God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 104 See You Tomorrow

Chapter 104 See You Tomorrow

The girls' dormitory building arrived soon, Shen An finally let go of Yao Yao's hand, took out a black mobile phone from his arms, and handed it to Yao Yao.Yao Yao took it with some doubts, why did Shen An give her a mobile phone?

"Senior, why are you giving me your phone?" Yao Yao looked at the black phone in her hand, if she remembered correctly, it should be Shen An's own phone, why did she give it to her?
"You take it first, the phone bill has been fully charged, and the battery is also fully charged." Shen An said such a sentence for no reason, which made Yao Yao even more bewildered. "In case your phone is either unanswered or turned off."

"Uh...Senior, which number did you call me?" Yao Yao was a little embarrassed, she forgot to explain to Shen An that she had two mobile phones.At the beginning, she didn't think that Shen An was the Dou Wang Xin An in the game, and because Yao Yao hated Shen An's calculating behavior when they met for the first time, so of course the contact information she gave him was the one for dealing with strangers. up.

It was also because of this that Shen An did not realize that Yao Yao was Miss Yao.After all, the mobile phone numbers of the two are not the same at all. Although I thought they were similar before, I didn't dare to think about it.

"What do you think? I've called both. Next time you go out, you must bring your phone with you. Don't worry me." Thinking of this, Shen An wanted to teach the girl in front of her a lesson. , actually took the trouble to register two mobile phone numbers.

"Uh...that's because the notification from the college is really annoying..." Yao Yao pouted and retorted in a murmur. Besides, who would have thought that she would give two numbers to the same person at the same time, and it wasn't her It's wrong.

"My number is the same from the beginning to the end, didn't you find it?" Shen An suddenly thought, his number is fixed, and the number of calls with this girl on weekdays is not infrequent, this girl is so confused, so Did you find any similar numbers?

"Eh..." Yao Yao was at a loss for words, could she say that she didn't look at the phone number at all?After all, every caller ID is a name, why would she compare two phone numbers specifically.

"What a stupid girl, well, it's already so late, you go up first." Looking at Yao Yao's expression, Shen An knew her answer.He couldn't help but raised his hand to touch her hair, the past is over, for Shen An, it doesn't make any sense to dwell on the past, he just wants to manage Yao Yao's future well.

"Well, then I will return the phone to you." Yao Yao handed the phone to Shen An, and promised: "I will definitely bring the phone with me next time, and the situation like today will never happen again."

"It's okay, I also have a spare mobile phone, you take this first, and you can return it to me when we meet tomorrow." Shen An forcefully stuffed the mobile phone to Yao Yao, suddenly there was a worried look in his eyes, " Remember to take your mobile phone with you tomorrow, and I will take you to a place when the time comes."

"Oh." Seeing Shen An's tough attitude, Yao Yao no longer refused, and obediently put away her mobile phone.Anyway, it will be returned to Shen An tomorrow, and it will be regarded as helping him keep it for free for a day.Although she doesn't know why Shen An forced her to give her the phone, Yao Yao believes that he must have his own reasons.

Seeing that Yao Yao finally stopped worrying about her mobile phone, Shen An hurriedly urged her to go back to the dormitory.Because the night was getting deeper and it was winter, and the outdoor temperature was getting lower and lower, Shen An didn't want to freeze Yao Yao.Although he really wanted to stay with Yao Yao for a while longer, but he didn't want his little girl to get sick, so he could only suppress his lovesickness and urged her to go back to the dormitory to rest early.

Yao Yao said goodnight to Shen An, and was about to turn around and go upstairs, but she still couldn't hold back the throbbing in her heart after taking two steps, turned around and rushed towards Shen An, hugged him tightly, and buried her head in his chest. chest, and then said with a choked voice: "Brother An, see you tomorrow."

Yao Yao's sudden hug made Shen An stunned for three seconds, and just wanted to hug her back.But Yao Yao ran upstairs like a gust of wind without looking back.Shen An looked at Yao Yao's leaving back, and couldn't help but silently smiled, as if he sent his cousin back to the dormitory last time, was this girl also so hot?But at this moment, Shen An's heart is satisfied, at least from Yao Yao's behavior just now, this girl also has her own in her heart.

Yao Yao rushed to the door of the dormitory in a fit of anger, and then gradually calmed down.Thinking of her own initiative to hug just now, Yao Yao felt a little embarrassed again.It's clear that it's not that they can't see each other again, but when they parted, she suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.So the body reacted faster than the head, and couldn't help but hugged Shen An.How can Yao Yao not be moved by this man whom he has liked for a long time in the game, this man who always helps her in reality?

Yao Yao patted her cheek, took a deep breath, felt that her heartbeat had gradually calmed down, and her face was not so red, she slowly opened the door of the dormitory and walked in.

The girls in the dormitory are all night owls, so they basically didn't sleep.But what surprised Yao Yao was that none of these serious game addicts actually played games.As soon as Yao Yao came in, the three of them immediately surrounded her, jumping Yao Yao, and quickly stepped back a few steps.

"What are you doing?" Yao Yao couldn't help swallowing, and looked at the three people in front of her cautiously.

The three of them just looked at Yao Yao several times from head to toe, and then you looked at me and I looked at you, what kind of charades were they playing?In the end, Su Yun coughed softly and said, "Yaoyao, why did you come back so early?"

"It's getting late, it's almost ten o'clock." Yao Yao took out her mobile phone and checked the time. Is this early?I really don't understand what they are thinking?

"Oh, ask the point, Xiao Yun." Xin Ran quickly pushed Su Yun away, stood in front of Yao Yao, and asked curiously: "Yao Yao, tell me how you got lost from the venue to outside the venue What? Made Senior Shen look for you for a long time? He even blamed me, hum...do you know..."

"Okay, just talk about me, you didn't get the point..." Su Yun looked at Xinran contemptuously, with an expression of how stupid you are.Xin Ran was about to refute, when Yun Ge suddenly said: "Yaoyao, we want to ask, should I call you cousin?"

"Oh, this is still too vague, Yaoyao, you and Shen An have been out for such a day, where have you been and what have you done? Is there a KISS?" Xin Ran was like a series of firecrackers, and Yao Yao couldn't resist the series of questions. .

Hearing KISS once, Yao Yao remembered the kiss in the planetarium, and couldn't help but blush.But she knew that she must not tell the three of them, otherwise this matter would become a excuse for them to tease herself.But seeing the three of them acting like they would never let her go unless they said anything, when Yao Yao was worrying about how to make up an excuse, the cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

 Guess who's calling?

  [-]. Shen An

  [-]. Monsoon

  Three, pool ink

  [-]. Cheng Xue

  (PS: This is a good guess, it depends on whether you have observed carefully, hehe...)
  Thanks to Zizhu, Feng Yuge_Yanyun° and Xiaoyanqin for their rewards, Yanzi will continue to work hard...

(End of this chapter)

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