Chapter 962 Draw a knife to help
Although the eighth-rank emperor warrior is strong, he will not easily provoke dozens or even more seventh-rank emperor warriors. If he can enter here, even a seventh-rank emperor who has lived to this day is not an ordinary person.

The alliance of the weak naturally touches the interests of the strong, so the cooperation between the eight great emperors came into being.

The confrontation and fighting between the two groups plunged the entire Mangu Region into a bloody storm. As the final date approached, the situation became more and more tragic.Once the two sides meet, it's good that there is not much difference in strength between them, but if there is a big gap, a fight will be inevitable.After all, the warriors who can survive to this moment hold a lot of beast corpses in their hands, and every time they kill one, they can get extremely generous rewards.
In the mountain stream, the warriors of the two sides faced each other across the river, the atmosphere was dignified, and there was a heavy pressure in the air!
There are not many warriors on both sides, only ten people in total, six warriors on one side, and four warriors on the other side, but according to the breath sensing, these ten people are all terrifying powerhouses!
One side of the four fighters is composed of three eighth-rank emperors and one seventh-rank emperor, and the other side is composed of two eighth-rank emperors and four seventh-rank emperors.On the surface, it seems that the side of the six warriors should have the upper hand. After all, the combination of three seventh-rank emperors is enough to compete against ordinary emperors.

But at the moment, the situation in the arena is that the side of the four warriors has the absolute upper hand!Obviously, the scene in front of you is the collision of two powerful combined teams, and there is a big gap in the power balance between the two teams, so naturally it is inevitable to compete.After all, the harvest of an eighth-rank great emperor is far from comparable to that of a seventh-rank great emperor warrior. If he can snatch it, it will be enough to double or more the number of wild beasts in the winner's hands.

"Be careful, the cultivation of the four people on the opposite side is not weak. If it is really inevitable to fight, you and I will go all out. It is best to win. If we lose to everyone, we will go our separate ways. Whether we can escape depends on our own means." Six On the side of famous warriors, one of them, an old man who was king of the imperial realm, spoke in a low voice, his face full of solemnity.

Another middle-aged eighth-rank emperor nodded slightly, but felt a little helpless in his heart.The six of them in a team are not weak, but unfortunately, the four on the opposite side are all strong. Although he has already felt a sense of oppression before the fight, they compete with each other.He understood that the old man had already saved face for them by speaking, and if they really fought, his side would be defeated in an instant.While this person was thinking about it, his eyeballs rolled around, obviously thinking about running away.

The hearts of the remaining four seventh-rank great emperors sank when they heard the words, but they also understood that this was the truth, and they were silent at the moment.But they knew in their hearts that if they really wanted to escape, the two eighth-rank great emperors might be able to escape smoothly, and they could only rely on luck.

But at this moment, the four warriors on the opposite side of the river were not in a hurry to make a move. After a short discussion, one of the dark-faced men stepped forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Brothers on the other side, we don't want to fight life and death with you, as long as you hand in three storage rings, today's matter will be revealed, and you and I will go our separate ways from now on."

Although these four people have the upper hand in strength, they obviously don't want to fight with the other six people. Otherwise, even if they win, they won't be able to protect themselves, and maybe they will give people an opportunity to take advantage of.In this way, it is naturally better to settle for the next best thing, not only to get a certain amount of spoils, but also to be unscathed.And this kind of choice is also a gentle method that is often used when the teams of emperors and kings meet in the ancient realm and the difference in strength between them is within a certain level.

The six people on the river bank remained silent at the same time.

The old man of the imperial realm and the middle-aged warrior looked at each other, and they could see the thoughts in each other's hearts. If handing over the three storage rings can eliminate today's disaster, it is naturally an excellent choice in their opinion, and they can reduce the risk. Minimize it without losing anything.After all, it is impossible for the two of them to hand over the storage ring.

Among the four rank-[-] Great Emperor Realm warriors, there was a woman with a high-class appearance and a soft and charming figure. Seeing this, she hurriedly stepped forward and cast a pleading look at the middle-aged warrior, even revealing a bit of coquettishness.

This woman traveled all the way, and in order to get shelter, she had already had a dewy marriage with a middle-aged warrior. At this moment, the beauty is courting her. Thinking of her snow-white and delicate body, the middle-aged warrior felt a heat in his heart, and then nodded slightly without showing a trace.Surprise suddenly appeared on the charming woman's pretty face, and she moved slightly to the side of the middle-aged warrior with lotus steps, bowing her head slightly without saying a word.

The faces of the remaining three seventh-rank Great Emperor Realm fighters instantly became extremely ugly. At this moment, the matter has become clear, and the three of them have obviously become the bargaining chips to be sacrificed.But even so, the three dared not speak out.

"Haha, brothers and sisters really know the current affairs, so it's the best. Now that we have made a decision, let's bring the storage ring, so as not to cause trouble after a long delay." The black-faced man chuckled and said that the matter can be resolved peacefully. It could not be better.

