God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 166 The Expected Ending

Chapter 166 The Expected Ending
"Wait for me?" Yao Yao was suddenly hugged by Shen An, slightly startled, but quickly reacted, and quickly hugged Shen An, saying: "What's wrong, senior?"

Yao Yao only felt her body lighten, and then she was picked up by Shen An, and placed on the sofa beside her, and then Shen An started to take off Yao Yao's shoes.Yao Yao couldn't help but blushed, she immediately put her feet aside and said, "Senior, what are you doing, I'll just do it myself."

Although Shen An is the man Yao Yao loves, who has she touched her feet yet?I always feel a little shy, and still face Shen An.After Yao Yao finished speaking, she planned to sit up by herself and do her own slippers.However, Shen An suddenly grabbed Yao Yao's hand, and said with some complaints: "Sit down well, you see why you don't know how to take care of yourself, your feet are fine before you go out, why are they swollen again when you come back?"

Shen An had already taken off Yao Yao's shoes, and it was only then that Yao Yao realized that her ankles had started to swell again.It turned out that because she was too nervous and worried about Su Yun just now, Yao Yao didn't even feel her feet hurt.Now that Shen An mentioned it, he immediately felt his right foot hurt again.

Seeing Yao Yao's brows wrinkled in pain, Shen An's anger subsided by three points, and she couldn't help but went to the bathroom to get a towel, then began to apply Yao Yao's feet, and took out the Yunnan Baiyao that Xinran left yesterday, Gently massaged Yao Yao.Looking at the red and swollen ankle, Shen An couldn't help but continued to mutter: "Before going out, didn't you say that you would not hurt yourself, what's going on?"

Yao Yao looked at Shen An with tears in her eyes, and knew that she had made him worry, so she couldn't help lowering her tone, and said flatteringly, "I'm sorry, senior, I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time."

"You dare to do it next time." Although Shen An's tone was very fierce, his actions were very gentle. After helping Yao Yao with the medicine, he packed up the medicine box, etc., and then carried Yao Yao into the bedroom.

"I was wrong, there really is no next time." Yao Yao leaned in Shen An's arms, carefully accompanying her smiling face.Seeing Yao Yao like this, Shen An couldn't help but find it funny, and the anger in her heart also dissipated a lot.The reason why he didn't go to the company today is because he knew that Yao Yao would definitely not take care of him, so he brought all his work home.Unexpectedly, what I worried about all morning really happened, this girl really deserves to be beaten.

Shen An's complexion eased a lot, and Yao Yao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.After seeing Shen An put herself on the bed, she directly instructed: "Sleep well, because of Su Yun's incident yesterday, you didn't fall asleep all night."

"Uh...Senior, how do you know?" Yao Yao always thought that she had covered it up well, but she was discovered by Shen An. Could it be that Shen An stayed up all night with her?Thinking of this, Yao Yao couldn't help feeling guilty, as if she had caused Shen An every time, making him unable to rest.

Shen An didn't answer Yao Yao's question, but pulled the quilt over her and told her to take a good rest, and he would call her when it was time to eat.But looking at the sleepiness in Shen An's eyes, Yao Yao suddenly couldn't bear it, but she knew that Shen An must be going to work again, so she nodded obediently and closed her eyes.

But when Shen An went out, Yao Yao couldn't sleep no matter what, there was a faint pain in her feet, which caused Yao Yao to be unable to roll over, and accidentally touched her own wound beside her.After an unknown amount of time, the bedroom door was opened again, and Yao Yao quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.Who knew that Shen An sat directly beside Yao Yao, patted her forehead lightly, and said: "Stop pretending, I knew you were definitely not asleep."

Only then did Yao Yao slowly open her eyes, looking at the helpless Shen An, Yao Yao took Shen An's arm, and said coquettishly: "Senior, I can't sleep without you."

Seeing this, Shen An took off his coat, pulled off the quilt, and lay down.Gently avoiding Yao Yao's foot injury, and then hugged Yao Yao into her arms.Yao Yao leaned in Shen An's arms, still thinking about Su Yun and An Qingyi in her heart, she couldn't help but glanced at Shen An, and sighed: "Senior, do you think Xiao Yun will reconcile with the president? Are they It’s not true that lovers can finally get married.”

"Emotional matters are not as simple as we thought, and no one can guess the law of her occurrence. All we can do is support their decision. Even if they don't become a couple in the end, at least they are not as good as they were at the beginning. Isn't it a kind of progress to be stranger?" Regarding this plan, when Yao Yao proposed it, Shen An knew that it would definitely not work.Although he doesn't know Su Yun's character, but through contact during the Chinese New Year, Su Yun should be the type who believes that one thing will not be easily changed. This time, Yao Yao's matchmaking plan is doomed to fail.

Shen An believed in this result, and An Qingyi knew it, but in order to see Su Yun, he really risked everything.But Shen An didn't dare to tell Yao Yao about her own analysis, after all, she was looking forward to it so much.So I had no choice but to vaccinate Yao Yao from the side, and analyze the worst result to Yao Yao first, lest she be too disappointed when she really knows the result.

Although Yao Yao felt that what Shen An said was reasonable, she still hoped that An Qingyi and Su Yun could reconcile.But judging from the current situation, at least Su Yun has no objection to meeting An Qingyi, and the two of them are wandering around the academy alone again. With so many memories in common, maybe Su Yun will change his mind.After thinking about it, Yao Yao gradually became sleepy.It's strange to say that every time Yao Yao lays in Shen An's arms, she always feels very safe, and soon falls asleep.

If one day, if Shen An couldn't be by her side, Yao Yao felt that she would not be able to adapt, and it would be difficult for her to even fall asleep.But this will never happen, because Shen An promised her that he will take care of her for the rest of his life.

After Yao Yao woke up completely, it was already early in the morning the next day, she didn't expect that she slept for so long, it seemed that she ate dinner in a daze.The first thing Yao Yao did when she woke up was not to take a shower, but to turn on her phone, and found that it was full of calls from Xinran.Yao Yao quickly replied, and after two rings, the phone was connected.Yao Yao quickly asked: "Xiao Ran, how are you doing? Did Xiao Yun reconcile with the President yesterday?"

Xinran sighed deeply and said, "Yaoyao, Xiaoyun got on the plane to America yesterday and has already flown away."

 Happy Qixi Festival, dears, love you guys
(End of this chapter)

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