Chapter 963 Strength is the last word
"During the battle between the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family, Meng Tianchen was still a warrior of the lower emperor realm. In a short time so far, it is still possible to break through to the seventh-rank emperor realm due to some chances. Could it be that he can also directly reach the emperor realm king? Humph! Those who say, if he really has the cultivation level of the eighth-rank Great Emperor, how dare the Lord of the Pot Kingdom send him to send him to the empire, and is he not afraid that the child master will leave him behind?" Speaking of this, the common warrior turned his head to look at Meng Tianchen, and said to himself Thinking that Meng Tianchen's bluff has been broken, there is an undisguised mockery in his eyes.

Hearing Meng Tianchen's name, the martial artist with the other surname's face changed slightly, but after hearing the explanation from the martial artist beside him, his expression turned gloomy, and his eyes were already cold when he looked at Meng Tianchen.Without enough power, you still try to interfere in today's affairs, and you don't know how to live or die!
"Brother Meng, if you are sensible, please hand over the storage ring in your hand."

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered coldly, and he no longer had the patience to waste time with them.

But without waiting for Meng Tianchen to react at this moment, the civilian warriors had already sneered and opened their mouths.

"I don't know, brother, I still have some old debts with this Meng Tianchen, I'm afraid we can't let him get away today."

The warrior surnamed Pang groaned for a moment when he heard the words, then stepped back slightly and stopped talking, apparently acquiescing to the actions of the common people warriors.Although this Eastern Manchu warrior is at the level of a seventh-rank Great Emperor, his real combat power is by no means inferior to them. According to him, it is enough to deal with Meng Tianchen.That being the case, it is natural to sell him a favor.

"Hey, Meng Tianchen, I'm afraid you don't know my identity yet, so you might as well tell you, so that you can understand!" the civilian warrior said with a sneer.

"My people's lineage is distributed in both the Hu Kingdom and the East Manchuria. When you ascended, did you fight against my hundred warriors in the ascension passage? If it was only the case, Baimou might not care about you, but All the foundations of my family in the Hu Kingdom were destroyed in the invasion of the Hu Kingdom, and the soldiers of the hundreds of families suffered heavy casualties. This enmity, Baimou will naturally be counted on your head! If you have never encountered it, let it go. Since you have encountered it, How could Baimou let you go!"

As the words fell, the civilian warrior showed a ferocious expression on his face, and he took a step forward, his figure had turned into a phantom and came out, and he slapped Meng Tianchen with his palm.This person has resentment in his heart, and his attack is naturally vicious, he has given up all his strength, and he has nothing to hold back.

Meng Tianchen's face was indifferent, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. Seeing the palm of the ordinary warrior slapped him, it was like looking at an insignificant ant.

He didn't move his feet, stretched out one hand from the sleeve of his robe, and slapped this person to welcome him.

Seeing Meng Tianchen being so entrusted, the common people's warriors' eyes instantly became extremely gloomy, and the expression on their faces became even more ferocious. How dare you act presumptuously in front of him, this is where you will die!Feeling ruthless in his heart, he slapped this palm faster, the power in his body surged out and condensed in the palm of his hand, as soon as he collided with Meng Tianchen, the power gushed out crazily, killing him directly!

The three warriors surnamed Pang also thought the same way. Seeing that Meng Tianchen was about to fight against the ordinary warriors, the corners of their mouths couldn't help revealing a bit of sarcasm. They knew the supernatural powers of the ordinary warriors. The emperor would never even think about retreating completely, let alone this Meng Tianchen, the few people seemed to have seen Meng Tianchen's broken bones, terrified and desperate appearance!
The next moment, the development of the matter was not different from their expectations, but the object had changed.

Two palms meet.


A loud noise erupted in an instant, Meng Tianchen's clothes fluttered in his green robe, his black hair moved without wind, but his footsteps remained motionless as if rooted in an old tree. Instantly covered with dense bloodshot.



The fine, rapid and scalp-numbing sound of bone breaking and cracking started from his palm, and then spread to his entire body at an astonishing speed.

The figure of the civilian warrior flew upside down in an instant, and was thrown tens of feet backwards. It landed on a small and steep rocky cliff with a bang, causing the whole rocky cliff to tremble slightly. His body was embedded in it, and blood flowed out quickly He touched the stone wall behind him, and with a twist of his neck, the aura of this civilian warrior disappeared immediately.

The sudden change silenced the entire mountain stream in an instant!
In the dead silence, all the warriors on both sides of the river bank looked at the civilian warriors, their bodies were stiff and cold.With the strength comparable to that of a king in the imperial realm, Meng Tianchen couldn't hold on for a moment, and was directly slapped to death with a palm!What kind of terrifying and ferocious strength is needed to do this?
Several people turned their heads with difficulty, and their eyes fell on Meng Tianchen again, and the rest were only deeply frightened.Meng Tianchen can slap common people and warriors to death like a fly with his palm, and he can also wipe them away.Thinking of this, the three people surnamed Pang and the others suddenly felt bitter in their mouths, and their hearts were terrified, for fear that Meng Tianchen would make a sudden attack and directly kill the three of them. get wet.

On the other side, the old man and the middle-aged warrior also turned pale, lowered their heads slightly, and their eyes were full of fear.The remaining three warriors were all pale and terrified.

