Chapter 156
"What did you say?" Yao Yao didn't care about anything this time?Quickly lifted the quilt, looked at Shen An in disbelief and said: "Senior, you said that I promised to move in with you yesterday? Why do I have no memory at all?"

Hearing what Yao Yao said, Shen An instantly put on a very sad expression, pretending to be a little sad and said: "What's wrong? Are you going to go back on your word? Didn't you promise to go back to the dormitory with you today to pack your things?" Is it?"

"Eh... did I really promise you?" Seeing Shen An's hurt expression, Yao Yao was convinced, but why did she really have no memory of such an important matter?And if they really moved here to live with the seniors, wouldn't that be the so-called cohabitation?When Yao Yao thought of these two words, she immediately became extremely shy.

"Forget it, if you don't want to, I won't force it." Seeing that Yao Yao's heart was shaking slightly, Shen An immediately dropped another depth charge, pretending to be uncomfortable, respecting Yao Yao The selection looks like.

"I didn't say I disagree..." Seeing what Shen An said, Yao Yao was even more embarrassed to refuse, after all, she was the one who agreed to Shen An first.Isn't that cohabitation?Anyway, Yao Yao also wanted to stay with Shen An every day?So Yao Yao resisted the shyness in her heart, got out of bed directly, and said nervously: "Then I'll wash up first, and I'll go to the dormitory to move things in a while."

"Girl, you're going the wrong way, that's the way to the living room." Seeing that Yao Yao completely believed her excuse, Shen An was overjoyed.But it didn't show at all on the surface, still with a very ordinary appearance, and then in order not to show his flaws, Shen An directly said that he went to the guest room next door to wash up.Yao Yao nodded and went straight into the bathroom.

Looking at the little red face in the mirror, the corners of Yao Yao's lips curled up involuntarily. Does this count as living together with her senior?But if you live together, does that mean that?Although Yao Yao has never eaten pork, but there are so many pigs running around in the TV series, her concept of cohabitation has long been impure.Thinking of the two incidents where Kojima and his own family were shot, could this be the legendary incident?
But if Shen An really mentioned this matter, Yao Yao felt that she would also be willing.After all, that is the person Yao Yao believes to be together for the rest of his life, and at the beginning Su Yun also supported Yao Yao and Shen An to live together, and said that he could try to find out which aspect is not harmonious, and if it is not harmonious, he can change it as soon as possible.

Although Su Yun's words were a joke, Yao Yao still understood the meaning of Su Yun's words, but when Yao Yao really faced this kind of scene, she was so shy that she still couldn't imagine it like that?

Yao Yao struggled in the bathroom for a long time, when she finally washed up, Shen An had already made breakfast and was waiting for Yao Yao to eat.Yao Yao tried to sit calmly opposite Shen An, but her hands kept shaking, which betrayed Yao Yao's nervous heart.

Shen An didn't expose her either, after the two of them had dinner, Shen An planned to take Yao Yao back to school directly.In order to avoid having long nights and dreams, and also to avoid, in case Yao Yao suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, Shen An still decided to make persistent efforts, and simply moved here first.In this way, even if Yao Yao found out the truth, she would at most scold Shen An, and it was impossible to move away.

It has to be said that Shen An really knows Yao Yao very well.Later, Yao Yao found out that she and Shen An lived together because Shen An tricked her.It was really just sulking with Shen An for two days, and then slowly dissipated.

At the gate of the school, Yao Yao found that there were many people around the gate of the college, and they didn't know what they were looking at?Yao Yao hurriedly got out of the car, only to realize that today is the club recruiting newcomers.Unexpectedly, it would be the day to recruit new members so soon, looking at those familiar and unfamiliar faces, Yao Yao couldn't help but think of her former self.Unexpectedly, she would grow old so soon.

Seeing Yao Yao's sighing appearance, Shen An couldn't help laughing secretly.It seems that this girl is remembering her youth?But Shen An didn't want to give Yao Yao this chance, so he directly pulled her away from the school gate and walked towards the dormitory.

Because Shen An has been to the dormitory countless times, the aunts in the dormitory don't like this young handsome guy.Hearing that he came to accompany Yao Yao to pack her things, she warmly greeted him and let him go.However, Shen An was able to go to the girls' dormitory because it was daytime, and if it was night, the dormitory manager would never let him go there.

Soon they arrived at the door of Yao Yao's dormitory. The formerly lively house of four now left Yao Yao alone.An Yunge and Xinran had already moved their things away, and Su Yun's was packed up and sent back by them.While Yao Yao misses her college days, she silently packs her things.

Seeing this, Shen An diligently helped Yao Yao pack her things, because Yao Yao had brought many things home, so there were not many left in the dormitory.Yao Yao and Shen An acted very quickly, and within half an hour everything was cleaned up.When I went downstairs, I applied for leaving school with the dormitory auntie, and gave her the key to the dormitory.

Looking at all the familiar things and the kind face of the housekeeper's aunt, Yao Yao's eyes couldn't help but sparkle.I still remember that they were always harassed by a group of smelly boys in their dormitory, and every time it was the auntie who was in charge of the dormitory who helped drive them away.When parting, Yao Yao couldn't help hugging Auntie the dormitory manager, and said thank you.Provoking the auntie who was always known for her tough image, she couldn't help but her eyes were red, and she kept telling Shen An that Yao Yao was a good girl and told him to treat her well.

Shen An nodded with a smile, and the two bid farewell to the dormitory auntie, and walked towards the outside of the school gate.Seeing that Yao Yao was still a little sad, Shen An also understood her mood, and couldn't help comforting him: "If you want to go back to school, let's come back and have a look, anyway, the school won't run away, right?"

"I know, I just feel that even if I can go back to school for a while, I'm not coming back as a student." Yao Yao looked out the window at the college that was getting farther and farther away from her, and sighed: "I'm just remembering my It’s all about youth, how could you get old by accident?”

"Fool, how many years older than you are I? Is this a disguised reminder that I am old?" Shen An looked at Yao Yao helplessly, "Besides, you still have a year to graduate? I graduated from this college several years ago. year?"

"Yeah, in this way, senior, you are much older than me." Yao Yao followed Shen An's words, and couldn't help laughing, and her mood improved a lot.In fact, leaving school was not as scary as she thought, at least she believed that the man beside her would always be by her side and be her umbrella.

(End of this chapter)

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