Chapter 948
Linxiang was still smiling sweetly, but Wen Su couldn't help frowning slightly, but thinking about the tricks of this crazy woman, she suppressed her anger and snorted coldly without saying anything.

The hunchbacked old man looked listless, his eyes swept over Wen Su and Lin Xiang, and he spoke lightly.

"You two brothers, let's talk less. After all, it's not good to delay this matter too much now, otherwise it will attract more people and make things more troublesome."

Wen Su and Lin Xiang's hearts shuddered suddenly. The old man looked like he was about to die, but his cultivation was the strongest among the three. Neither of them had seen his details clearly, so they nodded their heads in silence.

As for some martial artists around, they no longer have the qualifications to speak.But they can see clearly the current situation. Although Meng Tianchen is strong, he is at the end of his strength after killing Zhang Zhan.The current situation is mixed. Although their cultivation base is slightly weaker, they have better luck, so it is possible to profit from it.

These people are not stupid. Facing the three eighth-rank great emperor warriors and a few strong beasts, they are naturally not opponents by virtue of their personal strength. At this moment, they have gathered together in groups of three or four. Although they have not spoken, they have formed a joint relationship tacitly .When facing the strong, it is naturally the best choice for the weak to join forces.The combination of these warriors is a force that should not be underestimated, so no one is willing to expel them before the matter has come to light.

The hunchbacked old man raised his head, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and there was a flash of light in his dim yellow eyes.

"Brother Meng, the old man knows that your cultivation base is tyrannical and your supernatural powers are amazing. If you were in your prime, even if you got the treasure, the old man would never dare to fight with you. But now, although your brother is winning in the fight, you should be clear about your own state. The old man also doesn't want to force people too much, as long as you hand over the storage ring on your body, the old man can promise you that no one among us warriors will attack you again."

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, he paused for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"What brother said may represent everyone's meaning?"

The hunchbacked old man nodded proudly.

"Brother Meng can rest assured that since the old man speaks, he will naturally be able to do this." Speaking of this, he looked at Wen Su and Lin Xiang.

"I don't know what you two think?"

The two pondered for a while when they heard the words, then nodded, cupped their hands and said: "Everything is just as what brother said, and the two of us have no objection."

The other warriors, without waiting for the old man to ask, have already respectfully opened their mouths at the same time.

"I have no objection, and I am willing to obey the orders of the adults!"

Warriors fought and fought for nothing but treasures.Only a small number of practitioners who practice vicious supernatural powers will go out of their way to collect the strong body, mind and spirit to refine vicious supernatural powers or puppets.

Since he was willing to hand over the storage ring, he naturally took out all the treasures and got what he got, so it doesn't matter if he let Meng Tianchen go.

What's more, they are not the only ones here today, they took the treasures and left to fight for them, and the remaining strong beasts will naturally slaughter Meng Tianchen for them and share the food without leaving any hidden dangers.If not, how could they easily agree.

"Brother Meng, what do you think? If you agree to this, the old man and the others will immediately sign the Chaos Blood Pact, turn around and leave immediately, and never stay." The old man looked at Meng Tianchen, and the depths of his eyes flashed hotly.

Meng Tianchen pretended to ponder, and tried his best to delay the time until the old man showed impatience, then nodded slowly.

"Meng is in trouble today, and he has no choice but to do so in order to survive. I just hope that you brothers will keep your word, and don't break your word!"

He gritted his teeth with reluctance on his face, and then he took out a storage ring with his backhand and threw it out with a raised hand.

"Meng has obtained all the treasures, including Zhang Zhan's alien space treasure. If you want it, you can fight it by your own means!"

The old man's eyes lit up, he stretched out his palm, and grabbed the ring.

Wen Su and Lin Xiang snorted. Although they were afraid of this old man's cultivation, they would not be really afraid. The treasure is in front of them, so there is no reason not to fight for it.

As for the surrounding warriors, although they intend to snatch them, they can only forcefully suppress their impulses.With their cultivation base, there is still a chance to see the opportunity for profit by watching from the sidelines. If they fight for the storage ring recklessly, they will probably attract three eighth-rank great emperor warriors to join forces to kill them in an instant!Right now they can only endure, the three of them fight each other, and they have the chance to snatch the treasure.

The storage ring is stagnant in the void, and the three eighth-rank great emperors are fighting for it. At this moment, Wen Su and Lin Xiang have joined forces to compete with the old man.The two sides insisted on counting interest, and neither could bear the opponent.

"Hmph! If we continue to stand still, there will be no result. You and I will penetrate into the storage ring at the same time, make sure that it is correct, and then divide it, how about it?" the old man whispered, his face slightly gloomy.His cultivation base is the strongest among the three, but Wen Su and Lin Xiang are not afraid of his methods when they team up. Such a decision is also a compromise strategy.Moreover, although Meng Tianchen was very cooperative, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and always felt that something was wrong, which is why he made such a decision.

Wen Su and Lin Xiang pondered for a while when they heard the words, and nodded at the same time.