Shi Yue's pupils contracted slightly, and there was an expression of shock that could not be suppressed on his face. With a casual palm, Meng Tianchen directly bombarded and killed this ordinary fighter who was comparable to the king of the emperor's realm. This kind of method, I am afraid that only the super powerful emperor can do it. do it.

Although he knew that Meng Tianchen did have some kind of method that could make him increase his strength in a short period of time and possess the power to fight head-to-head with the eighth-rank emperor warrior, but at this moment he didn't sense any abnormal aura from Meng Tianchen. With a single palm of his hand, he had already killed the ordinary martial artist!

Shi Yue's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of the star river formed by the soaring beams of light, hanging down from the sky, and Meng Tianchen's power has skyrocketed, obviously because of this matter, he has gained a great increase in his strength.

It's just that the growth rate is too amazing!He can easily kill an eighth-rank Great Emperor warrior, if he uses all his cards, how much will his strength increase?

Thinking of this, Shi Yue's heart was shaken even more, and he took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, with envy and surprise, but no unbalanced mentality.After he left that day, Meng Tianchen fought with Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda. Although he didn't know the details of what happened after that, the terrifying aura coming from the depths of the void made him understand that Meng Tianchen could reap opportunities Good luck, because he has enough power, if it were him, he would have died long ago.That being the case, what is the imbalance? A person is self-aware, and if he is not greedy, he will only ruin his own life.

Meng Tianchen's eyes swept over the surrounding area, and every martial artist he took a fancy to, his body stiffened for a while, and he bowed his head deeply to show awe.He frowned slightly, shaking his head in his heart.

Based on Meng Tianchen's original intention, he had no intention of killing common people and warriors. After all, after careful calculation, he was the one who hurt the hundred families first, so it is reasonable for this person to seek revenge.It's just that although he can barely control the surge of power in his physical body and won't burst out at will, he can't control the scale well when fighting with others, so he can kill this person with one palm.

But since he killed him, he didn't feel any guilt in his heart. After all, before the civilian warriors made a move, they already had the idea of ​​killing him, so they should be prepared to be beheaded.But this matter is not without benefits, at least at this moment he does not need to continue to waste his words, the strong will always dominate, while the weak can only choose to surrender or die.These people don't want to die, so after seeing Meng Tianchen's power, they will naturally bow their heads obediently.

"Brother Yue, today's matter is ultimately regarded as Meng Mou standing up for you to seek justice. How to deal with this matter should be decided by you." There are three Gulongtan places in the Mangu Region, and Meng Tianchen has one and the other is left. , since it is within the scope of his ability, he naturally minds to go along with the flow and help the teacher get over it.

Shi Yue was originally a person with a keen mind and a keen mind. Hearing the words at this moment, he instantly understood what Meng Tianchen meant. His eyes swept over him, showing a little gratitude, and even more fortunate that he and Meng Tianchen had a good relationship.Slightly pondering, he looked up at the three warriors surnamed Pang.

"Brother Meng said earlier that I want you to hand over two storage rings. The common people are attacking Brother Meng for their own personal grievances. Now the spoils that have been cut off should belong to Brother Meng, so I ask the three brothers to take out two more rings. Storage ring, today's matter will be revealed."

The three warriors surnamed Pang were overjoyed when they heard the words, and then they felt distressed, but compared with their lives, things outside the body are nothing after all, and the three of them looked at Meng Tianchen, with the intention of asking questions in a respectful way.

Meng Tianchen nodded.

"Since Brother Yue has spoken, I will go around you once, leave the storage ring behind, and retreat immediately."

"Thank you, my lord!" The three warriors surnamed Pang hurriedly saluted. After a slight pause, two of them took out the storage ring and presented it respectfully.

"This is your compensation for Brother Yue, just give it to him." Meng Tianchen, who was ranked first in the Mangu Region, was destined to have it in his pocket. These wild beasts were originally taken by Master Yue, so he naturally would not take them.

Everyone heard the words, although they were still in awe, but seeing that Meng Tianchen had no intention of continuing to kill, they calmed down and looked up at Shi Yue with a bit of envy.Being able to make good friends with Meng Tianchen is naturally extremely lucky in their opinion.

Shi Yue was already prepared in his heart, but at the moment he heard the words, he still felt a little excited in his heart, bowed his hands to Meng Tianchen, and then raised his hand to take away the storage ring.

The three warriors surnamed Pang nodded slightly to him. Although they lost the two storage rings, they didn't have much resentment. After all, Meng Tianchen's attack was enough to kill them easily, and now he was willing to spare their lives. Lucky.After careful calculation, they are afraid that they still have to be grateful to Shi Yue.The three of them saluted Meng Tianchen again, and after getting permission, they respectfully retreated a certain distance, turned around and drove away without hesitation.

"Cough! Brother Yue, we can't help what happened today, so please don't forgive me. The old man and Brother Mo are willing to take out half of the corpses of the wild beasts in their hands as compensation for brother. I don't know brother What do you think?" The old man with the cultivation base of Emperor Realm King clasped his hands and opened his mouth, but his eyes were carefully observing the changes in Meng Tianchen's expression, and if there was something wrong, he would immediately change his words - hand over all the corpses of wild beasts for self-protection.

(End of this chapter)

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