Chapter 167 Letting Go
Yao Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then she looked unbelievable. Yao Yao felt that Xin Ran was definitely joking with her, and she liked to tease her when she had nothing to do, so Yao Yao said: "Xiao Ran, stop joking at this time, Isn't Xiao Yun's plane the day after tomorrow? How could it fly away last night."

"Yaoyao, do you think I'll make fun of this kind of thing?" Xin Ran's tone has changed, slightly crying, "Xiao Yun secretly flew away alone without telling us all."

"Then what about her and the president? Aren't they always together?" Yao Yao still didn't understand at all. Wasn't Su Yun and An Qingyi together yesterday?And seeing how the two of them were talking and laughing, they didn't find anything wrong with Su Yun at all. How could it be possible that they both flew to the United States at night?
"I don't even believe it. The person who sent Su Yun away was An Qingyi, and I suspect that the two of them did it on purpose." Xin Ran also looked angry on the other end of the phone, never expecting Su Yun to choose Leaving without saying goodbye, is it because of reluctance?
"On purpose? What do you mean?" Yao Yao didn't understand what Xinran was talking about?Are the two of them referring to An Qingyi and Su Yun?But it's impossible.Judging from An Qingyi's obsession with Su Yun, how could he just let her go and let her go.You know, once Su Yun leaves, the two may miss it for the rest of their lives.Yao Yao absolutely didn't believe it, according to An Qingyi's character, he would do this?

But Yao Yao has forgotten that love will change everything about a person, and An Qingyi is no exception. In this love, An Qingyi is doomed to failure.After Su Yun forcibly broke through his heart, this love chase was doomed from the beginning to his failure.

And Xin Ran explained her conjecture to Yao Yao, Xin Ran suspected that the plane ticket that Su Yun had bought was tonight's flight, and she just hid it from a group of them, and An Qingyi might be Su Yun's excuse to deliberately support her. Make excuses for them.In fact, it is very possible that Su Yun and An Qingyi colluded with each other from the beginning, and deliberately staged a scene in front of them in order to allow Su Yun to leave quietly.As for why Su Yun did this, it was probably because she was afraid of seeing the parting scene, so she might as well just leave secretly like this. Although she was very reluctant to part with her, she was not as reluctant as when they came to say goodbye.

Su Yun was afraid that if Yao Yao and the others were really sent to the plane, she might be reluctant to leave.It might as well be like this, hide it from everyone, and leave quietly, maybe she can walk a little more gracefully.

After talking on the phone with Xinran, Yao Yao was still in a dazed state, and she still couldn't accept that Su Yun had left.Yao Yao finished washing quickly, then changed into clothes and went out. She planned to find An Qingyi and ask what was going on?

When Yao Yao made an appointment with An Qingyi by phone, An Qingyi immediately agreed.The two made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop in the city center.When Yao Yao arrived at the meeting place by car, An Qingyi had already arrived. He nodded to Yao Yao, and Yao Yao came directly in front of An Qingyi and sat down.

But what made Yao Yao very strange, when she was at home, she felt that she had a lot of questions to ask An Qingyi, but she didn't expect that after the two formally met alone, Yao Yao didn't know what to ask?So Yao Yao had no choice but to stare at An Qingyi, both of them were waiting for each other's question?
On the other hand, An Qingyi watched Yao Yao keep silent, and directly handed the mobile phone in her hand to Yao Yao, clicked on one of the videos and said, "Su Yun asked me to show you this."

"What?" Yao Yao took An Qingyi's phone, opened the video and saw that it was Su Yun, she was sitting by the pond on the campus, Su Yun in the picture smiled slightly, and then said: "Yao Yao, when you By the time I saw this video, I’m afraid I’ve already left. Little fool, don’t be angry with me. I just can’t accept the parting scene. Isn’t it funny to say that I’m so heartless People who live in this world will have a day of fear.”

Speaking of this, Su Yun paused for a moment, then quietly turned his head away, when he turned his head again, Su Yun's eye circles were already slightly red, but he still forced a smile and said: "Yao Yao, don't cry Ah. If you blame me, wait until I come back, and then I will blame you in person. Well, it’s getting late, and the training in the United States is closed, so I don’t have a chance to talk to you, remember not to Miss me so much."

The video has been cut off at this point, and only at this moment does Yao Yao feel that Su Yun has really left.But Yao Yao knew that she was going to receive treatment and would be back soon.So he sniffed, rubbed his red eyes slightly, returned the phone to An Qingyi and said, "Hmph, I'll settle the score with her when she comes back."

An Qingyi silently handed a tissue to Yao Yao, Yao Yao took it directly, wiped away her tears, and looked at the silent An Qingyi.Suddenly, he realized that Su Yun's departure was the most saddened by him, and from Xinran's words, it seemed that An Qingyi sent Su Yun away with his own hands.And judging from the video just now, the person who recorded the video for Su Yun was also An Qingyi.

In other words, An Qingyi was the only one who knew that Su Yun was going to leave without saying goodbye.Yao Yao looked at An Qingyi, suddenly she didn't understand, what was he thinking?So Yao Yao asked directly: "Chairman, have you reconciled with Xiao Yun?"

"Forget it, she said that we will be friends in the future, so it can be regarded as reconciliation." An Qingyi suddenly looked out the window, looked at the direction of the sky, and explained softly: "At least, she is not like before. Avoid me, for me, it should be the best ending."

Yao Yao thought that Su Yun was willing to tell An Qingyi about her plan, so she must have forgiven him, but she didn't expect that the two of them made no progress at all. Although An Qingyi said they were friends, ordinary people knew that Su Yun was going. , I don't know when I will be back, the friend she said means no more contact.

"Chairman, you..." Yao Yao originally wanted to ask him why he let Su Yun go, but she didn't want to add salt to An Qingyi's wound, so she closed her mouth after speaking halfway.

However, An Qingyi seemed to know what Yao Yao wanted to ask, and still maintained her original posture, she replied indifferently: "I told her that I could go to America with her, but she refused. She said that she had I'm tired and don't want to go on anymore. For three years, she lived too hard, begging me to let go."

When An Qingyi said this, she also paused, and said: "Yeah, I should let her go and let her find her happiness and freedom. If I am a stumbling block that restrains her, then I would rather choose to let go."

(End of this chapter)

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