Chapter 961
After a few breaths, Meng Tianchen closed his eyes and opened them in an instant. The divine light shone so that people dare not look directly at them. After a while, it slowly dissipated, revealing those dark eyes. They are warm and introverted but bright as meteorites and as deep as a vast abyss. Try to figure out the detection.

With a wave of his hand, he directly condensed the chaotic spiritual power into a blue shirt and put it on his body. Sensing the changes in his body carefully, he couldn't help showing a little smile at the corner of his mouth.

The gains brought to him by this fortune are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface, and there are many benefits that Meng Tianchen needs to discover bit by bit in the future.Perhaps this is the reason why the mysterious will of the dark space suddenly made a move. He should have sensed the hidden secrets in the Mangu Domain, so he made the move to give Meng Tianchen a chance to accept this good fortune!
At this moment, Meng Tianchen didn't seem to have changed much on the surface. He was wearing a green robe, and his breath was even more restrained than before, but he had a sense of ease in his gestures. Although there was no breath and pressure, it made people unconsciously awe.

No matter what, now that all the crises have passed, and the strength of fortune has skyrocketed, if Meng Tianchen hadn't stayed and joined the Mangu Realm, he might have missed this opportunity.But the world is like this, there is no trace of natural flow, but any different choice may change the direction of fate.

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath and suppressed all the happy thoughts in his heart, making his mood instantly calm.After undergoing the painful tempering during the meteorite formation, his state of mind has greatly improved compared to before, and he can do this in just one thought.The smile on his face subsided, he slightly raised his head to look at the Nine Heavens Galaxy formed by the meteorite beam of light, clearly sensing that its power was rapidly weakening, Meng Tianchen shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

This kind of good fortune warrior may not be able to encounter it once in a lifetime, let alone watch it disperse now.But as soon as this idea was born, he suppressed it. With his current physical strength, the power of the galaxy can no longer help him continue to strengthen, and after the mind has swallowed a lot of power, there is already a feeling of fullness. If he continues Absorbing the power of the galaxy may be harmful but not beneficial.Since you have already got enough benefits, why bother to be greedy.

Just as Meng Tianchen's thoughts were turning, the column of chaotic spiritual power in the Mangu Realm dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared. The bright and dazzling meteorites gradually returned to normal, and the ancient and powerful pressure that permeated the entire Mangu Realm eased. Dissipate slowly.Countless warriors and savage beasts regained their freedom, one by one hastily turned to look at the place where the mighty galaxy fell, and it was not difficult for them to guess with their minds that the root cause of all these changes was there.

After a short silence, countless warriors and wild beasts set off to ride the light, wanting to find out, but also to see if there is a chance to take advantage of the opportunity.

But the really powerful beasts in the Mangu Realm took a deep look at the place where the Galaxy fell after regaining their freedom, and turned away without hesitation.The duration of the opening of the big formation was somewhat beyond their expectations, which is enough to know that the harvest creator is amazingly powerful.Moreover, they all sensed the appearance and complete disappearance of the magic dragon's aura before. This person had the qualifications to kill the magic dragon before opening the big formation in the ancient domain. It may not be able to please!

And the most important point is that those who can arouse the big formation in the ancient domain will inevitably become the most valued people of the child master. If they dare to make things difficult for him, the consequences waiting for them may be the encirclement and cleansing of the child power empire.Although these ferocious beasts are all amazing in strength, they also chose to give in when facing the child power empire, because this is not something they can contend with!

When the beam of light in the Galaxy disappeared completely, Meng Tianchen pondered for a while, and took a step forward to drive away with the escape light.The strong momentum here will inevitably attract many warriors, and he is unwilling to waste time with them.

But before he could make a move, black cracks appeared in the sound of "click" and "click" where his footsteps landed, spreading rapidly in all directions.This is a sign that his physical strength has soared and he is still unable to control it freely. It is too amazing to be able to have such power by just stepping down at will!
Fortunately, with the dissipation of the meteorite beam of light, the projection of the meteorite light cluster has disappeared, otherwise Meng Tianchen's performance at this moment may cause countless warriors outside the Mangu Territory to drop their jaws, and then feel terrified.

Meng Tianchen shook his head helplessly. After Guangling's mind was strengthened, his sensing power became stronger and stronger. He didn't even disperse his consciousness, but he already vaguely noticed that several warriors who were closer to here were walking towards him quickly.He had no intention of meeting them, he pondered for a while, and suddenly stretched out his hand to tear at the space in front of him.A pitch-black space crack appeared directly in front of him, but because the power was beyond his control, the volume of this space crack was slightly larger.

Without any hesitation, Meng Tianchen stepped down and stepped directly into it, and his figure disappeared.Only eighth-rank great emperor warriors are qualified to perform the tearing space forward, which is not difficult for Meng Tianchen now.

