God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 152 Provoking Discord

Chapter 152 Provoking Discord
Yao Yao didn't answer Cheng Xue's question directly, so she had to deal with it deliberately ambiguously, because after all, it had nothing to do with the content of the interview directly.Fortunately, when Cheng Xue heard Yao Yao's answer, she just nodded and didn't ask any further questions?
After the interview, the interviewer told Yao Yao to wait for the news at home.Yao Yao bowed slightly to several people and exited the room.After exiting the room, Yao Yao couldn't help but let out a deep breath. She was so nervous during the interview that she didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

At this time, the waiting room for the interview was almost gone, Yao Yao planned to sit for a while and also planned to go back.Because Shen An said that after the interview, he would call him so that he could pick Yao Yao up for dinner.Yao Yao was about to take out her mobile phone from her bag and call Shen An when she saw Cheng Xue suddenly come to the waiting room, saw Yao Yao, smiled at her, and walked towards her.

To be honest, Yao Yao really didn't like Shen An's ex-girlfriend.She believes that all current girlfriends in the world don't like her boyfriend's ex.But she stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling person, seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Yao Yao had no choice but to nod to Cheng Xue, and also raised a smiling face.

After walking in, Cheng Xue sat directly beside Yao Yao, different from Yao Yao's casual sitting posture, Cheng Xue's posture was very elegant, she looked at Yao Yao, as if pretending that the two were very familiar , and kindly said to Yao Yao: "I thought you were gone? Fortunately, I came out and finally chased after you."

"Well, is Miss Cheng looking for something with me?" Yao Yao didn't know why Cheng Xue was so close to her suddenly, after all, she could be Shen An's real girlfriend now.Logically speaking, if Cheng Xue wants to get back together with Shen An, isn't she the biggest obstacle?She should hate herself.

"Don't be so unfamiliar, I should be older than you, just call me Sister Xue'er." Cheng Xue grabbed Yao Yao's arm very familiarly, so that Yao Yao was taken aback, thinking that before Is Cheng Xue she has seen all her hallucinations? "Yaoyao? Right, can I call you that?"

"Uh...Miss Cheng can do whatever she wants?" Yao Yao unnaturally pushed Cheng Xue away from holding her hand, and hurriedly moved to the side. "By the way, if Miss Cheng has nothing to do with me, I'll leave first..."

Yao Yao still didn't like being so intimate with Cheng Xue, so she quickly lied that she still had something to do and was planning to leave.Cheng Xue suddenly grabbed her again, and said to Yao Yao, "I have something to do, I just want to talk to you."

"Us? What are we talking about?" Yao Yao didn't think there was anything else between the two of them besides talking about Shen An.If Cheng Xue wants to tell her about Shen An, Yao Yao thinks it's better to forget it, she doesn't want to talk about her boyfriend with her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend at all.

"About your interview, I want to tell you that you have already been internally appointed, so don't worry." Cheng Xue suddenly amplified her voice, and a group of people around them looked at the two with dissatisfaction, as if they had heard Cheng Xue's words .

"How do you know? I just finished the interview." Yao Yao was very surprised. She didn't know why Cheng Xue told herself this, and how did she know that she had passed the interview, since the interview was not over yet.

"Ah... Didn't Ann tell you?" Cheng Xue looked at Yao Yao pretending to be surprised, then suddenly covered her mouth, looked at Yao Yao innocently, and said, "I'm sorry, I still Do you think you already know? I really didn't mean it, don't tell Ann that I said it, or he will definitely be angry with me again. "

Hearing Cheng Xue call Shen An so intimately, even if she has a good temper like Yao Yao, she can't help being a little angry, no matter whether she is unintentional or on purpose, since she knows that Shen An is already her boyfriend Why did Cheng Xue deliberately call Shen An in front of Yao Yao?Yao Yao really didn't have the heart to pester her any longer, so she quickly said that she still had something to do, so she wouldn't be with her anymore.

However, Cheng Xue refused to let Yao Yao leave, and kept pulling her to talk, and even said some embarrassing things about Shen An when she was in school. Seeing Yao Yao's increasingly gloomy face, Cheng Xue couldn't help but secretly happy, she just saw it. Yao Yao is a weakling, that's why she dared to casually talk about the past with Shen An in front of her, because she knew that she must be angry and dare not speak up.

Seeing that her goal was almost achieved, Cheng Xue suddenly approached Yao Yao mysteriously and said, "Yao Yao, I heard that you were almost raped by a man named Ji Feng?"

Yao Yao was taken aback for a moment, she looked at Cheng Xue with wide eyes and doubts, she didn't know how she knew about this matter, obviously very few people knew about this matter, and what she said at the beginning was robbery? "You...how did you know?" Yao Yao's body couldn't help shaking, recalling that night, Yao Yao still couldn't help being afraid.

"What do you think? Of course someone told me, but don't blame him, he drank too much, and then told me unintentionally." Cheng Xue had a normal face, and said these words on purpose, completely ignoring him. Contradictions guide Shen An's body.

Sure enough, hearing what Cheng Xue said, Yao Yao couldn't help but frown.According to her, did the senior tell her?Impossible, Yao Yao absolutely does not believe that Shen An will do this?Yao Yao absolutely trusts Shen An [-]%, no matter how Cheng Xue points to Shen An, Yao Yao will never doubt Shen An?

Yao Yao no longer wanted to care about how Cheng Xue knew?Anyway, this matter has passed, and Ji Feng is still in prison?She doesn't have to worry that he will disturb her life again.

This is Yao Yao's real plan to leave, she doesn't want to listen to Cheng Xue's nonsense here anymore.And every sentence of her seemed to have ulterior motives, which made Yao Yao very uncomfortable.Yao Yao didn't say goodbye to Cheng Xue this time either, she just stood up and was about to walk out of the interview reception room.Cheng Xue didn't stop Yao Yao this time, she just stood behind Yao Yao and suddenly said loudly: "I came here to tell you, I heard that that person has been released on bail, you can be more careful? "

Yao Yao just stayed where she was, what nonsense is Cheng Xue talking about?Monsoon is out of prison, how is this possible?Wasn't he sentenced for several years?How could he get out of prison so soon?But judging by Cheng Xue's appearance, she didn't appear to be lying.If what Cheng Xue said is true, will Ji Feng come to him again?
Yao Yao just wanted to ask Cheng Xue for clarification, but she saw that the other party walked out of the reception room and stopped talking to Yao Yao at all.

(End of this chapter)

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