God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 151 The day of the interview

Chapter 151 The day of the interview
Soon it will be Thursday, these days Yao Yao is fully preparing for the content of the interview.And when Shen An learned that Yao Yao planned to interview Manying Magazine, he sent her the materials of Manying Magazine in recent years.Thanks to Shen An, Yao Yao basically has a deeper understanding of Manying Magazine, and is more confident about the interview.

But on the day of the interview, Yao Yao was still a little scared. It was impossible not to be nervous when meeting the interviewer for the first time.So when Shen An came to pick her up in the morning, Yao Yao was in a dazed state. When Shen An handed her breakfast, she was in a trance because she had been thinking about the interview. Seeing what Shen An handed over.

Seeing this, Shen An also knew that Yao Yao was too nervous because it was her first interview.But it's not good for her to go to the interview in this state, Shen An quickly put down the breakfast in her hand, couldn't help holding Yao Yao's hands that had been clenched because of nervousness, and then slowly let go of her hands, saying: "Girl, It doesn't matter, you just treat it as an exam, those interviewers are just examiners, it doesn't matter if you pass or not, as long as you do your best."

"However, I'm still a little scared, senior." Yao Yao arched her nose involuntarily, frowned slightly, and looked like she was about to cry, "This magazine is the largest magazine in the city, there must be many outstanding people I will go to the interview, I am not afraid that I will fail, but I am afraid that I will let down Xinran's heart."

"So you are just too nervous. You have been preparing for several days. It doesn't mean that Manying's materials are almost memorized, so there must be no problem." Shen An put breakfast in Yao Yao's hands again , Said: "Don't think about the interview now, eat breakfast first. There is still a little time before the magazine office, close your eyes and take a rest first."

"Okay." Yao Yao finished her breakfast quickly, then listened to the music in the car, and gradually fell asleep. In order to review the materials of the magazine these days, Yao Yao basically had a good rest. I woke up a long time ago. I didn't feel sleepy because of nervousness, but now I suddenly relaxed and dozed off naturally.

Seeing this, Shen An didn't wake her up, and drove the car quietly, looking at Yao Yao's black eyes, he knew that this girl had been working too hard these days.In fact, Shen An had a friendship with the editor-in-chief of this magazine, as long as he said something, Yao Yao could go directly to practice, but Shen An didn't want to do that.He watched Yao Yao work so hard these past few days, and Shen An didn't want to let her down.

Finally at the magazine office, although Shen An couldn't bear to wake Yao Yao up, she couldn't let her miss the interview, so she woke her up gently.Yao Yao only felt that someone beside her was pushing her, and she was still sleepy, so she slapped the hand pushing her away, turned around and continued to fall asleep.

Seeing this, Shen An felt that Yao Yao's behavior was both funny and helpless, so she could only whisper in her ear: "Girl, if you don't get up, you will miss the interview, so please don't cry."

Hearing the word "interview", Yao Yao opened her eyes all at once, but because of her hasty movement, she accidentally bumped into the car door frame, causing Yao Yao to tear up in pain.Only then did Yao Yao realize that she had reached the gate of the magazine, and she fell asleep without knowing it. "It's over, it's over, why did I fall asleep? Is my makeup all over, my clothes should be fine..."

Yao Yao tidied herself up in a hurry, and when she was about to get out of the car, she was suddenly caught by Shen An, and Yao Yao looked at him in confusion.I saw Shen An gently asked Yao Yao's forehead, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, with my lucky kiss, you will definitely succeed in the interview. If you really can't answer, remember to always Keep smiling."

"En." Yao Yao couldn't help touching her forehead, which still smelled of Shen An, she took a deep breath, suddenly felt that all the tension was taken away, then opened the car door, facing Shen An waved his hand and said, "I'll go first."

Shen An nodded, and made a cheering gesture to Yao Yao. Yao Yao got out of the car directly, looked at the building in front of her, shouted cheers to herself, and walked in calmly.

The location of the interview was on the tenth floor, and it was the rush hour for work, so Yao Yao managed to squeeze into the elevator.After successfully reaching the tenth floor, according to the prompt of the receptionist, Yao Yao came to the interview place smoothly.

There are still about 10 minutes before the interview time, but there are already many people waiting in the interview waiting room, men and women, all of them are bright and beautiful.Yao Yao stayed alone in the corner and began to review the content of the possible interview.

As soon as [-]:[-] a.m., the interview officially started. Because Yao Yao signed up late, the number plates she got were all in the last few digits.Now that Manying Magazine only recruits five people, Yao Yao couldn't help but look at such a huge team in front of her, wondering if she could win in it.

After Yao Yao waited for about an hour and a half, she was finally in line.Before going in, Yao Yao touched her forehead and couldn't help smiling.Then Yao Yao gently knocked on the door three times, and after hearing someone inside say please come in, she opened the door and walked in.

As soon as she entered, Yao Yao was stunned, she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here.I didn't expect Cheng Xue to be among the interviewers. What's going on?She hadn't heard from Xinran that Cheng Xue was also an employee of Manying Magazine.If Yao Yao remembers correctly, Cheng Xue seems to be an actor and singer.Although there was a very serious scandal at the beginning, it was finally banned.

But Yao Yao didn't have time to think about why the other party was here?Because she is going to have an interview soon.But when Cheng Xue saw Yao Yao, she behaved very decently, she nodded slightly to Yao Yao, and then smiled.Seeing this, Yao Yao also smiled at Cheng Xue, and returned the smile.

The whole process was very relaxed, and the interviewer was not as serious as it was described on TV.Thanks to Yao Yao's preparation, most of the interviewer's questions were answered.Occasionally, Yao Yao also combined the characteristics of Manying Magazine and expressed it through her own language.

Seeing that the time for the interview was approaching, Cheng Xue suddenly looked at Yao Yao and said with a smile, "I want to ask Ms. Yao, what do you think about going through the back door?"

Yao Yao was slightly taken aback, she didn't know why Cheng Xue said that suddenly, but since she was also an examiner, Yao Yao didn't have the strength to refuse to answer, and directly expressed her opinion, "I think this depends on the specific situation, and there is also a question about going through the back door. specific definition."

(End of this chapter)

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