God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 153 Changes in Regulation Snow

Chapter 153 Changes in Regulation Snow

Yao Yao didn't know why Cheng Xue told herself this matter?She hurriedly chased him out, intending to ask her clearly.But Cheng Xue just gave Yao Yao a mocking look, turned around and opened the door to enter the interview room.After seeing Cheng Xue entered, Yao Yao couldn't continue to follow.

Yao Yao hesitated outside the door for a long time, until Shen An took the initiative to pick her up because she didn't get Yao Yao's call.Seeing Yao Yao outside the interview door in a daze, Shen An thought it was because she was too nervous that she performed abnormally in the interview, that's why she looked like this, with a face like she was about to cry.

Shen An hurriedly strode to Yao Yao's side, gently held her, and comforted her: "It's okay, it's just an interview, don't care about it so much. Don't they all say that failure is the mother of success? Just make persistent efforts next time." gone."

"Senior..." Yao Yao saw Shen An appearing in front of her eyes, and quickly threw herself into his arms, ignoring the eyes of the other interviewers.

"Okay, okay...it's okay, I'm the one to do everything? In the worst case, I won't do the interview, just come to my house and I'll take care of you, okay?" Seeing Yao Yao in such a state, Shen An couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and hurriedly joked reassuring her.

Yao Yao heard Shen An say this, and knew that he must have misunderstood.But he didn't know how to explain it to him. Besides, what Cheng Xue said about Ji Feng's release from prison was true or not.Yao Yao didn't want to say it, it made him worry in vain.So just let Shen An misunderstand it, Yao Yao just nodded lightly, saying that she was hungry and wanted to eat something delicious.

Seeing that Yao Yao took the initiative to speak, Shen An knew that she should be in a much better mood, so she quickly nodded and agreed.Unexpectedly, when the two were about to leave, Yao Yao tried her best to avoid the person Shen An saw, but Cheng Xue suddenly walked out of the door again, just in time to meet them.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but Cheng Xue suddenly smiled. Seeing Shen An coming here, she immediately grabbed Shen An's arm enthusiastically, and said affectionately: "An, why didn't you tell me when you came here? We have been there for several days. Haven't met yet? I'm planning to finish my interview and come to you..."

Shen An looked at Cheng Xue in front of him, and heard her say that she was the interviewer this time.Quickly and calmly, she glanced at Yao Yao and made such an expression, no wonder her girl's mood is a little bit wrong today, unexpectedly the reason is Cheng Xue.Shen An directly pulled out Cheng Xue to hold her arm, and said solemnly: "Miss Cheng, I don't think we know each other that well? Besides, I came here to pick up my fiancee. I heard that you are the interviewer, it seems My girl has been taken care of by you a lot..."

Cheng Xue was slightly taken aback by Shen An's blunt smile, but she quickly realized that she was bound to win Shen An anyway, and the most important thing now was to regain his trust and lower his trust. She is wary of herself, so now is not the time for her to show her temper.

So Cheng Xue looked at her hand that was thrown away, and did not cry bitterly or question indignation as usual.She smiled slightly, calmly withdrew her hand, and replied jokingly: "Ann, don't do this, even if we have broken up now, we can still be friends if we love each other after all? Besides, I am now with Yao Yao also gets along very well, did we exchange secrets with each other today?"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Xue blinked at Yao Yao, as if the relationship between the two was very close, they were really good sisters who talked about everything.

Yao Yao didn't talk to her because she didn't know what to say?After all, every move of Cheng Xue was so natural that even the people watching the show couldn't tell the relationship between the three of them.

Shen An didn't want to stay with Cheng Xue any longer, and he could feel Yao Yao's capital Cheng Xue's slight resistance, so he said directly: "I'm sorry, we still have something to do, so let's go first..."

After speaking, without waiting for Cheng Xue to answer, she pulled Yao Yao and turned to leave.Cheng Xue suddenly turned to the backs of the two of them and said, "Yaoyao, I'll play with you next time, do you remember what I told you, be careful."

Hearing Cheng Xue's words, Yao Yao couldn't help shivering, Shen An quickly asked her what's wrong?Yao Yao quickly said that she was fine, but she felt a little cold when she went out suddenly...

Seeing that Yao Yao's face was slightly red and her fingertips were cold, Shen An hurriedly pulled her towards the car.When Shen An came out, Shen An didn't turn off the heater in the car, and felt very warm as soon as she got in, Yao Yao was slightly sweating, so she took off her coat lightly.

Seeing that Yao Yao's face was still in a bad mood, Shen An thought that Yao Yao was worried about Cheng Xue's affairs, so Shen An quickly grabbed Yao Yao's hand and explained to her that although Cheng Xue came to him every now and then , but he basically didn't call her, telling Yao Yao to ignore what she said.

"Yeah." Yao Yao nodded, looking absent-minded. Her thoughts had already flown to the horizon. She had been thinking about whether Cheng Xue said that Ji Feng was released from prison. It would be fine if Su Yun was there. Help her analyze and analyze.Or accompany her to the prison to check if Ji Feng is still inside!
Although Yao Yao also wanted to tell Shen An about this matter, but seeing how nervous the senior was, she couldn't speak again.Because regardless of whether this matter is true or not, Shen An will definitely keep her in captivity for his own safety.When the time comes, let alone the internship, I'm afraid she won't even be able to get out of the gate...

This is not the result Yao Yao wanted, so she had to keep her words in her heart, why not go to Chi Mo when she has time and ask him what he thinks?But all of this must be carried out behind Shen An's back, otherwise this big vinegar jar will be so sour again?

Thinking of that scene, Yao Yao couldn't help sighing.Hearing Yao Yao's sigh, Shen An thought she was really sad about Cheng Xue's matter, so she quickly drove the car to the temporary parking space beside her, and said, "Girl, Cheng Xue is my ex-girlfriend, you know about it I admit that I loved her at the beginning, and after being hurt by her, I became very irrational, saying that I never believed in love anymore... But what? I don't regret meeting her back then..."

"Oh?" Hearing Shen An say that, hearing him suddenly talking about his ex-girlfriend Cheng Xue, what did he say that he didn't regret it?Yao Yao felt very uncomfortable, why did she suddenly say such a thing, was it to revenge herself for ignoring him on purpose?Because of Shen An's words of "no regrets", Yao Yao immediately became a little apprehensive, and her tone couldn't help being a little sour, "It seems that senior, you still miss her?"

(End of this chapter)

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