God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 114 Chi Mo's Heart

Chapter 114 Chi Mo's Heart

[System] Angry Birds used the skill of killing each other.

Everything happened so fast that no one expected it.Yao Yao didn't even know when her little bird had this skill?Quickly click on the pet's skills to take a look.

Killing together: When the owner's HP is lower than 50.00%, the pet has a [-]% chance to explode this skill and kill the enemy together.

Yao Yao looked at the black-clothed assassin on the screen, Shen An probably told him to release the bird because he knew that the little bird had this skill.Yao Yao felt that she had to reflect on herself, she didn't know as much about her baby as Shen An.

[Team] The cloud is calm and the wind is light: Wait, sir, I will go buy pet food for your birds.

[Team] Girl Yao: Why don't you discount the reality and treat us to dinner.

[Team] The cloud is calm and the wind is light: go away, it's not your credit.

The seventh floor was already very difficult to fight. Seeing that it was already too late, Yao Yao and the others agreed to challenge the eighth floor when their fighting power came up.In fact, they can barely clear the eighth floor if they leave first, but Yao Yao considered that Shen An would have to fly tomorrow, and held meetings for three consecutive days. She didn't want him to be so tired, so she used the excuse that she was tired, Going to rest.

I have to say that now Yao Yao feels more and more like a good wife and mother.After quitting the dungeon, Yao Yao didn't say anything to Shen Anduo, and urged him to go to rest.The two said good night to each other, and after agreeing to see each other tomorrow, they played the game one after another.

Just as Yao Yao was about to quit the game, a white light flashed beside him, and Chi Mo appeared beside Yao Yao.Yao Yao hasn't seen Chi Mo for several days since her relationship with Shen An was established.She originally wanted to talk to Chi Mo, but she couldn't get in touch with him no matter what.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaomo?
[Private chat] Mo Changge: Yaoyao, are you free now?Can you stay with me?
Yao Yao could feel the pleading in Chi Mo's tone. Facing this childhood friend, Yao Yao had no way to refuse. It happened that she also wanted to talk to him.

[Private Chat] Miss Yao: Good.

The two came to the flower field in Qinghai. When Chi Mo and Yao Yao were doing mentoring tasks here, they accidentally found that this place was very similar to the garden of the farm they went to when they were young.In a place with similar childhood memories, Chi Mo and Yao Yao sat on the spot.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaomo, where have you been recently?I've looked for you several times, but I can't get in touch with you.

[Private chat] Mo Changge: I just went back to my hometown once, and you know that the signal in my hometown is poor.

[Private Chat] Miss Yao: Home?

Chi Mo's hometown is the city Yao Yao and the others moved before, the city with many happy and painful memories, Yao Yao no longer wants to recall it now.But Chi Mo and the others moved earlier than Yao Yao and the others, so why did they suddenly think of going back?

[Private chat] Mo Changge: Yes.How big is the change in the city?do you know?Yaoyao, the trails and gardens we used to play in when we were young are all gone, even the secret base of the three of us is gone.The candy stand of the grandma downstairs and the fried dumplings of the aunt are all gone.Only then did I realize that the beauty that had always existed in my heart was no longer there.Everything that is cherished in my heart will slowly change with time.Later I discovered that many things were just my wishful thinking, and I was the one who was unwilling to change.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaomo, I'm sorry.

[Private chat] Mo Changge: Yaoyao, I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. It's because of me that you are so sad and entangled.Obviously when I was a child, I said yes, I will be your knight, how can a knight make Her Royal Highness sad?Yaoyao, am I so bad that I can't even be a knight.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: No, Xiaomo.You're fine, you're really fine, but I'm not your princess at all.

Although it was a little cruel, Yao Yao didn't want to drag it on forever, it would be very painful for both of them.And Chi Mo couldn't really let go, and went to find his real destined princess.

[Private chat] Mo Changge: Yaoyao, I like you. I have liked you since I was a child, from the first time I saw you.How could you not be my princess, you are the only princess in my life, Chi Mo.But I am still very funny, I dare not tell you these words in person, I can only hide under this network.Haha, I'm really a coward.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: I'm sorry, Xiaomo.It's not that I'm not your princess, but that I can't be your princess. The only person in my heart, the one I like, is Shen An.

[Private chat] Mo Changge: I know, from the moment he appeared, you looked into his eyes, I knew it.But I'm not reconciled, Yaoyao.Why can't it be me?Obviously I met you first.

Yao Yao didn't know how to explain to Chi Mo that there is no sequence in love, it's just fate.If meeting is just fate, then share is the most important thing.There are too many destined people in this world. Love is not just meeting the right person at the right time and making a pair of fate.

[Private Chat] Mo Changge: Yaoyao, I will never give up.

Chi Mo didn't wait for Yao Yao's reply, so he went offline directly.However, Chi Mo's state made Yao Yao very worried. Judging from his appearance, he must be drunk.Yao Yao directly downloaded the game, took out her coat, and left the dormitory.Xinran, Su Yun and the others were taken aback by Yao Yao's sudden movement, and hurriedly asked her where she was going?
Yao Yao only left one sentence, I will be back soon, and hurried downstairs.Su Yun, she and Xinran were still very worried, they also picked up their coats and hurriedly chased after Yao Yao.But just after chasing downstairs, Yao Yao disappeared.It's a big night, and it's snowing heavily, which is really worrying.Su Yun had no choice but to call Shen An directly and told about Yao Yao's situation.

Yao Yao called Chi Mo while running, but no one answered.She went to Chi Mo's dormitory, but found that he was not in the dormitory.Yao Yao had no choice but to start looking along the street, and finally found him drunk in a garden not far away.

The snow fell harder and harder, and Chi Mo's body was covered with a thin layer.Yao Yao hurriedly went to pull him, but saw Chi Mo opened his eyes and smiled foolishly. The young man still looked soft, looking at Yao Yao in front of him with an innocent look. "Princess, you are here. Look, this garden is very similar to the place where we used to run a house when we were young. Do you remember? You promised to marry me?"

"Little Mo, shall we go back first? You will get sick." Yao Yao helped Chi Mo up, but he didn't move at all.He pulled Yao Yao, took out a candy from his bag, and put it in Yao Yao's hand.

Looking at the big white rabbit toffee in her hand, Yao Yao's tears immediately fell down.This is not the kind sold in supermarkets, but the white rabbit toffee specially made by my grandma when I was a child.Over the years, that city has undergone too many changes. I don't know how long he searched for it before he found the grandma who made toffee in the past.Did he go back to his hometown just to find this?

Xiaomo, what should I do with you?I really don't deserve your kindness to me?

 Thanks to Xiaoyan, Zizhu, Fengxuange_Yanyun°, and the suave Wei Xiaobao for their rewards, Yanzi will continue to work hard...

(End of this chapter)

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