"Don't be dissatisfied, the three brothers. The two of us did it as a last resort. Handing over the storage ring can protect us from threats. I think the three brothers should be able to make a choice." The old man said lightly. , but the meaning of coercion in the language is very clear.

The three rank-[-] great emperor-level warriors cursed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show their faces. After struggling for a while, they still gritted their teeth and took out the storage ring that contained the corpse of the wild beast.Compared with life, when external objects should be discarded, they must be discarded!

But at this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps coming from the dense forest on one side of the mountain stream. Although it was not heavy, it was heard clearly in the ears of all warriors here. They all couldn't help wrinkling slightly, but one of them showed ecstasy in his eyes after a brief shock, and all the original unwillingness and distress disappeared at this moment.

The visitor was dressed in a green shirt, with a calm expression on his face, and walked quietly, but it was quite strange in the eyes of everyone.Nowadays, everyone in Mangu Realm is in danger. Even the kings of the Emperor Realm have to cooperate with others to avoid being robbed by others. Those who dare to walk alone must be those with superior strength.

It's just that the person in front of him looks extremely young, and his breath perception is as vague as if covered by a layer of mist, but those eyes are as calm as a deep pool, naturally revealing a sense of indifference and composure, which makes people dare not underestimate them.

For a while, because of the appearance of this warrior, the space suddenly became strangely quiet.

Meng Tianchen glanced over the warriors on both sides of the river, stopped on a warrior on the opposite bank, and slightly bowed his hands to him.

"Brother Yue, long time no see."

Among the three seventh-rank emperor-level warriors on the opposite bank, one of them was Shi Yue.Seeing Meng Tianchen appear at this moment, his heart suddenly became peaceful, and he smiled and bowed his hands in return.

"Brother Meng, I don't want to meet you today. It seems that you are really the noble person in my destiny, always saving me in crisis."

Meng Tianchen pondered for a while. The first time he saw Shi Yue was when he was assassinated. Although Meng Tianchen planned this, it still seemed that he was the one who rescued Shi Yue. After entering the Tongli Empire, he saved his life more times. After careful calculation, it seems that there is some truth in saying this, so he nodded immediately.

"It's good for you to be clear in your heart. When you return to the capital this time, don't forget to invite me to have a drink. There is not much time left, so let's go now." He said lightly, without looking at the other warriors , but it was the inadvertent strong will revealed in this kind of indifference that made people even more frightened.

Seeing Meng Tianchen suddenly appearing to talk with Shi Yue, the relationship between the two is obviously extraordinary, the faces of several Emperor Realm kings on both sides of the river changed at the same time, their eyes felt a little gloomy.They have already made a decision on how to deal with the matter, but the sudden appearance of the martial artist will obviously have a certain impact on their resolution.

And seeing that Shi Yue suddenly calmed down, the few people dared not underestimate Meng Tianchen's cultivation, and paid more attention to him in their hearts.But this attention is obviously not enough to change the decision they have made. After all, he is only one person, no matter how strong he is, he can still fight against them.Just out of caution, so that they don't want to make extra troubles.

The black-faced man cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Brother, we don't want to embarrass you today. It's not difficult for you to take this friend away. As long as he hand over the storage ring that holds the corpse of the beast, or give it to another person, I will never stop it." At half o'clock, let the two leave."

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the meaning was already expressed very clearly. If you don't hand over the storage ring, you don't even think about getting out safely.Moreover, this person's opening was quite clever, and he cheated the old man and the middle-aged warrior on the opposite side without any trace. If Meng Tianchen really wanted to help his master get ahead and persuade the two kings of the emperor to change their arrangements, it was obviously better than four of them. It's much easier for people to fight against each other.On the other side of the river bank, the old man and the middle-aged warrior obviously also thought of this, and their faces became extremely gloomy.

But his calculations are destined to fail.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, his eyes fell on this person, and he pondered slightly.

"You opened your mouth to remind me that today's matter is ultimately my friend who suffered first, and you should make compensation. If you hand over the two storage rings, today's matter is over, and I will let you go."

The black-faced man froze, then became extremely ugly, with a gloomy look in his eyes, he spoke in a low voice.

"It seems that Xiongtai is really going to intervene in this matter. I don't know what to call Xiongtai. If you really have the power to make us bow down, the four of us will do so immediately. Otherwise, you may have to hand over the storage ring in your hand to leave. !" Meng Tianchen dared to utter wild words like this, presumably because he had something to rely on, and they didn't dare to be too tough.But as he said, if you don't have enough strength to talk big, you will naturally have to pay the due price.

Before Meng Tianchen heard the words, a pale and cold man among the four spoke with a sneer.

"Brother, don't worry, other people don't know this person, but Baimou knows his identity. This person is Meng Tianchen, Lord Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom. Suspected that the cultivation base of the eighth-rank great emperor is a joke in Baimou's eyes. He really thought that no one knew his background, and he tried to coerce you and me to back down. My East Manchuria is adjacent to the Hu Kingdom, and I happened to have heard about Meng Tianchen. thing."

(End of this chapter)

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