Chapter 106
The next morning, Yao Yao got up early, because Shen An said that she would come to pick her up today, so Yao Yao got up early to wash and dress up.Probably because the plot was exposed last night, the three people in the dormitory did not question Yao Yao's behavior, but told Yao Yao to be careful on the road.When you come back, remember to bring them supper and so on.

The centennial celebration is at the end of this month, so Su Yun, Xinran, and Yunge, as the backbone and participants of this school celebration, leave early and return late every day.As the only idler, Yao Yao, of course, wholeheartedly agreed to help them bring supper. After all, if she couldn't go to the front line, she could also do logistics to reward the three warriors.

Shen An just talked to Yao Yao on the phone and said that he will arrive at the school gate in a while.Yun Ge then invited Yao Yao to go out together, saying that the last time she came home, her aunt (Shen An's mother) asked her to bring some things for Shen An, but she never had time to give them to him. It just happened to save the time to find him.

But as soon as the two of them walked downstairs, they saw Chi Mo leaning against a tree beside him, and when they saw Yao Yao going downstairs, they immediately walked over.Smiling at Yao Yao, said: "Yao Yao, you are down."

"Little Mo, why are you here?" Yao Yao looked at Chi Mo with a puzzled expression on her face. She was waiting for her here so early in the morning. Did she have something important to do with her? "Xiaomo, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's okay, I just came to see you for breakfast." Chi Mo smiled wryly, looking at Yao Yao who looked puzzled, his heart ached.

"Then why didn't you call me? Have you been waiting for a long time? I'm sorry I already have an appointment today, or we can have dinner together next time." Yao Yao looked at Chi Mo's hair and knew he was sure I've been waiting below for a long time, and I can't help but feel a little sorry.But what puzzled her even more was why didn't Chi Mo call himself in advance?
"Your phone is turned off, and I don't know when you will go out, so I waited here." In fact, Chi Mo has been waiting here since last night, because he didn't contact Yao Yao all day yesterday, so he was a little Worried, because last time he clearly felt that someone was following Yao Yao, so he was afraid that something would happen to her.Asked Su Yun, but Su Yun said that Yao Yao and Xinran were together and went to the player meeting, it was very safe, and told Chi Mo not to worry.But Chi Mo always felt uneasy, so he waited for Yao Yao at the school gate, but in the afternoon, Xinran came back alone, Yao Yao was not by her side at all.

Chi Mo didn't care about being a gentleman, so he quickly grabbed Xinran and asked her anxiously where Yao Yao was?Xinran was taken aback by someone suddenly, turned around and saw that it was Chi Mo, and replied carelessly, saying that Yao Yao was no longer with her, she went to see her sweetheart, and would naturally come back at night.

After Chi Mo heard the words 'sweetheart', he felt a little heartbroken. He always felt that something in his heart was cut open, as if something important was getting farther and farther away from him. No matter how much he stretched out his hand, he would never grab it again. I can't stand her anymore.But unwilling to give up, he still waited until night, until he saw Shen An sending Yao Yao back to the dormitory, and saw the intimate behavior between the two.Yao Yao looked at Shen An's affectionate eyes, and Chi Mo knew that he was hopeless.

When he saw the interaction between the two outside the window, Chi Mo felt that his heart was three points cooler than the snow at the moment.He was not reconciled, obviously he met Yao Yao first, why when he came back perfect, she no longer belonged to him.Is he really one step too late?
Yao Yao heard Chi Mo say that her mobile phone was turned off, and then she remembered that she used Shen An's mobile phone yesterday, and she forgot to charge her mobile phone again.Sure enough, she took out her mobile phone from her bag, and it was completely dead, even the backup power was exhausted.Hearing that Chi Mo had called him many times, he felt even more sorry, "I'm sorry, Xiao Mo, my phone is out of battery, and I forgot to charge it."

"Since you feel sorry for me, then make it up to me and treat me to dinner." Chi Mo suddenly smiled gently. Although he also knew that his current behavior would embarrass Yao Yao, he just didn't want to let go.He was afraid that once he let go, there would really be no possibility between them.

"Eh... But today I..." Yao Yao really became very embarrassed, she didn't know how to answer, after all, Xiao Mo had been waiting for her here for so long, but she had already agreed to Shen An yesterday.Seeing Chi Mo's haggard look, Yao Yao still gritted her teeth, planning to explain to him and say that she would accompany him next time. "That little Mo, I..."

"Yaoyao, I'm going back in a few days. I don't know when we will meet again next time? What? As an old friend, can't you stay with me for the last few days?" Chi Mo seemed to have expected Yao Yao Yao might refuse, so she hastily interrupted what she was about to say, and pretended to be sad to play the emotional card, so that Yao Yao could not refuse.

"Since we're old friends, shouldn't we be more considerate of our friends? There's no one who is pressing every step of the way. Isn't it difficult not to see her?" Shen An didn't know when she came to the outside of the dormitory, bypassing Chi Mo directly, and came to the Yao Yao's side, gently hugged her shoulder.

"Senior, why did you come up here, didn't you say you were waiting for me at the school gate?" Yao Yao saw Shen An, her whole body exuded a sweet aura, she opened a big smile to Shen An, and asked softly.

"I saw that you haven't come out for so long, so I had to come in and find someone by myself. Unexpectedly, you were dragged by an old friend to reminisce about the old days." Although Shen An answered Yao Yao's words, he looked at Chi Mo deliberately, and deliberately put the old man in front of him. The word "friend" is particularly strong.

Chi Mo watched Shen An's behavior of hugging Yao Yao directly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but he immediately settled his emotions, took a step forward, touched Yao Yao's hair pretending to be intimate, and said: "Yao Yao, Who is he? Why didn't I hear you say it. "

Sure enough, Shen An was irritated by Chi Mo's intimate actions, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he moved Yao Yao behind him, signaled his ownership, looked directly at Chi Mo, and answered his question : "I am her husband."

Yao Yao became shy because of Shen An's sudden words. Although he is her game husband, it is true, but it is easy to misunderstand.Seeing that the atmosphere between the two became more and more tense, Yao Yao couldn't help smoothing things over and said: "Xiao Mo, the senior is my game husband, and you have seen it before. That senior, Xiao Mo is the son I mentioned to you. time playmate..."

"I am a childhood sweetheart who made a marriage contract with Yao Yao since childhood, and I am also her apprentice. Right, Master Yao?" Chi Mo interrupted Yao Yao directly, looked at Yao Yao pretending to be ambiguous, and explained provocatively.

The two men looked at each other, with the determination in their eyes that Yao Yao must win, and something gradually burned in the air.

 Thanks to Zizhu, Feng Yuge_Yanyunqin and Xiaoyanqin for their rewards, Yanzi will continue to work hard...

  As I write, I feel a little sorry for Chi Mo. I think back then I was desperately suppressing my emotions and constantly changing myself, hoping that one day I could appear in front of the other party with the most perfect posture.But I don't want to, time waits for no one, a one-time miss may become a lifetime miss...

  So when happiness knocks on the door, if you can grasp it well, you must hold it tightly in your heart, and don't let missing it become a regret...

(End of this chapter)

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