"Okay, as brother said."

At the moment, the three of them slowly withdrew their power to compete for the storage ring, and while guarding against each other, they found a trace of consciousness and entered the storage ring.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tianchen couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart. None of these guys who have cultivated to the emperor level are fuel-efficient lamps, so naturally they are not easy to fool.

However, he was able to win these times, and the strength in his body has barely recovered by [-] to [-]%, and the most dangerous time has been slowed down.Now he is invincible in a head-to-head fight, but if he is determined to escape, he may not be without a chance.With a slight movement of his thoughts, his eyes wandered around, already looking for the best breakthrough direction.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen also made up his mind that the future is not a time of life and death, and he must not use the terrifying power of Su Hengyin!



The hunchbacked old man, Wen Su and Linxiang raised their heads at the same time, their faces became extremely ugly, and they all whispered!

The storage ring given by Meng Tianchen, although there are a lot of things piled up in it, but most of them are some tattered goods, which may be considered precious to the warriors of the middle emperor realm, but in the eyes of the warriors of the eighth rank emperor, they are useless at all.With Meng Tianchen's cultivation, how can the storage ring be of this level, obviously the three of them have been tricked!Thinking of the struggle for such a storage ring before, the expressions of the three couldn't help becoming more gloomy.

"Meng Tianchen, how dare you lie to the old man!" The hunchbacked old man said in a cold voice, there was no cloudiness in his dim eyes at the moment, the cold light shone menacingly, obviously this old guy was not a kind person.

Wen Su's face sank like water, and he said slowly: "Since he doesn't want to cooperate, you and I don't need to waste time with him anymore."

"Brother Meng, why are you bothering?" The woman in pink had a sad look on her face.

"It would be nice to hand over the storage ring honestly, and save us some trouble. I know that you want to delay some time to heal your injuries, but what's the use of this time."

"Okay!" The hunchbacked old man waved his hand, his cold eyes swept over Meng Tianchen.

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, you can't blame us."

After the words fell, he raised his head and looked to the other side of the void, where the several huge figures spoke in a deep voice.

"Guys, the storage ring on Meng Tianchen's body belongs to us and other warriors, and his body belongs to you. If you agree to this matter, you and I will take action immediately and end the matter so as not to cause trouble."

Under the blessing of power, the sound rolled out, resounding clearly through the entire void.

After a while of silence, the largest savage beast among the several black shadows spoke.

"Okay." The cultivation base of this beast has reached an extremely high level, and it is also a peak existence among several strong beasts.

The other savage beasts nodded one after another. Their most powerful treasure is a suit of scales and minions, and they don't value foreign objects.In their eyes, Meng Tianchen's body, which is full of energy and blood and has a deep cultivation base, is even more alluring.

"Since that's the case, whoever can snatch the treasure will have to rely on their own means!" the hunchbacked old man whispered, but his voice did not fall, and the light outside his body was already flashing, and the whole figure was wrapped inside, like a shooting star. Go straight to Meng Tianchen.

Wen Su and Lin Xiang scolded inwardly for being despicable, but there was no delay at the moment, and the two of them rushed out one after another using the escape light!
A few savage beasts stepped forward slowly, their huge eyes were full of hot colors, and their eyes swept over many warriors. Any warrior who was swept by this kind of gaze like looking at food, could not help but shudder slightly. Stiff, his face became extremely ugly.

Although they have reached an agreement with warriors, they have not guaranteed that they will not attack other warriors.

There is only one Meng Tianchen, but there are several savage beasts. There are bound to be losers in the competition. They don't want to return empty-handed, so they naturally want to hit other people.The middle emperor realm warrior is also a great supplement to them.What's more, these seventh-rank great emperors are majestic high-ranking emperors.

The hunchbacked old man, the warriors headed by Wen Su and Lin Xiang, and several savage beasts have already treated Meng Tianchen as a fish on the chopping board, and let them handle it. They never thought that this seemingly weak person would calm down after a moment. , now has a fight!
Just as the hunchbacked old man and the three of them made their move, the moment several strong beasts approached, gaps appeared in the breath blockade between them, and the location of these gaps was the best direction to break through.

Meng Tianchen suddenly raised his head, and a spiritual light suddenly appeared outside his body, which directly turned into a startled rainbow, whistling towards a crack in the seal of breath.

He was prepared, and immediately burst out with all his strength. His speed was as fast as the top of a mountain, and he flew far away in a blink of an eye!

"No, Meng Tianchen still has the strength to spare, and he must not be allowed to escape!" Seeing the scene before him, the hunchbacked old man's heart skipped a beat, and he spoke hastily.

Now that several people joined forces to force Meng Tianchen to kill, if he was allowed to escape, once his injuries recovered from his cultivation, they would all have endless troubles in the future.

Wen Su and Lin Xiang's complexion also changed drastically, and the direction of Duan Guang changed, and they went straight to Meng Tianchen to chase after them.

(End of this chapter)

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