God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 163 Is She Alright Now?

Chapter 163 Is She Alright Now?

However, Chengxue still smiled on the surface, told Yao Yao to come to see her another day, then took out a document from her bag, and said, "Yaoyao, I came this time to inform you that you have been issued by Manying Magazine. Accepted, I’m here to send you the contract.”

Yao Yao nodded, Mother Shen directly helped to take over the documents, and asked: "Since the matter is over, we won't see Miss Cheng off, please go slowly."

Only then did Cheng Xue reluctantly leave the apartment. After going out, Cheng Xue looked at the apartment and secretly swore that she would return all the insults she received today.One day, she will make this group of people kneel and beg her.

Not long after Cheng Xue left, Shen An came back, followed by Feng Qin and An Qingyi.As soon as Shen An entered the door, he came directly to Yao Yao's side, looking at Yao Yao's swollen ankle, he couldn't help feeling distressed.Shen's mother had already voluntarily abdicated, and Shen An didn't care about anything, and directly stepped forward to hug Yao Yao.Yao Yao, who was still pretending to be strong in front of Shen's mother, couldn't help crying after seeing Shen An.She didn't know why she was crying, probably because she felt that she was bullied for no reason, and she had heard so much about the past.Although Yao Yao always said that it was over, which woman would not care about these things?So the moment she saw Shen An, Yao Yao couldn't help but feel wronged in her heart, and she shed tears.

Seeing Yao Yao's tears, Shen An blamed herself even more, quickly wiped away the tears on Yao Yao's face with her hands, and comforted her continuously: "I'm sorry, girl, I came back late and made you feel wronged. "

Seeing this, Shen's mother quickly reprimanded her son. If she hadn't cared about saving him some face, Shen's mother really wanted to wake her son up.It's been so many years, why is he still so soft-hearted towards that Cheng Xue.Shen's mother has seen countless people. As early as when Cheng Xue and Shen An were dating, she could see that this girl was too arrogant and vain. She always felt that she was superior to others, so Shen's mother never liked her very much. .But seeing how much her son liked Cheng Xue, Shen's mother had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

But she didn't expect that Cheng Xue was so heartless that she directly abandoned her son in order to become famous.I have been away for so many years, and I don't know why I am coming back to find my son now.According to Shen's mother's intuition, this Cheng Xue definitely did not simply come back to find Shen An to get back together, there must be some purpose.

Seeing her cousin being scolded, An Yunge hurried forward to smooth things over, she directly pulled Shen's mother away, and said, "Auntie, well, cousin knows his mistake, if you continue to scold, Yao will feel distressed." Yao. Originally, you were doing Yaoyao's best, but in the end you made her feel bad. Isn't that not worth the candle? Why don't you teach your cousin secretly next time behind Yaoyao's back."

What An Yunge said made everyone present laugh, and she was right, wouldn't Yao Yao feel distressed when she scolded Shen An?Shen's mother also knew that An Yunge was deliberately looking for steps, so she stopped scolding Shen An.Yao Yao has stopped crying, in fact, after crying this scene, she feels much more at ease.In addition, Shen's mother and the others are always protecting her, Yao Yao's heart is even more moved.

But she didn't expect to cry like a tearful person in front of Shen's mother. Yao Yao suddenly felt a little impolite and a little ashamed, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.Hearing An Yunge teasing her like this again, his face blushed even more.

"Look, did I tell you what's on Yaoyao's mind? Her face is blushing." An Yunge looked at Yaoyao, her tone was full of teasing, and everyone immediately turned their attention to Yaoyao. Yao Yao's face made Yao Yao's face even redder.Seeing this, Shen An hurriedly buried Yao Yao's head in his arms, pretended to be dissatisfied and taught An Yunge a lesson: "Yunge, why are you talking to your cousin?"

"My cousin is angry, my aunt is here to save me." After An Yunge made such a fuss, the atmosphere in the apartment immediately improved a lot, and the unhappiness that Cheng Xue had brought to everyone before seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, now Yao Yao's ankle has almost subsided, and I'm going to start taking medicine." Xin Ran saw that the atmosphere was much better, and quickly took advantage of this to talk about the most important problem.Feng Qin handed the Yunnan Baiyao in his hand to Xinran, and saw that Xinran began to apply the medicine and massage Yao Yao very skillfully.Although the massage was still very painful, Yao Yao tried her best to hold back.A circle of fine sweat suddenly appeared on the small face, which made people feel distressed.

"Yaoyao, now is the most critical time, I want to help you to disperse the bruise, it may hurt a little, you have to hold back." After speaking, Xin Ran exerted a slight force, and Yao Yao cried out directly.Fortunately, with Xinran's emergency treatment, Yao Yao's ankle looks much better, and the swelling has subsided.

Xinran bandaged Yaoyao's skin again, saying that after 24 hours, apply hot compresses, and then apply medicine again, and it will recover in about three days.

"Since my cousin's legs are fine, our main goal today is still to be carried out." An Yunge pointed to the large and small bags they brought on the dining table.

It turned out that the reason why An Yunge and the others came today was because Shen's mother heard that Yao Yao and Shen An were living together, but when Shen's mother called to ask Shen An, Shen An always changed the topic and just didn't answer. Mother Shen's question.There was no other way, Shen's mother had no choice but to deliberately sneak attack while Shen An was not around.An Yunge and the others responded to Shen's mother's call and planned to hold a celebration party at the apartment.

As a result, several people started to work in the kitchen, even Shen An was dragged by Shen's mother to help.Because in fact, among this group of people, only Shen An and An Yunge can really cook, while the others are really pure soy sauce and gangsters.But they were not idle either, they were called by Shen's mother to wash the vegetables, and some were even sent out to buy drinks.

Yao Yao originally wanted to help, but after seeing her foot injury, she immediately gave up this idea and decided not to make trouble.More importantly, Yao Yao doesn't know how to cook at all, so it's better not to embarrass her.

And when the people in the kitchen were busy, there was another person staying on the sofa with Yao Yao, and that was An Qingyi who came in with Shen An later.Because of Su Yun's matter, Yao Yao has not seen the president of the conference for a long time.But judging by his appearance, he has lost a lot of weight recently.After an unknown amount of time, An Qingyi suddenly asked, "Is she alright now?"

"En?" Yao Yao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what An Qingyi said about her was Su Yun.In the first few days, Su Yun and Yao Yao talked on the phone, saying that she planned to leave for the United States in the near future, and that she planned to receive corrective treatment.I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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