Chapter 170 Battle Post
After Chi Mo replied, Yao Yao didn't know what to say to him?Regarding Chi Mo, Yao Yao didn't dare to take the initiative to contact him, for fear of breaking his heart again.Yao Yao felt that she was really selfish. She hoped that Chi Mo could forget herself, but she didn't want the two of them to have no contact.She hopes to be friends with Chi Mo, but can lovers who fail to be friends really be friends?Yao Yao asked herself that she couldn't do it, so she didn't dare to ask Chi Mo like this.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Xiaomo, how are you doing recently?You know about Xiaoyun's departure, right?

[Private Chat] Mo Yan: Well, I'm fine too.Before the king left, he told me.

[Private Chat] Miss Yao: That's good.

Seeing such a simple reply, Yao Yao was a little bit heartbroken, could this really be the only way for her and Chi Mo to become like this?Alienated like a stranger who just knew each other.Hey... After so many years of relationship, Yao Yao still hopes to be friends with Chi Mo forever.Just when Yao Yao thought that Chi Mo would not reply again, Chi Mo suddenly replied.

[Private chat] Mo Yan: Don't worry about the world's troubles, I will help you solve them.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Yes.Thank you, Mo.

Seeing the news sent by Chi Mo, Yao Yao was very moved.Chi Mo was still the same as when he was a child, always standing up and protecting himself when he was hurt.After Chi Mo said this, he didn't reply to Yao Yao.Because he is afraid, afraid that he will not be able to control his heart, he is contacting to let go recently, letting go of Yao Yao from the bottom of his heart.So during this period of time, he never took the initiative to contact Yao Yao, for fear that he would not be able to control his feelings.He had no choice but to suppress his longing, but whenever he dreamed back in the middle of the night, he always tossed and turned, his mind was full of Yao Yao's childhood voice and smile.

Chi Mo didn't answer, and Yao Yao couldn't take the initiative to bother him.There is still a commotion in the world because of the marriage proposals going all over the world.Yao Yao looked at the vicious remarks that were speculated, and directly blocked the World Channel, out of sight and out of mind.As for Zongsihai, Yao Yao directly blocked him, lest he always harass her on the stranger channel.

[Private Chat] Miss Yao: Da Da, who is this Across the World?Why did he propose to me?Obviously I don't know him?
[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Zonghengsihai is the leader of the 'Zongheng' gang, which is now Feixian's first gang.Since you and the gang leader left, Feixian merged the district again, and this is where the server merged.And our gang, since you left, has gradually become a casual gang, and basically does not participate in gang wars, so this gang has become famous in the first gang war, until now.As for why he proposed to you, probably because of the photos on the forum.

[Private Chat] Miss Yao: What photo?
[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: It's the photo of you attending the player meeting. Now everyone in the server knows that Yaoyao, you are the No.1 beauty in the reality show, that is, the number one beauty of Feixian.Speaking of which, Yaoyao, you are really not loyal enough, you didn't tell me when you participated in the competition?
[Private chat] Miss Yao: This is too hard to describe, I didn't sign up, anyway, I was forced.

Yao Yao didn't know how to explain to Da Dakong that the photo was a promotional photo of an Internet cafe, and Feixian was just using this promotional photo as a gimmick, and Yao Yao happened to be selected by them at the beginning.

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Forget it, I didn't blame you.Not enough Yaoyao, you look so beautiful, no wonder the boss wants to elope with you?
[Private chat] Miss Yao: You and the beauty are also okay?

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Forget it, he doesn't even want to meet me now, I've given up.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Oh, is that so?Last time, whoever said he was going to the beauty's house kidnapped him.Even if he disagrees, Lai will stay at their house.

[Private Chat] Da Da Kong: Okay, you laughed at me...

Yao Yao and Da Dakong were joking like this, and the time passed quickly.Shen An had already known what happened to Yao Yao in the game. After all, with Feng Qin's big mouth, he just didn't want to know.And it was only at this time that Shen An knew that there was such a post on the forum, which exposed Yao Yao's real information.So Shen An waved his hand and asked the technical department to hack this post, and this so-called truth post disappeared from the forum.

Before it was time to get off work, Shen An drove back to the apartment directly.I searched around in the apartment, and finally found Yao Yao in the study.Shen An originally thought that Yao Yao would be very sad when encountering such a thing.Who knew that this girl, who was enjoying the game, was not affected in the slightest.Seeing Shen An coming back, Yao Yao asked him suspiciously why he got off work so early today.

Shen An felt that she was really worried too much, and this girl had also grown a lot without knowing it, and she was much stronger than before.Shen An shook his head helplessly, and did not explain why he came back, but just asked Yao Yao to change her clothes and prepare to go out for dinner.

After the two of them went out and came back, Shen An had no job for the first time, but took out his notebook and accompanied Yao Yao to log in to Feixian.Yao Yao was still very puzzled, and hurriedly said: "Senior, don't you have to work today?"

"I work every day, so I should relax. I heard from the lunatic that you've started playing games again. I'll be with you." Shen An patted Yao Yao's head and said with a smile.Yao Yao actually likes that Shen An can accompany her, but she is afraid of delaying his work. Hearing what Shen An said, Yao Yao nodded directly and said: "Okay, but let's do the love mission first, listen to Da Da , Feixian has been updated, husband and wife can do love missions, and there is a chance to get a double mount?"

"Okay." Seeing Yao Yao's happy appearance, Shen An was also very happy.In fact, Shen An knew that Yao Yao had been feeling sad for Su Yun's departure, so he wanted to find another way to make her happy.

The two logged into the game directly, and were warmly welcomed by the members of the guild as soon as they went online.Both of them were very moved, who said that two-dimensional has no real feelings, in this strange world, there will always be some people who warm others.

[Guild] Flowers Blossoming and Falling: Am I reading that right, the gang leader and his wife are online?
[Guild] Hurry up: Haha, I called them back.

[Guild] The reason of the heart: Enough is enough, don't be shy.

[Guild] Hurry up: Wife, I was wrong.

The gang channel is still very lively, but Shen An did not reply to the message, because there are more important things to do for him at present.

[Transsion] Don't forget peace of mind: Across the world, duel or gang fight, choose one of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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