Chapter 115 Hijacking
It took Yao Yao a lot of effort to coax Chi Mo out of the garden, and helped him walk towards the academy.Even though the temperature was several degrees below zero, Yao Yao was sweating all over.Chi Mo's whole body was spread out on Yao Yao's body, so that Yao Yao had to support him with both hands to prevent him from falling.The cell phone in Yao Yao's bag has been ringing non-stop since the beginning, but Yao Yao can't answer the call at all.The two of them walked crookedly for more than half an hour with three steps and one stop, before they walked out of the garden that usually only takes a few minutes to get out of.

Before I knew it, the night was getting late, and due to the snow, there were fewer taxis on the road, and most of them were full.Yao Yao walked all the way, but she didn't find an empty taxi.

On the other side, Shen An has been restless after receiving Su Yun's call.He kept calling Yao Yao's phone, but there was always no answer.But Su Yun and the others replied that Yao Yao was not found.Shen An felt a chill in his heart, something will happen to the girl, right?Shen An couldn't sit still anymore, he didn't even pack his clothes, he hurriedly said hello to his companions, and then went to the airport.Fortunately, it was the airport at night, Shen An actually bought the last ticket and rushed back.

After dragging Chi Mo away for a long time, Yao Yao's physical strength has gradually been exhausted.Accidentally, one foot was unsteady, and Yao Yao almost fell to the ground.Fortunately, a person suddenly appeared in front of her and supported her.When Yao Yao stabilized her figure and was about to thank her.But he found that it was not someone else who supported him, but Ji Feng.

Yao Yao's originally thankful smile froze all of a sudden, for some reason, she had never had a good impression of Ji Feng, she always felt that the way he looked at her was too greedy, which frightened Yao Yao.And whenever he stared at her naked, Yao Yao would always think of that unpleasant experience when she was a child.Basically, Yao Yao avoids the monsoon as much as he can.

"Thank you, Senior Ji." Yao Yao subconsciously took a step back, and broke away from his hands that were holding her.

Seeing Yao Yao's behavior, Ji Feng was a little displeased at first, but when he thought of his plan, he endured it and said, "Sister, it's so late, it's not easy for you to support him by yourself, I'll come help you."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he took a step forward and directly helped Chi Mo's other side. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. When he was supporting Chi Mo, his hand unexpectedly touched Yao Yao's hand.

"No need, Senior Ji, I won't bother you, my roommates will be here soon." Yao Yao abruptly withdrew her hand and politely refused.In fact, Su Yun and the others didn't even know where Yao Yao was, but Yao Yao unconsciously lied to Ji Feng.She really didn't want to face this man alone anymore, Yao Yao always felt that he had a dangerous aura today.

Ji Feng still wanted to say something, but Chi Mo beside him suddenly woke up. He looked at Ji Feng and said coldly: "Let go of my princess, didn't you hear her say no more?"

After walking for so long, and being blown by the snow wind again, Chi Mo's wine has sobered up a lot. The reason why he deliberately pretended to be drunk was just to stay with Yao Yao for a while.It turns out that love really makes people selfish, and Chi Mo never thought that he would have such a side, relying on deceiving Yao Yao to gain time with her.In the past, I obviously hated this kind of person the most, but I didn't expect that one day I would become the kind of person I hated.

Although Chi Mo was still a little drunk, he was much better now.He directly pushed away Ji Feng's hand, and protected Yao Yao behind him.

"Little Mo, you're awake." Yao Yao looked at Chi Mo's still flushed face, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his forehead. It was so hot, it seemed that Chi Mo really had a fever.Yao Yao looked at Chi Mo very worriedly, took his hand, and said, "Xiao Mo, let's go, let's go to the hospital."

Chi Mo still looked at Ji Feng defensively, nodded to Yao Yao, and did not answer.Yao Yao smiled at Ji Feng, waved her hands and said, "Senior Ji, thank you for your kindness. Xiao Mo is already awake, so let's go first."

Just as Yao Yao and Chi Mo were about to leave, Ji Feng suddenly blocked their way, and said maliciously: "Do you think you can go?"

"What do you mean? Get out of the way." Chi Mo didn't want to talk nonsense with this man anymore, and his intuition told him that this man was very dangerous and might be bad for Yao Yao.

"Heh..." Ji Feng just sneered, and then Chi Mo fell directly on the ground from Yao Yao's eyes.Yao Yao looked back, and at some point behind them a ruffian man appeared with an iron stick in his hand, and Chi Mo was really knocked down by the stick in his hand.

As soon as Chi Mo fell down, Yao Yao squatted down immediately, tears streaming down uncontrollably, she hugged Chi Mo's head, and felt a hot and wet feeling in her hand, picked it up and looked , turned out to be blood. "Little Mo, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

"Hmph." Ji Feng just sneered, then squatted down, reached out to touch Yao Yao's face, and said, "My dear Angel, your tears are also the most beautiful thing in this world. You can only belong to me, anyone Anyone who wants to get close to you will end up the same as him."

Yao Yao's eyes were blurred by tears, she stared blankly at Ji Feng, his smile, his breath made Yao Yao tremble uncontrollably, she seemed to see the person from her childhood again, Yao Yao didn't know where it came from With all the strength, Ji Feng was pushed away, screaming in his mouth: "Don't..."

Ji Feng was suddenly pushed by Yao Yao, and he fell onto the snow without any defense.Hearing Yao Yao's scream, he immediately covered Yao Yao's mouth and nose with the anesthetic he had prepared long ago. Yao Yao only felt that the scene in front of him became more and more blurred, and gradually fell into a coma.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Ji Feng quickly picked up Yao Yao, winked at the person next to him, and the two ran towards the corner of the street, where there was already a car waiting for them.After Ji Feng and the others got into the car, the car drove away.

Although Chi Mo was hit by the wooden stick, he did not lose consciousness. After a while, he picked up the phone with great difficulty and dialed Su Yun's number.

"Xiaoyun, hurry up, Yaoyao... was XX... XX" Before he finished speaking, Chi Mo's eyes darkened, and he completely fainted.

When Su Yun and the others arrived here, most of Chi Mo's body had been buried in the snow. They quickly called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital.At this time, Shen An had also returned to City Z.After Feng Qin was detained by Shen An in the middle of the night, he happened to pick him up at the airport.Since the mobile phone could not be turned on on the plane, after getting off the plane, Shen An found out that Su Yun had called him many times.

 A good friend is here, Yan Zi feels that he is about to die, if the second is later, please forgive Yan Zi...

(End of this chapter)

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