or affiliated countries under the rule can participate. Those who perform well will be rewarded! The one-month period will be based on the number of hunting, the strength of the prey, and the ranking. A bright future. In a prosperous life, everything is in your hands.”

"Old Ancient Territory, in order to fight for a bright future, let's wait and fight!"

The child master spoke, his voice was calm and not impassioned, but it had an indescribable influence. Wrapped in invisible power, it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every warrior here, making their complexions flushed and their hearts surging.

The moment the words fell, the child master waved his robe sleeves, and a rich golden light suddenly burst out, just like a golden sun appeared in the void.

The golden beam of light shot out suddenly, and blasted straight towards the place where Mangu Domain was located. When it landed in the void, it stirred up layers of ripples, spread to the surrounding area, merged with the golden light, and condensed a golden portal.This gate is thousands of miles high and hundreds of miles wide. Exquisite and gorgeous textures are displayed on the door frame. Golden light flows on these lines, and an ancient and powerful aura slowly emanates from it, permeating the void. .

The golden portal appeared, and the child master stretched out his hand and patted forward. The closed door trembled slightly, and slowly opened without a sound.

"The town has been sealed off, enter the Mangu Domain, life and death are up to God!"

"If you have thought it through, you can enter."

Standing with his hands behind his back, the child master stood on top of the Jiulong Luan, bathed in golden light, and was as majestic and dignified as the ancient emperor of heaven.

call out!
call out!
The spiritual light flashed, and the ear-piercing sound came instantly. The warriors who dared to come here, a small number of them came to witness this grand event, and more warriors had already made up their minds, so naturally they would no longer hesitate.

There are indeed certain dangers in the Mangu Territory, but compared with the gains obtained afterwards, these dangers are nothing.

What's more, when the chance comes, people who can cultivate to the emperor's realm, of course, have already seen this clearly.

Outside the Mangu Territory, the tide of warriors moved in an instant.

In the one-month deadline, whoever is one step ahead may be able to obtain opportunities that others cannot.

At this moment, naturally no warrior is willing to lag behind others.

In the tide of warriors, the warriors, either overt or dark, started their hands one after another at this moment, with hot flames jumping in their eyes.

There are only three places in Gulongtan, so most of them are doomed to fail.It's just that at this moment, each of them has full confidence in their hearts.

If you can't even believe it yourself, how can you still have the qualifications to compete for the opportunity of Gulongtan.

"Let's go too." Meng Tianchen said lightly, Yu Luo turned around and roared towards the golden portal.

Shi Yue nodded slightly, stepped out with one step, and followed closely behind him.

Shiji's face darkened slightly, he hummed, and his eyes were dissatisfied.

Relatively speaking, Shi Xiang seemed extremely calm, but his whole person gave off a gloomy feeling, shaking his head slightly at this moment, Shi Ji just suppressed his reluctance.

With a flash of light outside the two people, they followed Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue in front.

The closer you get to the golden portal, the more you can sense the powerful aura emanating from it.This is some kind of mysterious sealing power, if it turns into supernatural bombardment and killing power, it may be enough to wipe out any emperor king in an instant!
Meng Tianchen's face was slightly dignified, but his figure didn't stop at all, and he disappeared directly into the portal.

It was just a moment, and when the sight in front of him recovered, the figure was still in the void, and when he looked back, he could still see the golden gate, the child master Luan Jia, and the overwhelming golden cavalry.But telepathy, but can not detect the slightest breath.

Shi Yue, Shi Ji, and Shi Xiang appeared one after another, and the four gathered in one place.

After entering the Ancient Realm, the warriors roared in different directions after a brief pause.Although this ranking in the Mangu Region is bound to be inseparable from the fighting among warriors, it is obviously not now.

Even if they want to compete, they will only take action when there is a conflict of interest between them, or when it is profitable.

The four of them discussed for a short time, and then they chose a direction, mixed with many escaping lights, and roared towards a direction.Along the way, many warriors retreated one after another, and many warriors who originally wanted to go in this direction stopped, hesitated and then turned to the other direction.

Zhang Zhan's face was calm, until Meng Tianchen and others set off to enter the Mangu Realm, he slowly raised his head, looking in the direction where the four disappeared, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

With one step forward, his figure disappeared immediately, and reappeared, already outside the golden door, the figure directly entered it, roaring in another direction.

At this moment, Wu Guda, the envoy of Liuli Valley, had entered the Mangu Realm without attracting attention, and he chose the direction Zhang Zhan was going to.

Outside the Mangu Territory, the child master watched Meng Tianchen and the others go away, his eyes flickered slightly, and there was some deep meaning in his eyes.

Since you need Muyuanshui, I will give you a chance to get it. As for whether you can get it, it depends on your means.

It's just that when Taoist Lu became so enthusiastic, he would take the initiative to tell him about it.