After the arrival of warriors and beasts in the Mangu Territory, there was no abnormality here.Although the source of the meteorite beam of light has not been found, the gathering of a large number of warriors and wild beasts eventually turned into a melee fight between the two sides. Many warriors and wild beasts fell in it, which was extremely tragic.

A certain meteorite in the Mangu Region suddenly shattered the sky, and a huge black crack appeared, which was thousands of miles in size. A powerful devouring force erupted from it, and a strong wind blew up, flying sand and rocks for a while.

Two ferocious beasts in heat were doing the final primitive collision action under an ancient tree, and they let out high-pitched excited roars from their mouths.The sudden change made the bodies of the two savage beasts suddenly stiff, and the female beast below instantly recovered from the enjoyment, screamed in fear, and suddenly spread its hooves and rushed forward.The male beast was caught off guard but couldn't get away, and was stuck and pulled forward by the frightened female beast, leaving the two beasts howling in pain all the way, bumping into several ancient trees, causing a cloud of smoke and dust, and finally Disappeared deep in the jungle.

A warrior in green shirt walked out of the crack in the space, looked at the direction where the two wild beasts were fleeing desperately, couldn't help but shook his head slightly and laughed dumbly.

The crack in the space behind him raged for a while and then slowly disappeared. Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

"Now I have the corpses of the demon dragon and the alien snake in my hand. With these two things alone, I am the first in the barbaric domain. I don't need to hunt other barbarians for the rest of the time. During this time, I can just Find a place to retreat, and control the surge of your own power."

A surge in power is naturally a good thing, but if you can't fully control it, you won't be able to exert the strongest power.Moreover, this kind of surge in strength is also very likely to leave a hidden danger of unstable foundation, which is not good for the improvement of cultivation in the future, so this hidden danger should be erased as soon as possible.Therefore, choosing to retreat now is naturally the best choice.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered and scanned the surrounding area. He had torn apart the space before, but no warriors came. Obviously, there are no powerful beasts here, and it can be regarded as a clean place.He nodded slightly, and carefully controlled the aura to fly to a low mountain not far away. Because he needed to carefully control the power in his body, this flight was crooked and wobbly like a rookie warrior who just learned to control the aura, and the speed was also slow. At the extreme point, after the escape light was lowered, a dense layer of sweat beads appeared on Meng Tianchen's forehead, which made him unable to bear a wry smile. This flight was actually more exhausting than fighting with warriors.Looking at the bottomless cracks that were densely packed like spider webs under his feet, this kind of scene was created with a little force, and the idea of ​​retreating and controlling power in his heart became stronger.

Carefully controlling his strength, he dug a simple cave on the low mountain peak, Meng Tianchen stepped into it, and waved his hands to set up a barrier to block the breath and warn.Sitting down cross-legged in the cave, he hesitated a little, Meng Tianchen still did not enter the Martial God Monument, and it was really inconvenient for him to enter it in his current state, otherwise the power he accidentally aroused might destroy the Martial God Monument.

Meng Tianchen breathed out slightly, closed his eyes, and sank into his physical body to feel the changes in his body, in order to control the soaring power as soon as possible.

Numerous meteorites released chaotic spiritual power and beams of light soared into the sky. The looming large array of phantoms and the ancient mighty coercion swaying down from the sky are enough to make all warriors in the ancient domain aware of the hidden major changes.

For a while, various rumors spread in Mangu Domain, but there was only one most convincing one.The mutation of the meteorite must have hidden an astonishing chance, and now it has been triggered and taken away.

A martial artist who can cultivate to the upper emperor level is naturally a generation with extraordinary intelligence. Although I don't know the specific reason for the creation, this guess is already very close to the truth.The matter has been raging for several days, but the person who harvested the opportunity never showed up. After many warriors struggled to find it, they had to put this matter aside for the time being and go back to hunting wild beasts.

After all, no warrior would want to miss this chance to soar into the sky and obtain a bright future in the ranks of the Ancient Domain.The shock caused by the massive mutation that day gradually subsided as time passed.

Warriors in the Mangu Realm were busy hunting wild beasts, but as the time passed and gradually approached the period of January, the main object of the battle changed from warriors and wild beasts to fights between warriors and warriors.After all, killing wild beasts one by one is far less easy than killing and stealing the spoils. Once you succeed, you can get rich rewards.All warriors are aware of this point, and the development of the matter is reasonable.

It is perfectly normal for the strong to plunder the weak in the world of martial arts where strength is the most important thing, but how can people be willing to hand over the gains from hunting wild beasts so hard, so in order to counteract the plunder of the strong, the weak choose to unite .

(End of this chapter)

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