Chapter 113
After reading the system prompt, Yao Yao finally realized that Shen An is online?Opening the window to help Shen An register, it really shows that she has been disconnected.Seeing the assassin in black standing in front of her, Yao Yao's heart inexplicably settled down.It seems that every time he is in danger, he will always appear in front of him?Whether it is reality or a game, he is always standing in front of him.

[Private Chat] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: Girl, why do you always like to be in a daze?

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Master, didn't you say that you can't play games while on a business trip?
[Private chat] Don't forget peace of mind: The meeting is over tonight, and we'll be back tomorrow.

[Private Chat] Girl Yao: Didn’t you say you’ll be open for five days?Why did it end in just three days...

Although Yao Yao was very happy knowing that Shen An would be back tomorrow, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. When Shen An left, she clearly said she would go for five days, so why did she come back early?Could it be that the meeting did not go well?
[Private chat] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: It's okay, it's just that the opening was finished ahead of time.

Shen An did not tell Yao Yao that their meeting was supposed to last for five days, but he forced it to last for three days.After all, he had not confirmed the relationship with Yao Yao for a few days, and he was about to leave, so Shen An was not at ease.Apart from Chi Mo, who was watching covetously beside her, Ji Feng's problem hadn't been resolved yet.The most important thing is that Shen An has to admit that he really misses this girl, especially in the dead of night, her voice and smile are always in front of his eyes, and he can't get rid of it.So Shen An simply compressed the meeting directly, forcibly suppressing the five-day meeting to three days.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Then what time is your flight tomorrow, I will pick you up.

[Private chat] Don't forget peace of mind: The lunatics will come to pick me up, don't worry.It's so cold, don't go out.When I return to the company to explain the content of the meeting, I will come to you.

[Private chat] Girl Yao: Then you should rest early tonight, stop playing games, and don't be too tired.

[Private Chat] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: I'm fine, girl, I just miss you a little.Hearing that the lunatic said you were playing games, I couldn't help but go online to see you.

Seeing what Shen An said, Yao Yao couldn't help showing a sweet smile.The master always conveys his heart to himself without reservation, this time Yao Yao does not intend to hide her heart.

[Private Chat] Girl Yao: Well, me too.

Seeing Yao Yao's answer, Shen An also smiled, why is this girl so cute, she is simply inducing people to commit crimes, how can she not let him be moved?Shen An only regretted not being by her side now, otherwise he really wanted to stretch out his hands and hug her.

Shen An really wanted to call her and hear Yao Yao's voice.But he knew that it was late at night now, if Yao Yao answered the phone, he would definitely run outside the dormitory again, he didn't want his little girl to be cold, so he refrained from calling.So Shen An turned all his lovesickness into the next action.

[System] Dou Wang Xin An is hugging you gently.

The smile on Yao Yao's face deepened, she looked at the black-clothed assassin in the picture, and thought of the person she missed thousands of miles away.Even if there are thousands of mountains and rivers, as long as you know that the other person is also thinking about you, then no matter how far the distance is, it will not be a distance.Even though it was snowing heavily outside the window, the hearts of Yao Yao and Shen An were warm.

But obviously, the light bulbs obviously can't understand their high-profile show of affection, it's just a naked abuse of single dogs.Just now, thanks to Shen An's help, this level was finally cleared without any risk. The other three people took advantage of the situation and meditated on the spot, waiting for their vitality and mana to recover, but they watched a show of affection in real life.

[Team] What is in your heart: Yaoyao, Master Gang Leader, can you show your love behind our backs?I have already received [-] points of damage...

[Team] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: The lunatic said that you like the specialties of City R (the place where Shen An is on a business trip). When I came to this place, he asked me to bring a lot.

[Team] What is in your heart: Hmph... Who told him to meddle in his own business...

Yao Yao didn't understand, how could Shen An suddenly say such a sentence?And looking at Xinran's attitude, there is a feeling of ambiguity?The wind and fire drag expert gang is happy to bring special products, did she miss something?Yao Yao turned her head to look at Su Yun, but the other party blinked at Yao Yao with a face that you understand.Yao Yao looked at Xinran, and seeing her faltering expression, she guessed three points.

[Team] The cloud is calm and the wind is light: Didn't you say that you can accompany me to clear the tower?Let's talk about special products in private.

Su Yun resolved Xin Ran's embarrassment with a single sentence, and the few people stopped talking nonsense and quickly climbed up the tower.I have to say that with the addition of Shen An, the speed of clearing the tower is much faster.It will soon reach the seventh floor. Starting from this floor, the level and combat power of the boss are not at the same level as those on the next six floors. The attributes of all aspects are doubled. Of course, the chance of dropping treasures has also greatly increased. At least, many teams died on this floor.

The boss on the seventh floor is called Xiao Xingtian, a headless monster holding a big axe. What's even more frightening is that his mouth and eyes are on his stomach, matching the atmosphere in the tower, it looks even more terrifying stand up.

[Team] Leisurely: Bosses mainly have high HP, so be careful that they will combo four times. The mobs still have AOE and deal with them by the way. When the BOSS has about one-third of its blood remaining, it will enter a berserk period, pay attention to your own blood. When the boss has 10% blood left, the group attack will drop the hit state.It will also increase blood and attack state violently.The last 10% health is the key.Try to save explosive skills at the last moment, and reduce the number of battle rounds when the boss has low blood volume.

Before the raiders, Xiaoyaozi started to explain the characteristics of the boss, because he was the only one in the whole team who had fought this level, and it was the first time for the others, so Xiaoyaozi explained it very carefully.Yao Yao and Xinran stopped being lazy and took medicines against various attributes one after another.

When a few people were ready, Youyouzi stepped forward to start monsters.I have to say that, as expected of a boss on the seventh floor, it is really difficult to fight.If he hadn't taken the medicine, he might not have been able to break through the defense.Yao Yao looked at her equipment, it seems that she should change her equipment after the final exam.

[Private Chat] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: Girl, let the baby out.

Although she didn't know why Shen An said that, Yao Yao obediently released her little bird.After fighting for more than half an hour, the boss' blood finally dropped to [-]%.Just as the team was speeding up the attack, a golden light appeared from the boss's body. It was a berserk skill, and it was a mess of hatred. It rushed towards the girl's thin blood. Shen An and You Xianzi had no time at all. Pull back the hate.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Yao Yao's little bird rushed towards the boss, and died together with the boss.

[Team] So it is: Yaoyao, your little bird is really awesome, if I remember correctly, it should be regarded as saving us twice.

(End of this chapter)

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