The child master frowned slightly, and then suppressed the thoughts in his mind.In any case, this result is exactly what he wants. Perhaps, Taoist Lu also hopes to have a good relationship with him. After all, he is now the leader of the Tongli Empire. above him.

Thinking of this, the child master felt at ease.

Looking at Zhang Zhan at this moment, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Zhang Zhan's cultivation has become more and more pure. When he is promoted in the future, our Tongli Empire will have another strong man."

Yi Zi smiled when he heard this.

"Your Majesty's fortune is profound, so that he can receive many good talents. My child's power empire is full of talents, so why worry about not being able to rise up in the world's great struggle and achieve indomitable achievements!"

"Haha! The teacher's words are very true!" The child master was relieved, and suddenly thought that his Xuan nobleman of the pot kingdom was about to achieve the body of a mysterious girl, and he would fill up his lack of luck by kissing Fangze soon.At that time, his stagnant cultivation realm will definitely be promoted!
His own predicament has been broken through, and the Tongli Empire is full of talents. No matter how you look at it, it is a scene of rising power luck and creating a prosperous age!

The child master is naturally happy.

Zhang Long lowered his head slightly, but there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

His Majesty really still has high hopes for Zhang Zhan. In this way, he may not be as ruthless to their husband's family as they appear on the surface. As long as they are careful in the future and do not touch His Majesty's bottom line, it should not be difficult for the husband's family to restore their former glory.

"Zhang Zhan, you are the first step for my husband's family to rise again, but don't let Wei father down."
Child Power Empire Palace.

Taoist Lu opened his eyes suddenly, raised his head to look into the void, and spoke in a low voice.

"The Great Formation of the Ancient Territory has been opened, Meng Tianchen, you must have entered it at this moment. I just don't know if you will have a chance to get the chance this time."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, then shook his head slightly.

He never reminded Meng Tianchen of this matter, because even if he reminded him, it would be useless. To trigger that opportunity, he needs to show enough strength.

"Forget it. It's a blessing to have this opportunity. If you can't get it, it's just a lack of luck. You can't force it."

While humming, Taoist Lu slowly closed his eyes, and the hall became quiet again.

In the vast void between the meteorites in the Mangu domain, as well as in the whistling meteorites, or in the cloud of dust covering the sky, there may be beasts hidden, and there are many powerful ones among them.You need to be careful when you move forward, otherwise you may fall into danger.

Four escaping lights roared from afar.

Although there are many warriors pouring into the Mangu Realm, compared to this vast world, it is like a stream melting into the sea.Looking up, there are no warriors in the surrounding void except for the four people.

Meng Tianchen was the leader, Shi Yue followed closely behind, Shi Ji and Shi Xiang were slightly behind, keeping a certain distance from them.

And at this moment, Meng Tianchen's forward figure suddenly stopped, and he raised his hand slightly, while the three people behind him restrained themselves and stood still.

"Brother Meng, have you already noticed something wrong?" Shi Yue glanced ahead, and he didn't notice anything when his divine sense came out, but after experiencing the chaotic forbidden abyss, he no longer had any sense of Meng Tianchen's divine sense sensing power. Suspect.

Shi Ji and Shi Xiang frowned slightly, their strength was comparable to Meng Tianchen's, but they didn't find anything at this moment, could it be that he could detect something?
As the thought turned, the two of them suddenly showed doubts on their faces.

Shi Yue frowned slightly, but the two of them were his senior brothers after all, and their cultivation base was higher than his, so it was difficult to talk too much.

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen didn't pay attention to the changes in the expressions of the two, and spoke slowly.

"There are wild beasts hidden in front, and four of them are not weak. But you and I, together, should be able to keep all of them."

Shi Yue was overjoyed when he heard the words, since Meng Tianchen spoke like this, he must have gained confidence in his heart.When they entered the Mangu Realm this time, they wanted to obtain high rankings and rewards by hunting wild beasts.Encountering wild beasts and having the power to eat them is naturally worthy of joy.

Although Shi Ji and Shi Xiang were still skeptical, seeing Meng Tianchen's calm and indifferent face did not seem to be fake, they suppressed the thoughts in their hearts and did not say much.

Meng Tianchen was not in a hurry to make a move, and pondered for a while.

"Since the four of you and I are joining forces for the time being, we need to establish a rule first to avoid trouble in the future. All the prey, you and I will join hands to strangle all prey, and the final result will be judged by the amount of effort. I wonder what you want?"

"Brother Meng's words are very true, and I think this is very true." Shi Ji said, with a hint of joy on his face.

According to the size of his merits, he is naturally the best, so as not to be taken advantage of by others.

There was a faint smile on Shi Xiang's face, and he nodded slightly in agreement.It's just that even if this person smiled, he still gave off a gloomy feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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