God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 105 The roommates are all black

Chapter 105 The roommates are all black
Yao Yao quickly breathed a sigh of relief, if this continues, she will be so oppressed by the eyes of her girlfriends that she can't breathe.She couldn't even look at the caller ID, so she quickly connected the phone.

"Hello?" Yao Yao took the opportunity to bypass the three of them and came to the sink.The three of them saw that Yao Yao was answering the phone, so they planned to temporarily truce, and then re-trial later.

"Are you there?" A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone. Yao Yao was stunned for a while, and then realized that it seemed to be Shen An's voice.It was only then that Yao Yao remembered that she forgot her mobile phone today, and it was clearly Shen An's mobile phone that was stuffed into her pocket when Shen An just parted.

"En. I'm here, how about you? You should still be driving, is it convenient to call me?" Yao Yao counted the time, Shen An should be driving now, wouldn't it be distracting to call herself?

"Open the curtains and have a look." Shen An suddenly said such a sentence, Yao Yao pulled aside the curtains very puzzled, and found that Shen An was still standing downstairs.

"Why haven't you gone back yet? Isn't it cold outside? Isn't it going to cool down tonight?" Yao Yao looked at Shen An downstairs. Although it was already late at night, she could only see his outline clearly, not him. expression, but she knew that he must be looking at her from below at this moment.

"Look carefully out of the window." A chuckle came from beside her ear, Shen An's tone was very gentle, Yao Yao looked out of the window and pointed to the sky.Yao Yao hurriedly looked in his direction, and found that there were small white fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky.Yao Yao couldn't help stretching out her hand out of the window, the snowflakes melted on the palm of her hand, it was icy cold, but it made people very happy.

"It's snowing." Yao Yao murmured, did Shen An call herself just to let herself see the beautiful scenery at this time?Gradually, the snow fell more and more heavily, and the ground was covered with white snow, which looked extraordinarily beautiful under the dim light of the street lamps, which made Yao Yao's heart flutter.But for Yao Yao, the person standing in the middle of the snowflakes made her even more tempted.

But Yao Yao was still very worried about Shen An, since it started to snow, it meant that the temperature outside was getting lower and lower.Even if she was in the heated dormitory, she could still feel the coolness outside. "Senior, you should go back early, it's too cold, be careful not to get sick."

"Okay." Yao Yao looked at the back of Shen An who was slowly leaving, and suddenly felt a little bit reluctant. Is her feeling really strange?It's not that we can't see each other anymore, why do you still feel a little sad when you see him go?

In fact, Shen An originally planned to leave after Yao Yao went upstairs, but halfway there, he found that snowflakes were falling in the sky. He suddenly remembered Yao Yao's happy appearance when he saw snow falling in the ancient town last time , Every frown and smile is touching.For some reason, after leaving for a while, he missed her a little, so he couldn't help but walked back and called her.

But when Shen An just left, he noticed something strange, he always felt that someone was looking at Yao Yao by the window just like himself.This is also the reason why Shen An is going to give Yao Yao his mobile phone today, because the latest tracking and positioning system is installed in his mobile phone, which allows him to grasp Yao Yao's dynamics at the first time.The most important thing was that after hearing Ji Feng's conversation at the venue, he felt a little uneasy.This man, Ji Feng, has always been hostile to his girl, and this time he deliberately designed to get in touch with Yao Yao at the venue.It seems that he should teach this person some lessons, tell him not to worry about what he should not worry about.

Thinking of this, Shen An didn't care that it was late at night, so he directly dialed Feng Qin's phone number, and after successfully hearing the curse on the other side of the phone, he replied slowly: "Madman, did you have to work overtime recently?" Too little?"

On the other end of the phone, Feng Qin immediately changed his tone, and quickly said, "Oh, brother An, I was wrong. I didn't expect it to be your old man. Tell me, what do you want to do with my younger brother? I will go through fire and water."

Shen An didn't have time to listen to Feng Qin's nonsense, and directly stated his purpose, "Madman, help me find someone. The more detailed the information, the better, and it's best to find out who he has been in contact with recently."

"Uh...Brother An, has anyone who is not afraid of death offended you again recently?"

"Stop talking nonsense, since you still have the time to talk nonsense, then I will see the information tomorrow morning."

"Brother An, I was wrong. Tell me, who do you want my younger brother to investigate?"

"Monsoon." After finishing speaking, Shen An hung up the phone, not giving Feng Qin a chance to continue asking, because he knew that this guy could only talk nonsense.

Hearing Ji Feng's name, Feng Qin was stunned. He wanted to ask Shen An why, but the other party hung up directly. He didn't have the guts to call back if he didn't give Feng Qin, so he got up silently and started to check Ji Feng's information. After all, since Brother An has confessed, there must be his reasons.

But Yao Yao didn't know everything Shen An did, because after hanging up the phone, she was arrested by her girlfriends again for interrogation.Yao Yao looked at the three people in front of her, sighed helplessly, tried to change the subject, and said, "Xiaoyun, why don't you play games tonight?"

"Hmph, don't try to change the subject, hurry up and explain the question." Su Yun put his hand in, looking like he was about to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

"Eh... what are you going to explain?" Yao Yao was helpless, she just went out with the senior once, so what is there to explain.

"Hmph, Yaoyao, don't hide it anymore, we already knew that Shen An is the leader you have been thinking about for a long time. Didn't anything happen when you went out alone this time?" The appearance of their honest confession was straightforward.

"You...why do you know?" Yao Yao was surprised this time. She looked at the three people in front of her. Shen An is a master in the game, and Yao Yao only found out today. How did these three girls know?
"Of course, if it weren't for us, would you have met so soon? This meeting is specially arranged for you." Xin Ran looked complacent, and Su Yun quickly bumped into her, beckoning her to say Too much.

"So, you have known the identity of the senior for a long time, but you have kept it from me?" Yao Yao looked at the three people, but she didn't expect that she would be the last one to know the truth, and when did these three people know ?It's too much to hide it from myself for so long.

Now the scene in the dormitory has been completely turned upside down. It was originally a scene of questioning Yao Yao, but it has become Yao Yao's home court. Xinran, Su Yun and Yun Ge looked at Yao Yao who was slightly angry, and immediately explained himself It was only recently that I found out that it was not intentional to deceive her at all.

Yao Yao deliberately ignored the three of them, and went to bed directly after washing.Yao Yao, who was lying on the bed, breathed a sigh of relief this time, and finally escaped the three people's questioning.In fact, she wasn't angry at all, because if it wasn't for them, she might still be struggling with how to ask a master to meet?In fact, Yao Yao thanked the three of them from the bottom of her heart, it was they who gave her courage and fulfilled herself.

But in order to be interrogated by three gossip girls again, let's pretend to be angry.But Yao Yao only found out now that all her roommates are black-bellied?They even united to deceive themselves, and they didn't leak any flaws.

 I originally wanted to write about Cheng Xuedi, but it was sweet when we first met.

(End of this chapter)

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