Chapter 116 Save Me
Shen An felt uneasy on the plane, always feeling that something was about to happen.Seeing so many Su Yun's caller IDs on the phone, Shen An quickly called back.The call was connected quickly. Su Yun didn't know where he was, but he heard her voice on the other end of the phone was very noisy, and the signal was still intermittent. He couldn't hear what she was talking at all.
Shen An listened for a long time before he heard the word hospital, saying that they were in a certain hospital.Shen An quickly hung up the phone and asked Feng Qin to drive to a certain hospital.Could it be something happened to Yao Yao? Shen An kept urging Feng Qin to drive faster.Seeing Shen An's nervous expression, Feng Qin didn't dare to neglect, he hit the gas pedal and ran several red lights in a row. (Yan Zi: Don’t learn from good boys, we still have to obey the traffic rules.)
Fortunately, because it was late at night, there were fewer vehicles on the road, so Shen An and the others came to the hospital without any danger.After seeing Su Yun and the others, Shen An understood what happened.After hearing that Yao Yao was kidnapped, Shen An's expression turned cold immediately.He doesn't need to investigate, he also knows who kidnapped Yao Yao.Su Yun and the others have already called the police, but the police have already gone to investigate, but that place is a blind spot for monitoring, and there is no camera at all.The incident happened in the middle of the night, and there were no witnesses around.And Chi Mo, the only one who knows the truth, is now in the operating room.

Shen An was really angry this time, and at the same time blamed himself very much.Knowing that Ji Feng had no intentions, he didn't deal with him earlier.And he shouldn't have left Yao Yao at all, otherwise how could she be kidnapped.Shen An couldn't sit down and wait for the news from the police. He took Feng Qin directly and went back to the company. He was bound to find out who Ji Feng had been in contact with recently.What secret place?
Before leaving, Su Yun pulled Shen An aside and secretly told him something.After hearing this, Shen An's eyes were full of surprise and distress.After hearing Su Yun's words, Shen An quickened his determination to find Yao Yao, no matter what price he paid?He will never let Yao Yao repeat her childhood nightmare again...

While Shen An and the others were busy, Yao Yao gradually came to a clear understanding, but there was still darkness in front of her eyes, and it was obvious that she was blindfolded.Her hands and feet were tied behind her back, preventing her from moving.The quilt under her body was very soft and warm, and she didn't feel like the car was moving forward. It seemed that she had been taken to her destination.The surroundings are very quiet, terrifyingly quiet, especially when her eyes are covered, Yao Yao doesn't know what will happen?She tried her best to adjust her emotions, so as not to remind herself of what happened when she was a child.

And Chi Mo, what happened to him?If Chi Mo suffers a little harm because of herself, Yao Yao feels that she will have a conscience that cannot be forgiven for the rest of her life.Regarding Jifeng, Yao Yao really didn't know what he wanted from her?Even do everything possible to hijack yourself?

"What? Are you still awake?" A woman's voice suddenly came to mind in the quiet room. Yao Yao only felt that the voice was very familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was?

"I seem to have used too much anesthetic, and I'm still in a coma? I'll go in and have a look..." This is Ji Feng's voice, Yao Yao can hear it.Their voices came from the front left, and they were a little soft, which should have come from outside the house.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I helped you catch him. The next thing is up to you. Take advantage of Shen An's business trip for the past few days, do it early." The woman gave a low laugh, and then came a burst of The voice of high heels, "I'm going first, but I can't let others discover my identity. I don't need to teach you the next thing, I think you should know how to do it?"

"You don't need to remind me, I said that Angel will always belong to me." Ji Feng's voice was so possessive that Yao Yao couldn't help being afraid, and her body couldn't help shaking.

"Oh... that's good, I wish you both happiness..." The voice of the high heels became farther and farther away until it disappeared, and the woman should have left.

After the woman left, Yao Yao heard the sound of the door opening from inside the house, and felt a bright light in front of her eyes, as if the lights in the house had been turned on by someone. "Tat Tat Tat..." was the sound of leather shoes, getting closer, Yao Yao quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

Yao Yao only felt that the quilt under her body sank, and she sat beside her alone.There was a cool touch on his face, it turned out that Ji Feng was stroking his face with his hands.Yao Yao suppressed the nausea in her heart, but her body still trembled uncontrollably.

"An Qier, you're awake." Ji Feng was obviously very happy, he directly helped Yao Yao up, let her lean against him, and began to remove her blindfold.Yao Yao only felt a flash of white light in front of her eyes, which was very dazzling. She closed her eyes involuntarily, and it took a while to get used to the light in front of her eyes.

Only then did Yao Yao realize that she was in a very dilapidated room with spider webs on the beams.At this time, the ropes on her hands and feet were also untied by Ji Feng. Just as Yao Yao wanted to stand up, she found that she was so weak that she couldn't move at all.

"An Qier, I didn't mean to be so rough on you, but if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to bring you in." Ji Feng gently hugged Yao Yao with a satisfied look on his face. "An Qier, from now on, you only belong to me."

"You...let" Because of her weakness, Yao Yao was also very awkward in speaking. She tried her best, but she could only say this sentence.

"Okay, Angel, don't be angry." Looking at Yao Yao's angry face, Ji Feng obediently let her go, "Don't worry, your body is just the aftereffect of the anesthetic, and it will disappear in a short time."

Yao Yao ignored her, she was desperately moving backwards, trying to stay away from Monsoon.Accidentally, Yao Yao fell under the bed, Ji Feng quickly went to help her, but Yao Yao kept shaking her head, telling him to go away.Ji Feng's expression changed, and his face suddenly became gloomy, "My patience has a limit, Angel, don't try to provoke me. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do."

Only then did Yao Yao let him carry her back to the bed, but she couldn't help but shed tears.Who knew that Ji Feng would become even more excited when he saw Yao Yao's tears. He gently kissed Yao Yao's tears and said, "An Qier, you are so moving when you cry. Come, let me show you something."

After speaking, he picked up Yao Yao and walked towards the other side of the room.Yao Yao's mind is full of Shen An's face at the moment, where are you, senior?Come and save me?
At this moment, Shen An was also very anxious.He and Feng Qin went to investigate Ji Feng, and found that he was indeed no longer at school, and disappeared at exactly the same time as Yao Yao, which further confirmed Shen An's guess.After Chi Mo's operation was over, he remained in a coma.If Su Yun and the others stopped him, he really wanted to wake Chi Mo up and ask him about Yao Yao's clues?

 Catch up, the second watch... Mom... Yan Zi is really going to die...

(End of this chapter)

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