Chapter 947 Linxiang
The terrifying sharp aura appeared directly, and a black round edge as thin as a willow tip shot out.

At this moment, Zhang Zhan slashed casually, and the black round front that came out, called the Black Moon Slash, was not a supernatural power controlled by himself, but was issued by forcibly displaying the treasure of the alien space in his hand.

Meng Tianchen's performance has already brought Zhang Zhan a great impact and a sense of threat. He has already given all his strength to make a move at this moment.The remaining power in the body was completely compressed and merged into this black crescent-like round front. Regardless of whether Meng Tianchen could be cut off, without the support of the power in the body, he would leave in an instant.

Watching Hei Yuezhan whizzing away, Zhang Zhan's eyes burst out with endless coldness!

Meng Tianchen, how can you block this cut!
What is extremely strange is that the moment the powerful Black Moon Zhan touches the dark golden palm print, that is, the Su Heng Seal, it shatters.

It is so fragile and vulnerable.

Seeing that his strongest hole card was easily defeated by the opponent, Zhang Zhan's face was ashamed.

The most frightening thing was that the dark golden palm print seemed to have not weakened its power after the Black Moon Slash was shattered, and it was still targeting him to kill him.

Arrived in an instant.

There was another soft sound, and the moment Su Hengyin touched Zhang Zhan, that body, together with the extreme fear on his face, disappeared together.

Yes, just disappear, disappear out of thin air!
Together with Zhang Zhan's remnant soul!

Even Meng Tianchen, whose strength had been emptied, was startled. It was the first time he cast Su Hengyin, he never expected that Su Hengyin would be so terrifying and evil.Even the remnant soul of the other party is instantly emptied.

Is this the terrifying power of immortality?

Outside the ancient domain, inside the palace.

The child master looked up at the image formed by the meteorite cloud, his face was slightly gloomy, and the atmosphere was dignified.

Zhang died in battle!

Because the husband's family didn't know how to advance or retreat, the child master deprived Zhang Zhan of his position as governor of the imperial army in a rage, and confined him at home as a warning to his husband's family, but the importance he attached to Zhang Zhan in his heart never weakened in the slightest.

With superior qualifications, a calm mind, and even a trace of the mystery of space, the future potential is limitless!

Zhang Zhan is one of the future demigods in the Tong Power Empire in Tong Zhu's future plan!Because he has enough chances to get to this point.

Therefore, the child master has high hopes for him.

But today, with his death, everything becomes meaningless.Zhang Zhan, who is alive, is one of the younger martial artists that the child master values ​​most, but if he is dead, he is dead, and the dead have no value.

The child master looked at the green-robed warrior with complicated eyes, but he never thought that the matter would develop to such an extent.

The two whom he valued most in his heart and wanted to recruit would actually fight each other, and Zhang Zhan even fell in the fierce battle.

And at this moment, I am afraid it is not the worst outcome in the end.

Looking at the besieged warriors and savage beasts in the picture, the child master couldn't help showing a little bit of bitterness, and shook his head and spoke.

"Teacher, is it because of my lack of luck that the future strong under my command will fall? One battle is not enough, and now Meng Tianchen may not escape this calamity."

Yi Zi's heart was shocked, and he saluted respectfully.

"Your Majesty don't need to think too much, everything has its own destiny, since Zhang Zhan's death, it shows that he is not qualified to be a strong man in the world." Speaking of this, he pondered for a while, and continued to speak.

"Besides, I was negligent about this matter. Zhang Ling was beheaded by Meng Tianchen that day. After I returned to the capital, I saw the rules of the Zhang family, but I didn't know that they already knew the reason. Otherwise, I would have taken precautions earlier and would not have It's about today."

"Teacher, don't blame yourself. The relationship between Zhang Zhan and Zhang Ling has always been indifferent. He would actually want to kill Meng Tianchen because of Zhang Ling's death. This matter has never occurred to me." The child master shook his head slightly, he is a child force after all The lord of the empire has calmed down at this moment, and is slightly silent.

"Teacher, do you think Meng Tianchen can escape today?"

Zhang Zhan is dead, if Meng Tianchen dies together, the Tongli Empire is equivalent to losing two warriors who are destined to step into the realm of demigods, which is too heavy a loss.It is expected that the two people in Zhonggu Longtan will fall at the same time, which is tantamount to proving one point, the child master's opening of the Mangu Domain this time is extremely wrong!
Yi Zi shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I don't think that Meng Tianchen will perish in this catastrophe. When Xuan Guiren was assassinated that day, Meng Tianchen exerted the power of the blood in his body to the limit, and fought against the big boss of the Tian family. Then he regained his strength. Maybe today, he can also escape."

The child master nodded slightly, looked at the figure and shadow formed by the meteorite cloud, and remained silent.

The whole space was dead silent!
Meng Tianchen's face was expressionless, his eyes swept around, his brows were slightly frowned, but his expression was still calm.

