Chapter 168 Proposed?

This was the first time Yao Yao saw the sad expression of President An, who was usually cold. Although he was smiling, there was deep sadness in his eyes.Looking at him like this, Yao Yao didn't know whether his choice was right or wrong, so she just asked stupidly: "Don't you regret it?"

"If this is Xiao Yun's choice, as long as she is happy, I will not regret it." An Qingyi smiled at Yao Yao, and said this sentence softly.

I didn't expect that such a careful plan would lead to such an ending.After Yao Yao and An Qingyi separated, she was still thinking about the two of them in her heart.According to Su's mother, it will take at least three years for Su Yun to go to rehabilitation training this time, and the whole process is closed, so he usually has no chance to chat with Yao Yao and the others.

Thinking of not seeing Su Yun for three years, Yao Yao's mood became even worse.Staying alone in the apartment is very boring. Although Cheng Xue said that she was accepted by Manying Magazine, Yao Yao hasn't decided whether to go or not.In case she and Cheng Xue became colleagues, Yao Yao felt that her head was going to hurt again.But if he didn't go, he wasted such a good opportunity.This is Yao Yao's dream workplace, and Yao Yao feels that she will regret it if she doesn't go there.

After struggling again and again, Yao Yao called Manying Magazine and briefly asked about Cheng Xue's position, but the manager of the personnel department said that Cheng Xue was not a staff member of Manying, and notified Yao Yao that she would be officially hired next Monday. work.Yao Yao answered quickly, saying that she would definitely go to work.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Yao couldn't help being a little puzzled. Since Cheng Xue is not a staff member of Manying Magazine, why did she become an interviewer, and even came here to inform her that she was admitted? What's going on?But since she doesn't need to work with Cheng Xue, the big stone in Yao Yao's heart finally fell.As for Cheng Xue's matter, it's better to wait for Shen An to come back, and she will ask Shen An.

The work matter has been settled, thinking of Xinran saying that he will marry Feng Qin in the game on White Valentine's Day.Only then did Yao Yao realize that she hadn't played games for a long time.Yao Yao seemed to have forgotten her notebook at home, so she had no choice but to run to the study and turn on Shen An's computer.

Looking at the screensaver on the computer, Yao Yao couldn't help smiling, she didn't expect that Shen An, like her, would use the photo of the two embracing each other in the game as the screensaver.Yao Yao couldn't help reaching out to touch the face of the black-clothed assassin on the screen, the past of the two is still vivid in her memory.At that time, Yao Yao hadn't thought that one day, she would really be with Shen An in reality.

Opening the log-in device proficiently, probably because I haven't logged in for a long time, it is actually being updated.Yao Yao, who is very bored, plans to find a small game to play to pass the time.Who knew that Yao Yao accidentally found an unfamiliar folder in Shen An's, and this folder was named with musical symbols.

Yao Yao couldn't help being a little curious, and clicked to open it.Although she felt that it was not good for her to do so, the condemnation of her conscience still did not overcome her curiosity. The most important thing was that Yao Yao hummed the name of the folder, which turned out to be Beethoven's "Fur Elise".Clicking in to see, there are all kinds of scores, and the names of these scores made Yao Yao stunned. They are all the scores of love songs in the album released by Yao Yao's favorite Internet singer 'An' on the Internet.

Yao Yao was a little puzzled. Why did Shen An collect these scores? Could it be that he is also a fan of the online singer "An" just like herself?But looking at Shen An's appearance, it seems that he is not someone who likes these songs?Unexpectedly, Shen An would also chase stars.Yao Yao feels that she still doesn't know Shen An well enough, but since she likes the same singer, it can be regarded as similar interests.But what?When Shen An comes back, Yao Yao wants to talk to him, and then recommend some other songs of "An" to him, obviously there are many songs about friendship that are also very good to listen to.

Just as the game has been updated, Yao Yao directly closed the folder and did not continue to browse.Moreover, Yao Yao was so confused that she didn't find these music scores. It was written in the upper right corner of each page, composer: Shen An.

After playing the game, Yao Yao found that she hadn't played for a long time, and her hands were already rusty.Familiarized with the skills twice, and slowly regained the feeling of the day, Yao Yao hung up the game and went to inquire about Feixian's flying mount activities.When Yao Yao returned to the screen, a group of people had already surrounded her, Yao Yao was a little puzzled, what was this group of people doing to surround herself?
But Yao Yao didn't think too much, she stood up directly and manipulated the characters to walk aside, but every time she took a step, the group of people followed her.In the end, Yao Yao was really helpless, and planned to ask what these people were doing?

[Scene] Miss Yao: ...I want to know, why are you surrounding me?
[Scene] Across the World: Sister, are you that Yao girl on the forum?Participated in a gamer reality show?
[Scene] Miss Yao: ... how do you know?
How did this group of people know? I remember that they didn't seem to reveal their IDs at the beginning.Yao Yao didn't know, she went to the player meeting, and was seen by someone who cared, and wrote down Yao Yao's ID card to enter the venue.Then basically everyone in the server knew Yao Yao's real identity in the game.But because Yao Yao hasn't been online for a long time, everyone couldn't find her at all, so they forgot about it.Today, when Yao Yao hung up the phone here, she was accidentally discovered by some boring person.There was a lot of noise in the world, saying that the first beauty of the reality show was online, which caused this disturbance.

[Scene] Don't love the country and love the beauty: drool, big brother, is she really the number one beauty?
[Scene] Yu Xiaobao: I'll go, I've met a real person, and the beauty is here to take a photo.

[Scene] Rocket: Go away, beauty should let me come, look how ugly you are.

[Scene] Miss Yao:

[Scene] Across the World: Shut up.

[Scene] Hua Wuxin: Shut up, didn't you see that this is the sister-in-law?
[Scene] Zongsihai: Sister, marry me, I will give you whatever you want.

Yao Yao was speechless, what happened?It hasn't been an hour since she was online, why did she get proposed?And don't these people have bad eyesight?Didn't you see the title of 'Don't forget the peace of mind' on her head?She is already a married woman, why did she propose marriage as soon as she came up.

[Scene] Miss Yao: I'm sorry, I'm already married, you should find someone else.

After Yao Yao finished speaking, she didn't want to stay here with them anymore, so she simply bought a teleporter and teleported it directly to Luoshui City.The girl in the green shirt in front of her gradually disappeared into the picture, leaving only a group of big men staring at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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