God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 169 Long time no see

Chapter 169 Long time no see
Yao Yao thought that she would be fine as long as she ran away, so she quickly regarded this game proposal as a farce, and quickly forgot about it.But she forgot that everything can be tracked in the game.For example, Yao Yao just planned to dig a treasure, and then Zongheng Sihai would run to her side and help her fight mobs, making Yao Yao feel uncomfortable.When Zongsihai helped Yao Yao fight monsters again, Yao Yao said directly on the scene channel:
[Scene] Miss Yao: Why do you keep following me?
[Scene] Zongsihai: I just protect my wife.

[Scene] Miss Yao: I've said it all, I'm already married.

[Scene] Zongsihai: Divorce, then marry me, I will give you everything you want in the game.

[Scene] Miss Yao: ...

Yao Yao doesn't want to talk to this person anymore, he is really enough, do you think she is so handsome?Such conceit made Yao Yao feel a little disgusted in her heart.So Yao Yao stopped doing missions, and in order to avoid this person, she teleported directly to the gang resident so that he would not be able to find her.

Yao Yao had just teleported to the gang resident, and then the friend application from Across the World came over, Yao Yao directly refused, and then he continued to apply, Yao Yao continued to refuse.After doing this countless times, Yao Yao got annoyed, she just let the friend application window stop there, and ignored it.I don't know how long it took, but the window for friend application stopped redirecting. Just when Yao Yao thought Zongsihai gave up, who knew that the World Channel exploded again.

[Transaction] Across the world: Miss Yao, marry me.

Transsion's speech is different from the world's. Transsion sends it directly to the top of the screen. Yao Yao directly saw such a line of words appearing in front of her screen, and then she was speechless.What happened to this man?I don't even know him, so why does he insist on marrying me?Have you read too many Mary Sue novels?
Yao Yao just wanted to reply in the world, when she opened the world channel, all of them were swiped, and Yao Yao's reply was drowned in this group of swipes.Before it appeared on the world channel for a second, it had already disappeared.

[World] Monk of Wine and Meat: Miss Yao, is she the wife of the leader of the Fenghuo Guild?That is, the real-life beauty that was rumored on the forum, wasn't it said that she and Fenghuo's leader, Don't Forget Xin'an, lived in seclusion?I haven't seen them online for a long time. Could it be that they have the same name and surname?

[World] Where is the integrity: Brother monk, this statement is wrong, this Feixian can't have the same name?But this beauty has returned, where is Emma?Let me go and worship...

[World] I don't love Jiangshan, but I love beauties: Big brother is mighty, and he confesses so aggressively.What is Fenghuo?Grab my sister-in-law directly.Now we, Zongheng, are Feixian's first guild.

[World] Hua Wuxin: That's right, that's right, support elder brother to kill Fenghuo and snatch sister-in-law back.

[World] Miss Sweetheart: Is this Yao girl so beautiful?Is the Lun family more beautiful than her?Why didn't the great god take a fancy to him?

[World] Xingyu Xingyuan: Hmph, don't be arrogant, and don't cry when you are fighting.

[World] Fox Weicheng: That is, we, Fenghuo, are not afraid of you?

[Transmission] Mo Yan: If you want to rob people, you have to pass me first.

[World] Madam, please open the door: Damn, what's going on, even the Great Master Mo Yan is here to intervene?

[World] Death is rhythmic: For the number one beauty, I will also fight for it, beauty follow me.

[World] Hurricane and Hurriedly: All the trash, our sister-in-law is also something you can remember, come to PK if you have the ability, and speak with your strength.

[World] Drunk Kissing Beauty's Heart: That's right, I don't even look at you like that. You can't even keep up with our brother An's toes, and you still dare to think about our sister-in-law An.

[World] Don't love the country and love the beauty: Damn, Fenghuo's dog, don't run away when you have the ability to help in the war?

[World] Yu Xiaobao: That's right, I don't know who it is?Get beaten to the crap by our gang, what?Now you have the strength to cry again?

The world channel is still very lively, but Yao Yao has no time to watch it, because her gang and private chat channels are already full.The first person to send a private chat was Da Dakong, whom I haven't seen for a long time. From her words, it can be seen that she is very excited.

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Yaoyao, woo woo... You have no conscience, why haven't you been online for so long?
[Private chat] Miss Yao: I'm sorry, I'm approaching my internship and I'm a little busy.In fact, I really want to play games, but I have never been free.

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Well, I forgive you.Since you eloped with the gang leader, our gang has not been as active as before.Moreover, Yun Dan and Xiao Xian, the two great god couples, may not have played the game for a long time.Why……

[Private chat] Girl Yao: They actually have things to do, and they really don't have much time.But you, how is your relationship with the beauty doing? Didn't you say you were ready to meet last time?
Although Yao Yao hasn't played the game for a long time, but because he and Da Dakong joined QQ before, he occasionally chats on QQ.Da Da Kong is a very simple and innocent girl with a very likable personality.Most of the time, Yao Yao was listening to the emotional story between her and Mei Xin. Last time, she said that she planned to see Mei Xin, but he refused, and Da Dakong complained to Yao Yao for a long time.

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Don't mention it, I haven't talked to him for several days.Yaoyao, I think beauty doesn't like me.

Yao Yao just wanted to persuade Da Dakong, but unexpectedly, she received a private chat from Beauty Xin, who came directly to ask her about the world.

[Private chat] Drunk kissing beauty's heart: Sister-in-law, how do you know this woman?

[Private chat] Girl Yao: I don't know him at all, and it's not like you don't know, I haven't played the game for a long time, and I was surrounded by him when I played the game today, and I am also very depressed.

[Private Chat] Drunk Kiss Beauty's Heart: Hahaha, my sister-in-law is so charming.

[Private Chat] Girl Yao: Heh heh, are you praising me or belittling me?
[Private Chat] Drunk Kiss Beauty's Heart: Of course it's a compliment.

After teasing a few words with Drunk Kissing Beauty, Yao Yao received news from Feng Feng Huo Huo and others. Yao Yao directly explained the matter of Zong Si Hai in the gang, saying that she didn't know anything at all.So the people in the gang decided to keep calm and wait for Shen An to go online.

After finally playing a game, Yao Yao was slightly depressed when she encountered this kind of thing, but she just saw Chi Mo playing a game in the world. It seems that Yao Yao hasn't seen him for a long time, and she doesn't know what he is doing?
[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaomo, long time no see.

[Private Chat] Mo Yan: Well, long time no see.

(End of this chapter)

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