Chapter 164 Plan
In fact, Yao Yao is not so resistant to An Qingyi now, she was too paranoid at the beginning, thinking that Su Yun liked An Qingyi for so long and paid so much for him.But An Qingyi never cherished it, and always made Su Yun sad.That's why Yao Yao disliked him so much, but after Shen An told her about An Qingyi, Yao Yao realized that she had misunderstood him.Everything he did was not as heartless as he thought.

Thinking of this, Yao Yao couldn't help but sighed slightly, obviously both of them have feelings for each other, why do they always have so much consideration?An Qingyi saw that Yao Yao hadn't spoken to him, did he think she was still angry with him?He couldn't help lowering his tone, and said to Yao Yao: "I'm sorry, that incident was indeed my fault, I was the one who harmed Xiaoyun..."

"No, no." Seeing that An Qingyi began to apologize, Yao Yao couldn't help but waved her hands, and said hastily: "I didn't mean that, I was just thinking, what should I tell you."

"Let's be honest, it's good to know some news about her even now." An Qingyi suddenly smiled, her eyes filled with sadness.Yao Yao couldn't help but couldn't bear to tell him the truth.But this matter can't be kept secret for long, An Qingyi will find out sooner or later.So Yao Yao gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "Actually, Xiaoyun is going to America soon, and I don't know how long she will be back."

An Qingyi was taken aback after hearing this, obviously she didn't expect her choice to leave in the end.An Qingyi who got the news smiled at Yao Yao and thanked her for her answer.Then he fell into a deep silence. At this moment, all that appeared in his mind was the appearance of Su Yun. Regarding the woman with a bright smile, is he destined to miss it?
"Xiaoyun's plane is three days later, and she will come to City Z tomorrow, because she promised me to meet the sisters in the dormitory again. So you still have three days, don't give up, President." Yao Yao couldn't bear it after all, He didn't follow Su Yun's order, but told An Qingyi about it.

Yao Yao is really thinking about Su Yun and An Qingyi, she doesn't want this pair of lovers to be separated like this.This should not be the ending between them, they should get the happiness of love just like themselves and Shen An.They have been entangled for three years. During these three years, Yao Yao watched Su Yun dedicate all her youth to An Qingyi, and now she finally moved him. Why did Su Yun choose to give up at this critical moment?
Yao Yao didn't understand, but she knew that Su Yun still had peace and ease in his heart.Otherwise, she would not agree to go to City Z. Seeing them is one thing, but the most important thing is to want to come back to see this place with their memories.Otherwise, Su Yun wouldn't have specially set the ticket to Z city, and Yao Yao and the others can go back to their hometown to send Su Yun off.Most of the reasons here are still quiet and easy.

An Qingyi was obviously taken aback, she didn't expect Yao Yao to say that suddenly, but looking at Yao Yao's concerned eyes, she smiled gratefully at her, and said: "Biao sister-in-law, thank you, I will not give up, no matter what, I will Make a last effort."

This is the first time An Qingyi called Yao Yao's cousin sister-in-law, it doesn't mean that he has already accepted Yao Yao's proposal.However, this matter still needs everyone's cooperation, and An Qingyi and Yao Yao alone cannot do it.Now that she said she wanted to help, Yao Yao planned to tell An Yunge and Xinran about this and ask them to come up with ideas together.

At the dinner table, Yao Yao shared her thoughts with several people.Several people were very supportive. After all, Su Yun's vigorous pursuit of love at the beginning was a sensation in the whole school.Originally, Xinran and the others thought that An Qingyi and Su Yun were already recognized couples, but they didn't expect so many things to happen later.Everyone was caught off guard, and they couldn't help feeling sad for the love between the two.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Su Yun and An Qingyi should be a match made in heaven, if they separated so easily, it would be too unacceptable.Of course, Xinran also said that if Su Yun and An Qingyi were not together, she would no longer believe in love.

However, it was Shen's mother who was most enthusiastic about this matter. She had never met Su Yun, but after hearing about Su Yun and An Qingyi, Shen's mother scolded An Qingyi first, saying that he would not cherish a good girl .After hearing the description of Su Yun from several people, I also liked this cheerful girl very much.Hearing that it was to help the two get back to the red line again, they immediately became enthusiastic and said that they must participate.

Thus, the lively celebration turned into a discussion meeting on how to reconcile Su Yun and An Qingyi.However, Su Yun was unaware of all this.She is packing her things at home now, and she will fly to the United States in three days.

Everyone thought that Su Yun made such a choice because he was emotionally hurt.In fact, only Su Yun knew that she did this for peace of mind.She wanted to let go, and wanted him to pursue his own happiness.Looking at the group photo in the suitcase, it was the only photo of Su Yun and An Qingyi together, or because the student union organized a trip, someone accidentally took a photo of the two together.So Su Yun secretly printed out this photo and put one in his bedroom.

"Goodbye, An Qingyi." Su Yun looked at the still stern An Qingyi in the photo, couldn't help but smile sadly, tears 'pop', and wet the face in the photo.

The next day, Yao Yao's foot injury has healed a lot, and she can basically walk without any problem, but she can't walk for too long.According to the plan discussed last night, Shen An did not send Yao Yao to the airport today, but An Yunge drove Yao Yao and the others to pick up Su Yun.

Because Yao Yao's foot was injured, Yao Yao was left in the car to wait, while An Yunge and Xinran went to pick up Su Yun.After about half an hour, they came back.It's just that Yao Yao almost didn't recognize Su Yun. It's been a long time since I saw her, and she has become so thin, as if she will fall down when the wind blows.

This time Mama Su was going to accompany Su Yun, but Su Yun came to City Z ahead of time without telling Mama Su.Seeing Yao Yao seeing him, Su Yun kept silent and couldn't help but smiled, "What's the matter? Don't know each other? Hey... Sure enough, you value sex and despise friends, so you abandoned me so soon."

"Xiao Yun." Yao Yao gently hugged Su Yun, but she didn't dare to use force, fearing that she would hurt her.Su Yun also hugged Yao Yao, and said, "What's the matter? Could it be that you were bullied by your seniors? It's impossible. Didn't you both live together? Why is he willing to bully you?"

(End of this chapter)

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