Chapter 150
The two hugged for an unknown how long, until An Yunge couldn't stand it anymore, and hurried to the side of the two, and said very helplessly: "Cousin, Yaoyao, can you continue hugging after returning to the dormitory, and don't go back Reporting is coming to an end."

Hearing the ridicule in An Yunge's tone, Yao Yao felt embarrassed and let go of Shen An's embrace, her face flushed slightly, in order to cover up her embarrassment, she hugged An Yunge and said, "Yun Ge, I haven't seen you in two months, I miss you so much. When did you come?"

"Okay, I think you miss my brother more. I stood here when you got off the bus. I didn't expect that you didn't even see me. I'm so sad." An Yunge deliberately made a sad expression, This made Yao Yao even more embarrassed.After she got out of the car, she really only saw Shen An, and she didn't find An Yunge beside him at all.

Seeing that Yao Yao's head was getting lower and lower, Shen An quickly jumped out to rescue Yao Yao, couldn't help but patted An Yunge's head, and pretended to be serious and said: "Okay, it's not big or small, how could it be so serious?" About your cousin?"

"Cousin-in-law? Didn't you get the certificate yet? Puchi... Cousin, you have to work hard and try to marry your cousin back as soon as possible." An Yunge stopped making jokes about Yao Yao and started teasing her own cousin .

The few of them fought all the way, first went to the college to report, and then went back to the dormitory.Xin Ran joined the newspaper office as an intern very early because of her own department.Looking at the originally lively four-person dormitory, now empty and turned into two people, Yao Yao couldn't help but secretly sighed, never expecting to part ways so soon.

Fortunately, Xinran had already talked to An Yunge on the phone, knowing that Yao Yao was returning to school today, because she couldn't pick up people during the day because of work, so she specially asked Yao Yao and the others to have dinner together at night, saying that she had already received a month's salary and was planning to dinner.Yao Yao and An Yunge didn't intend to be polite to her, they simply packed up the dormitory and went out.

The place where Xinran made an appointment to eat was not far from the college, and it only took about 15 minutes to walk. When Yao Yao and the others entered the restaurant, Xinran had already arrived.I haven't seen her in a winter vacation, but Xinran's changes are quite big. Her original bangs have been grown long, and her shoulder-length hair has been cut into ear-length short hair. She looks very capable, and she really looks like a social person.

Seeing Yao Yao and the others coming in, Xin Ran quickly waved to them, and Yao Yao and An Yunge quickly sat down.Xinran saw that there were only Yao Yao and An Yunge, and asked in confusion: "Where are Xiaoyun and Yao Yao's seniors? Why don't you see them?"

An Yunge knew about Su Yun's affairs. Seeing Xinran's carefree question, and seeing Yao Yao's sad expression, he quickly replied, "Is there something wrong with Xiaoyun at his hometown? My cousin's company has something to do, so I'm going back first." You are lucky, Xiaoran, you don't know how much money you will save if there are two fewer people to eat? "

Hearing what An Yunge said, and seeing Yao Yao's expression, he readily knew that something must be wrong with Su Yun.However, she is not the kind of person who likes to bring up other people's sad things, so she followed An Yunge's words and said, "That's good, they are unlucky, I managed to treat you once, and I was absent. Don't wait for the time..."

The two of you said something to each other, and the atmosphere was much better.Hearing that the two were talking about interesting things about the university, Yao Yao also joined the discussion.After the dishes came out slowly, the few people moved their chopsticks quickly, bound to eat at the pace of Xin Ran.

"Hey, hey... are you two starved to death and reincarnated? I only received a month's salary, can you be merciful, sisters?" Seeing the appearance of the two frantically ordering food, Xin Ran couldn't help but tease. The surrounding restaurants are not expensive, Xin Ran just said so on purpose.

"No, it's hard to kill you once, of course you have to eat enough." An Yunge took a sip of water, smiled maliciously, and Yao Yao hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After drinking and eating, several people sat in the restaurant and started chatting, most of them talked about their recent status.Yao Yao looked at Xin Ran's short-cut hair, and couldn't help but sighed: "Xiao Ran, didn't you say that you would marry someone if you had long hair reaching your waist? How could you be so willing to cut it this time. "

"I can't help it. The intern reporter basically runs out every day. It's too troublesome to tie my hair every day, so I just cut it short. Fortunately, it's winter, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be so sun-dried that you don't know each other." Said Xin Ran also feels reluctant to pick up her hair, but for the sake of work, this is also a matter of helplessness. "However, you will be rewarded for your hard work. My performance last month was No. 1 among the interns. I have already become a regular in advance, hahaha..."

"I really envy you, I don't know what to do yet? Department of literature, can I only be an editor? Or a teacher, anyway, I have a teacher qualification certificate." Yao Yao thought about it carefully. All the certificates have been tested, otherwise I don't even know what to do now. "What about you, Yunge? Have you decided where to practice?"

"Yaoyao, don't worry about her Yunge, she is the most powerful among us. She is an intern directly at the largest construction company in Z city, and now she is designing the city hall building with the designer? In the future, the design draft of the city hall building They all have Yunge's name, and I feel so handsome just thinking about it." Before An Yunge spoke, Xinran couldn't wait to answer for her.With that appearance, I don't know if I thought she was the one who designed the building?
"I just followed suit. How could it be as exaggerated as you said?" An Yunge was very helpless. This Xinran always said so exaggeratedly, no wonder he was a reporter.

"Ah? You all have jobs..." Yao Yao didn't expect that even An Yunge had found a job. From this point of view, she could only find an internship unit by herself?
"Don't worry, how could my good sister forget you?" Xin Ran suddenly took out a business card from her bag, handed it to Yao Yao, and said, "This magazine is very good, I will keep in touch with the people there. Alright, you just have to go to the interview this Thursday."

"Really?" Yao Yao took the business card in Xinran's hand, and looked at the big characters of Manying Magazine and the contact information of the magazine. "Isn't this magazine the company with the number one sales of monthly magazines in City Z? I'm glad that you also know the editor-in-chief of their magazine. It's amazing."

Yao Yao has thought about it, if she is going to a magazine like this, she must go to this one.This is the most famous magazine in Z City, and basically everyone in the city has a copy of this magazine.

Now that the location of the internship has been settled, the few of them chatted for a while and then separated.After Yao Yao and An Yunge left, she readily took out her mobile phone, dialed Shen An's number, and said, "Senior Shen, I can take care of what you said? Remember, don't forget what you promised me." .”

The magazine was actually found by Shen An for Yao Yao, but Shen An knew that if she gave the business card to Yao Yao herself, she would definitely not accept it, so she had no choice but to choose the method of returning it.

(End of this chapter)

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