God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 103 A Trip to the Planetarium

Chapter 103 A Trip to the Planetarium

Soon, the two arrived at their destination. Yao Yao got out of the car and saw that it was a planetarium.Although Yao Yao likes shooting stars, she has never been to a planetarium.After all, the girls in the dormitory were not interested in astronomy at all, and Yao Yao didn't have any other close friends besides them.Yao Yao was naturally not in the mood to go without anyone accompanying her.

"This is the latest planetarium opened in Z City. According to the introduction on the Internet, tourists can truly experience astronomical phenomena. I heard that meteor showers are also in it." Shen An explained to Yao Yao, and then dragged Yao Yao into the room. Inside the hall.

Since it is a newly opened planetarium, there are not many tourists inside, but most of them are couples in pairs.Yao Yao looked at Shen An who was buying tickets, and thought of the behavior of the two of them today. To outsiders, do they look like a couple?

The planetarium is very large, and Yao Yao was attracted by the scenery inside the museum as soon as she entered.Surrounded by a huge LCD screen that shoots around, it is really immersive.Yao Yao even felt that she could touch the stars in the sky as soon as she stretched out her hand.Moreover, there are different partitions in the museum, which fully satisfy the experience of various astronomy enthusiasts.Yao Yao originally planned to go to the Meteor Experience Department as soon as she entered, who knew that the scenery in the museum was so beautiful, she did not resist the temptation.Look here, look there, look very excited.

Probably because of being in such an environment, Yao Yao also temporarily forgot the embarrassment and the reservedness she promised to do. She actually took Shen An's hand directly, and entered the solar eclipse experience hall for a while, and then went to the constellation The experience hall, and even the planetarium that has been studied for a long time in the hall.The funniest thing was that Yao Yao dragged Shen An to stand in the middle of the hall after watching a big movie about the history of planetary development.It's just that Shen An and Yao Yao have different attention levels. Yao Yao looked at everything in the planetarium curiously with flooded eyes, but Shen An only saw Yao Yao the whole time.Because she asked some naive questions, she was slightly embarrassed and blushed; she discovered new things, and her face was full of excitement; she would even jump around in the planetarium like a child, facing A thing can be fiddled with for a long time.

Shen An looked at the time, quickly grabbed the little girl who was still in a state of excitement, and said with a doting smile: "If you don't go to the Meteor Hall now, I'm afraid you won't be able to go there in a while."

Only then did Yao Yao follow Shen An towards the Meteor Hall with regret on her face. After all, the purpose of their trip was to experience the Meteor Shower. If they were delayed because of these things, Yao Yao would definitely regret it.Probably because Yao Yao and the others went to the Meteor Pavilion very smoothly on the eve of closing, and there was no waiting in line for other pavilions.

The staff in front of the museum distributed a pair of glasses to Yao Yao and the others before they entered the venue, similar to the glasses distributed in 3D movies, except that the glasses in the museum look more advanced.The two wearing glasses just entered the hall, and the surroundings were pitch black, and they couldn't see anything at all.Yao Yao couldn't help feeling a little scared, so she grabbed Shen An subconsciously.Shen An seemed to feel Yao Yao's fear, and gently put his arms around her shoulders, buried her in his chest, and told her that he was here and told her not to be afraid.

Yao Yao didn't care about being reserved at the moment, and directly hugged Shen An's waist. The fresh smell of laundry detergent filled her entire nasal cavity, which belonged to Shen An. Yao Yao suddenly felt that she was not so scared anymore. Looking around secretly, little by little light gradually appeared in front of his eyes.At first, there was only a bright silver light flashing in front of my eyes, but gradually, there were more lights in front of my eyes.The entire starry sky is presented in front of the eyes, and one after another meteors are passing by in front of the eyes, so real.It was so real that Yao Yao felt as if she could touch a shooting star with her hand.

Yao Yao couldn't help stretching out her right hand, wanting to touch the beauty in front of her eyes.But someone grabbed her hand suddenly, Yao Yao only felt her body tilted, and she fell into a warm embrace in an instant.Yao Yao gently leaned against Shen An's arms, just like Fei Yu and Shura in the game.The two didn't speak, because they didn't want to break the warmth at the moment.

What Yao Yao didn't know was that Shen An actually took off his glasses when he entered the museum, because for Shen An, Yao Yao was the most beautiful scenery in front of him.

Probably because Yao Yao, who is now full of satisfaction and showing a happy face, is too beautiful, Shen An's expression changes when she looks at her.Yao Yao only felt a sudden burst of warm breath coming from her forehead, and a slightly cool touch landed on her forehead.

It was already night when the two came out of the hall. After dinner, Shen An drove Yao Yao back to school.After coming out of the planetarium, the two remained silent.After that touch left, Yao Yao knew what was the source of this touch?So she was in a shy state all the time, and Shen An actually didn't speak for the first time, just because he regretted it, and because he didn't control his impulse, he kissed Yao Yao directly, even though it was only on the forehead.

Soon, K University will arrive.However, Shen An refused to open the car door for a long time, and Yao Yao couldn't get out of the car by herself.Since neither of them spoke, the atmosphere in the car gradually became awkward.About 10 minutes later, Shen An looked at Yao Yao, the co-pilot, took a deep breath, and said, "Girl, let's go, I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"Don't bother." Yao Yao quickly raised her head, but accidentally met Shen An's gaze. She quickly looked away in a panic and said, "It's not too far anyway, so I can go back by myself? Senior, you should go back sooner too." have a rest."

But Shen An didn't listen to Yao Yao's words, he leaned over to help Yao Yao unbuckle her seat belt, opened the car door and went down.And Yao Yao was frightened by Shen An's bending over just now, she quickly covered her eyes, only to find that the other party was just unfastening her seat belt.Yao Yao's face turned red again, but this time it was not because of shyness, but because of her wild thoughts, she actually thought that Shen An wanted to kiss her?

And Shen An had already opened Yao Yao's car door at this time, Yao Yao lowered her head and quickly jumped out, and the two of them walked slowly towards the girls' dormitory.There are not many students on the road, and you will only occasionally meet two or three who come out to make soy sauce in the middle of the night.Yao Yao couldn't help feeling a little lucky, because Shen An still held her hand tightly.Although she was very happy in her heart, she didn't want other people to spread any rumors about adopting her. After all, she and Shen An were the hero and heroine of that incident.Moreover, both of them clarified at that time, and now they are so close together, it will inevitably lead to misunderstanding.For some reason, she didn't want to make it public when the relationship between the two hadn't been formalized.

(End of this chapter)

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