The warriors headed by the middle-aged man in black, the hunchbacked old man, and the woman in pink, and the strong beasts with huge figures looming on the other side, were all shocked at this moment, and the horror of the fight in front of them far exceeded their expectations!
Two kings of the imperial realm fought to the death, and it was extremely amazing to lose one of them!After all, if they reached their level, if they were defeated, it would not be difficult to escape.What's more, the person who is now fallen is the father-in-law Zhang Zhan, a master of space power comparable to the eighth-rank emperor warrior!With his cultivation base, even if he loses, no one can keep him if he wants to leave.

All of a sudden, the minds of many super powerhouses were shaken, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Meng Tianchen carefully observed the reactions of the surrounding warriors at this moment. After casting the Su Heng Seal, his breath was at its weakest. Now, the power of the roulette refining Great Yin Sect is rapidly replenishing into his body due to the poor emperor's remnant soul. The longer the delay, the more natural it is Meng Tianchen is getting more and more favorable.

He didn't think that these people in front of him would let him go safely.I'm afraid it won't be too long, when they come to their senses, it's time to attack him!
Meng Tianchen seized the time to restore the strength in his body, and Roupan seemed to have sensed that something was wrong at this moment. The power obtained by refining the Great Yin Sect due to the remnant soul of the poor emperor was never withheld, and all was sent in for him to absorb.

Time passed bit by bit, and the emptiness in his body was rapidly filling.

The entire void is still quiet, but the shock in everyone's eyes has been filled with scorching heat at this moment, and even those strong beasts looked at Meng Tianchen with unconcealable greed, as if they wanted to swallow him in one gulp .

Not for anything else, but Meng Tianchen won Zhang Zhan's alien space treasure, and these people can fight to the death.

Once you control the otherworldly space treasure, not only will your own strength multiply, but you may even comprehend the power of space. Just thinking about it makes one's heart boil.

However, what these people don't know is that the otherworldly space treasure that Meng Tianchen won from Zhang Zhan is a blade in the shape of a crescent moon.

It can even be said that the waning moon-shaped blade was not collected by Meng Tianchen himself, but was pulled by the black ball at the core of his sea of ​​consciousness, escaped into the sea of ​​consciousness by itself, and melted into his black ball.

No matter how Meng Tianchen sensed and searched, he couldn't find a trace of the aura of the otherworldly space treasure.

It is very possible that the extremely precious blade was swallowed by the black ball.

The black ball has always been hiding a huge secret, not to mention that it contains the supreme Qinglong bloodline totem, even the black runes on the surface of the black ball have repeatedly saved Meng Tianchen from danger.

What's more, the black ball is Meng Tianchen's most important source of power, his soul and his consciousness are all inside the black ball.

The brief silence was broken by a coquettish smile, and the beautiful eyes of the woman in pink looked at Meng Tianchen, and she spoke with a smile.

"This must be Meng Tianchen, Lord Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom. After the slave family entered the capital, they admired his brother's reputation like thunder and admired him. When I saw him today, brother Meng's cultivation was really unfathomable, which made the slave family very excited. Not as good as brother Taiwan will leave with my slave, and we will live the days of flying together, wouldn't we be happy."

When the woman opened her mouth, her shy and timid face was like a peach blossom, her eyes sparkled, her delicate body was looming in the thin dress, she was extremely alluring.It attracted the eyes of several martial artists around her to fall on her unconsciously, with a bit of obsession in their eyes, and they couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of spit.

In this quiet environment, the sound of swallowing sounds clear and piercing at this moment.

Instead of being annoyed, the pink-clothed woman turned around and cast a wink at the men who wanted to use martial arts, covering her mouth and smiling coquettishly.Looking at her, the martial artist just felt in a trance for a while, as if he was about to bow down under her skirt, if he could be happy overnight, even if he died, he would have no regrets.


The middle-aged warrior in black snorted coldly, the voice was not high, but like thunder, it woke up those warriors instantly.When they came back to their senses, their faces turned pale suddenly, full of fear, and they hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look at the woman in pink again.

"Linxiang, I'm here, you'd better put away your coquettish look. Today's opportunity, we all have a share, you don't want to eat alone, or you may arouse public anger."

The woman in pink changed her pretty face when she heard the words, and then her gaze swept across the middle-aged warrior in black.

"Wen Su, back then, my slave's family and you also had a romantic relationship, but now they turn their faces and deny you."

However, after saying a word, the charming force on her face restrained a little, and she did not continue to speak.

But behind her, the black-clothed swordsman heard the words, his eyes swept over Wen Su, and his murderous intent flashed.

Wen Su's face was a little gloomy. When he traveled the world in the early years, he did have a one-night affair with Linxiang, but he also suffered a big loss because of this, and his cultivation for thousands of years was sucked away. However, this matter was a scandal. Coupled with the current situation, he snorted coldly, and never got entangled in this matter.

But the flickering killing intent of the black-clothed swordsman never hid his feelings, and he sneered.

"It's just a fool who has been manipulated and controlled by others, but he dares to be presumptuous to this seat. If you dare to disrespect again, this seat will definitely kill you here."

The pink-clothed woman's pretty face froze slightly, and she chuckled lightly.

"Wen Su, although I don't want to embarrass you, if you continue to target me today, don't blame me for turning against Linxiang. You should know my temper."

(End of this chapter)

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