Chapter 165
Yao Yao didn't expect that she and Shen An had just lived together for a day, and Su Yun knew about it.Yao Yao knew who did it without guessing, and couldn't help but glared happily.Seeing this, he quickly waved his hands to prove his innocence, and said, "It wasn't me this time? Didn't I just find out about it recently? And I've been busy recently, so I didn't have time to spread gossip with Xiao Yun."

"Among us, except Xiaoran, who would gossip like this?" Yao Yao obviously didn't believe Xinran's excuse, because she really couldn't think of anyone other than Xinran who would be so boring and tell Su Yun.

"Okay, let me prove that although Xiao Ran has always had a big mouth and is very unreliable in her actions, it's really not her this time." Fortunately, Su Yun took the initiative to defend Xin Ran and proved her innocence.He was delighted to hear Su Yun explaining to herself. She was very moved at first, but after hearing her say that she was unreliable, the emotion in her heart disappeared immediately, and she said directly: "When did I talk too much? Is it reliable? Xiaoyun, it’s fine for you to slander me behind my back, but you actually slandered me in front of my face?”

Seeing Xinran's angry face, Yao Yao and An Yunge couldn't help laughing out loud. The way they get along like this seems to have returned to the way they got along in the dormitory back then.Seeing that Yao Yao and An Yunge both laughed, Su Yunhe couldn't help laughing too.In fact, no matter how far apart or how long they have been apart, their friendship will never change.

I don't know how long it took, but I finally arrived at my destination.The familiar gate and the familiar scenery are undoubtedly K.This is the result of Yao Yao and the others' discussion last night. Since the two want to reconcile, the place that can bring back their memories is of course the best.Therefore, Yao Yao and the others set the meeting place for the two of them here.

Yao Yao had already sent a message to Mother Shen and the others, and An Qingyi had already been waiting at school.After Su Yun looked at the familiar scene through the window, he was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect these girls to choose this place for chatting.But here is full of their past memories, and the food around the school is also very good.If possible, Su Yun really wanted to come to the academy again before leaving here, but she didn't expect her wish to come true this time.

Seeing that Su Yun was not suspicious, Yao Yao couldn't help saying hello secretly in her heart.Then he turned his back to Su Yun and made a gesture to Xin Ran.He readily understood, and quickly said to Su Yun: "Xiaoyun, do you still remember the art cafe near our school? Don't you always like your private room? But that private room has been reserved by others all the year round, and you have never had a chance to go in and sit in it." Sit down. This time we will grant your wish."

"Pffff...really?" After getting off the car, Su Yun sat on the wheelchair directly. Her feet were not suitable for standing on the ground for too long.Seeing the eyes of the people around him looking at him, Su Yun didn't care. He just raised his head, looked at Xinran with a smile, and said, "Didn't the owner say that the room was reserved all year round? How did you get the location?" of?"

"Well, the mountain people have their own tricks." Xin Ran said pretending to be profound, and then pushed Su Yun forward.Yao Yao slowly followed behind them, and couldn't help pulling away from them.Then, taking advantage of Su Yun's inattention, he sneaked into the milk tea shop next to him.Seeing that Mother Shen and An Qingyi had been waiting in the milk tea shop for a long time, she hurriedly said out of breath, "I'll call out Xinran and Yun Ge with an excuse, and then you, President, seize the opportunity."

"En." An Qingyi responded softly, all his thoughts had already drifted to the cafe across the street.Just now he just glanced at Su Yun from a distance, but saw that she was sitting in a wheelchair, and she had lost a lot of weight. He felt a pang in his heart, wishing he could appear by her side now.

Seeing that An Qingyi was not in the mood to listen to her speech, Yao Yao could understand his feelings, but there was something she still wanted to tell her, so Yao Yao gently pushed An Qingyi, and said, "Xiaoyun, your foot is now I can’t stand alone for too long, so I’m in a wheelchair. Don’t worry, she will get better. Also, Xiao Yun doesn’t know you’re here, so if she gets a little emotional when she sees you, don’t worry. please understand."

"Well, I know, thank you, cousin." An Qingyi looked at Yao Yao, obviously she was the one who was most worried about, she obviously didn't like herself, but she was willing to help him like this, it seems that her cousin is still I really found a good cousin.

After a while, Yao Yao's cell phone rang, which was Xin Ran's reminder to Yao Yao that everything was ready.So Yao Yao made an OK gesture to An Qingyi, then watched An Qingyi stride across the street, met Xinran and the others at the door, and went straight into the cafe.At this time, Xinran and An Yunge came directly to the milk tea shop, both of them were a little nervous, after all, Su Yun is known as a human lie detector.

"What's the matter? Xiaoyun didn't find out, right?" Yao Yao looked at the two nervously, fearing that they would show some flaws, Su Yun would just leave, and their arrangement would be meaningless.

Xinran and An Yunge shook their heads directly, and said, "I don't know, we came out to order coffee with an excuse. But Xiaoyun has been admiring the paintings and ceramics in the room, as if he didn't notice that we left at all."

"Next, it's up to my brother." An Yunge stared straight at the opposite cafe, praying involuntarily. She didn't want to see Su Yun running out while her brother was chasing after her.

After about half an hour, the scene that An Yunge was worried about did not appear.But Yao Yao and the others saw An Qingyi pushing Su Yun out of the coffee shop, the two were talking and laughing all the way, walking towards the academy, they looked very harmonious.

Yao Yao and Xinran were about to follow, but they were stopped by Shen's mother, looking at the two people who were going away, said: "Let's give them some time to be alone, this love is right and wrong, how to choose After all, it still depends on the choices of the two of them."

Yao Yao and the others also felt that what Shen's mother said was very reasonable, so they had lunch together, and then went back separately.Regarding the results of Su Yun and An Qingyi, they could only pray silently, hoping that they would not miss it again.

When Yao Yao returned to the apartment, she found that Shen An hadn't gone to work and was processing documents on the sofa.Seeing this, Yao Yao hurried over and said, "Senior, aren't you going to work today?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you." Seeing Yao Yao's return, Shen An quickly put away the documents in her hand, looked at Yao Yao standing beside her, and pulled her into her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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