Chapter 112 The Demon Tower

After the fireworks were set off, Shen An and Yao Yao held hands and walked towards the girls' dormitory.As soon as they left, Ji Feng appeared in the playground, looking at the fireworks all over the ground, he destroyed them all in a rage.Then he turned on the phone, dialed Cheng Xue, and said, "I agree with the plan you mentioned."

Ever since her relationship with Shen An was established, Yao Yao has been in an atmosphere of being in love, whether it's in reality or in a game.After the centennial celebration ended, the student union also became idle, and all that was left was to meet the college's final exams.

Shen An has been on a business trip to other cities in recent days, and Yao Yao's daily life is a little boring. Anyway, the exam content of the literature department is similar, so there is no need to review at all?Most of the exams are the knowledge accumulated in the usual time, and it is useless to cram for the moment.But Su Yun from the art department and Xin Ran from the Xue reporter were even more idle. Their exam content was basically all reports, and they didn't go to the exam room at all.In the entire dormitory, except for An Yunge who was studying architectural design and went out to investigate, the other three basically stayed in the dormitory to play games.The weather is getting colder and colder, Yao Yao and the others go first and even order takeaway for dinner, they don't want to leave the dormitory at all.At the end of the term, all the courses have been studied, and most of the rest will be self-review.

Shen An is not allowed to play games in the place where he is on a business trip, so Yao Yao double-plays every day, even if he is not doing tasks, he still wanders around looking at the scenery.Feixian was updated again, and a two-person mount was released, which is very beautiful.Whichever map Yao Yao wants to go to now, she doesn’t need to open her own account and click to follow each time. When encountering a card, it is easy to lose track.Now it is only necessary for two people to ride one mount together, which is very convenient for Yao Yao, who is double-driver.

Due to the preparations for the centennial celebration, Yao Yao and the others hadn't played the game for nearly a week, and their level couldn't keep up.There was also a change of people on the ranking list, both Su Yun and Shen An had fallen out of the top ten.The only thing that hasn't changed is that he is at ease, and has been occupying the number one position in this server for a long time.Su Yun vowed to recover his status, and then beat Xiaoyao Zizi to the ground.Ever since the incident of snatching a marriage last time, I don't know what kind of bet Su Yun and Xiao Xian Zi Zao made.Now in Su Yun's account, there is a handsome young man with a heart that has become a little fairy with a fairy spirit. To be more precise, it is Su Yun who has changed his gender, and secretly married Xiao Xianzi.

Yao Yao knew that Su Yun's sex change was only discovered in the game recently, but it was obvious that Xin Ran's description was more exciting. She even used the trumpet of the gossip girl to write a lot of love and hate between the two on the forum. Love and hatred, so that he was chased and beaten by Su Yun in the dormitory.

Without Shen An, Yao Yao's time in the game was very boring.It happened that Su Yun was going to upgrade, so he suggested to farm the Demon Town Tower. Not only would he have rich experience, but he would also drop gold equipment materials. It can be said that the level and combat power have been grasped at once. The only disadvantage is that it is too difficult to pass the level. So far, no one has brushed the twelfth floor.

Yao Yao and the others didn't plan to pass the customs, so they bought the medicine and gathered in front of the Demon Town Tower. Because they didn't plan to pass the customs, they didn't want to form a wild team.There is not enough manpower, even Yao Yao's Shen An's account is used for soy sauce.Anyway, if it's just over nine, it's enough to have the master T of leisure and ease and the big nurse Su Yun.Yao Yao was also happy to be free, and just used Shen An's account to gain experience.

The picture quality of Feixian has always been very good. This Demon Town Tower really restores the description in the novel. Compared with the Town Demon Tower in the TV series, this one is more dark and terrifying. Just after entering the dungeon, the music in my ears completely changed. It's like the scene of entering the ghost capital that day.Yao Yao glanced at Su Yun subconsciously, Xiaoyun was most afraid of these things, and wondered if she could keep brushing.

However, Su Yun has a calm look on his face. It's not that she is not afraid anymore, she just turned off the special effects and music. The lines are gone, the picture quality has been reduced to the lowest level, where is there still a half of the monster's terrifying appearance, even the teammates can only be judged by the weapons in their hands?

The first to third floors are very simple, Yao Yao and Xinran didn't even make a move, the monster fell down.What made Yao Yao feel even more strange was that Su Yun obediently became a nanny today, with no intention of fighting monsters at all, and his DPS was even lower than that of Yao Yao who was playing soy sauce.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaoran, why is Xiaoyun so strange today?I didn't rob monsters anymore, and more importantly, I didn't quarrel with Xiaoyaozi...

Xin Ran glanced at Yao Yao, said that such a simple question was actually asked her, and continued to call her on the private chat channel.

[Private chat] The reason of the heart: This is not simple, no matter how tough a woman is married, she will become docile.Although our Xiaoyun is usually very strong, she is still a girl after all.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: ... I mean it?Does Xiaoyun have something on his mind?

[Private chat] The reason of the heart: I am also serious, haven't you read the gossip report I wrote?Is the adultery between these two people enough to explain the problem?
[Private chat] Girl Yao: I want to take a screenshot and tell Xiaoyun.

[Private chat] What is in your heart: Hey, don't have such a rebellious teammate, Yaoyao, you have learned badly.

This Xiaoran, there is really nothing she can do. She is not serious when she should be serious, and when she is not serious, she is too serious.Yao Yao has ignored Su Yun a lot recently because of Shen An's affairs, and she doesn't know how she and the president are doing?And the reason why she was robbed was also because of helping herself.

If only she could get happiness, Yao Yao felt that she was too selfish, so she decided to talk to her about Xiao Yun when Yun Ge came back.Yao Yao could tell that Yun Ge was the most reliable in the whole dormitory.Xiaoyun always likes to keep his worries in his heart, but what about Xinran?I am careless every day, except for eating, I am interested in gossip.

"Yaoyao, what are you in a daze for? It's strange and hateful. Hurry up and dodge..." Su Yun suddenly shouted at Yaoyao, and Yaoyao just realized that the girl Yao in the screen had been fixed in place by the monster. It's too late, she can't run even if she wants to, and leisurely and Su Yun are too far away, they can't hold the hatred at all, it seems that they are destined to be destroyed here.

After a flash of light, the monster was lying on the ground, and Yao Yao was not killed by the last big move.

[System] Your husband, Don't Forget Xin'an, used the husband and wife skill on you - Husband and wife are united, and took half of the damage for you.

 I haven't written a game for a long time, and I still thank you for the game once in a while...

(End of this chapter)

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