God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 157 Xinran and Fengqin

Chapter 157 Xinran and Fengqin

The two talked and laughed along the way, and soon returned to Shen An's apartment.Since Shen An still had to go to work, Yao Yao organized her things in the apartment by herself.

Looking at this huge apartment, it is filled with the breath and smell of Shen An.The kitchen, living room, and bedroom were all used to store Shen An's belongings alone, but now that Yao Yao has also moved in, this home has the feel of a hostess.Looking at Yao Yao's pink bath towels and wash cups in the originally monotonous bathroom, this apartment, which is relatively simple and elegantly decorated, has a touch of cuteness.

In fact, although Shen An's apartment is large and luxuriously decorated, it looks deserted, with uniform gray and blue tones, and lacks a sense of home.Yao Yao, who packed up her things, simply observed the layout of Shen An's house out of boredom.What do you think, why do you feel uncomfortable?
So Yao Yao changed her clothes directly and planned to go to the market to have a look.She is going to find some materials to make the house warm.Originally, Shen An called Yao Yao at noon and asked her to have lunch together.But because Yao Yao temporarily had the idea of ​​decorating the apartment, she refused Shen An on the pretext that she was too lazy to go out.

Knowing the character of Yao Yao's house girl, Shen An didn't think too much, but told Yao Yao to have lunch.Yao Yao hurriedly agreed, saying that she would obey the chief's order.This naughty tone really made Shen An love and hate.

After finally dealing with Shen An, Yao Yao checked her bag and found that she had almost brought everything with her, so she took a taxi and headed towards the market.I don't know if it was fate, but Yao Yao unexpectedly met Xinran in the market, and there was a man beside her, Yao Yao also knew the man, it was none other than Feng Qin.

But because of the distance, Yao Yao could only see what the two were talking about?Judging by the expressions of the two, they seem to be very warm.What made Yao Yao puzzled was, shouldn't Feng Qin be working overtime at the company at this time?And most importantly, when did Xinran become so familiar with this Feng Qin?People who don't know, think the two are a couple in love?
Yao Yao smelled a bit of gossip. In the past, she always grabbed her pigtails and teased herself non-stop. This time, Yao Yao finally met Xinran's gossip.Feng Shui takes turns, this old saying is really good.

Yao Yao didn't buy anything, and just followed Xin Ran quietly all the time. In order to avoid the two of them finding out, Yao Yao kept a distance on purpose and didn't dare to get too close.I saw Xinran and Feng Qin seriously shopping around various furniture stores, flower shops, etc. in the market. Yao Yao went to the store to inquire, and they actually bought household items.Yao Yao was even more convinced that the two of them definitely had something tricky.

Later, in order to save time, Yao Yao simply followed Xinran from a distance, and at the same time began to choose the items she needed.After negotiating the price with the clerk and entrusting them to deliver it to your door.Yao Yao started shopping for other things again, and by the time Yao Yao was almost sold out, she was already exhausted.But Feng Qin and Xin Ran seemed to have no feeling, they were still wandering around in various shops.

Yao Yao also lost the patience to follow her. She walked around behind Xinran quietly, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ranran, I didn't expect to meet you here? Is there no news today?"

Xin Ran was suddenly slapped from behind by someone, and she was startled. When she turned her head and saw it was Yao Yao, she felt even colder in her heart. Looking at the girl's appearance, she must have been following them for a long time. It seems that Feng Qin's Things can't be hidden.

"Yaoyao, what a coincidence? I didn't expect you, a little house girl, to visit this furniture city? Hehe..." Xin Ran's smile became more and more fake, and she tried her best to pretend to be stupid.Yao Yao also smiled at Xin Ran, and followed her words: "Yes, what a coincidence, don't the big reporters need to go out for news today?"

Xin Ran was speechless for a while, the girl really saw it.Just when Xinran was looking for a reason to prevaricate, Yao Yao didn't give Xinran a chance to think, and said directly to Feng Qin who was behind Xinran: "Madman, are you really free today? You don't need to work overtime at the company." ? Are you free to go shopping with my family Xiaoran? "

"Uh...we just met by chance, and we happened to buy similar things, so we made an appointment to go shopping together. Isn't that the kind of relationship you imagined?" There was even a stuttering day, it seems that Yao Yao guessed the relationship between the two of them correctly.

"Eh...sister-in-law, don't tell Brother An, I beg you to let me off this matter." Feng Qin was still careless, but he really wanted Yao Yao to find out?Who is in a relationship like this, like following an underground party.Feng Qin had long wanted to announce to the world that he had left the single group, but Xin Ran forbade him to do so, saying that he should keep a low profile.

So the two officially dated for more than half a year, but no one found out.This made Feng Qin very aggrieved, but he didn't want to embarrass Xinran, so he had to swallow all the bitterness.And meeting Yao Yao by accident this time was simply a gift from heaven. Usually, the places where the two dated were mysterious, and they never met acquaintances at all.

With tears in his eyes, Feng Qin looked at Yao Yao gratefully.Yao Yao was uncomfortable with Feng Qin's gaze.He quickly assured that she would not inform Shen An like Shen An, and told Feng Qin to rest assured.Then she said something that made Xinran vomit blood, and Yao Yao said: "Xiao Ran, don't be so hard-headed, Xiao Mian, how can there be ordinary friends who are good at fighting back? And you actually went to see the things at home, are you planning to live together? ?”

For the first time in her life, Xin Ran was at a loss for words. When she heard the word cohabitation, she couldn't help but blush.In fact, she had this plan. After all, Feng Qin had been considerate of his self-willedness for too long, and she accepted his request to live together, which was considered as compensation to him.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them were playing furniture together, they would meet Yao Yao.But when talking about the Furniture City, Xin Ran suddenly turned her head around, looked at Yao Yao and asked, "By the way, Yaoyao, why did you come to the Furniture City, and you don't have any furniture to buy?"

"Eh..." This time, Yao Yao is at a loss for words. She can't tell Xin Ran that she will officially start living with Shen An today. She just laughed at Xin Ran. She must not say it, otherwise she will definitely be severely punished. ridiculed.Yao Yao laughed dryly, "I just wanted to buy a curtain, the curtain is broken, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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