Chapter 171 Declaring War
As soon as the news of Shen An came out, the world suddenly boiled again.Yao Yao looked at Shen An beside her, and didn't understand why he posted the battle post, so she asked cautiously: "Senior, what's wrong with you? Do you know this guy named Zongsihai?"

Shen An walked over directly, pulled Yao Yao into his arms, let her sit on his lap, and said, "I still have to distinguish clearly between rivals in love? After all, people come to snatch their wives, don't they?" Is it?"

As soon as Yao Yao blushed, she knew what happened in the game today, Shen An should already know.Then Yao Yao leaned into Shen An's arms coquettishly, looking at the lively game screen in front of her.Hearing Shen An say the word "rival in love", Yao Yao couldn't help but tapped Shen An's chest lightly, and said: "What rival in love? I don't know him at all, senior, you are a big jealous. Also, wife What? I haven't admitted it yet?"

"Really?" Shen An suddenly smiled maliciously, then directly moved Yao Yao's small head, and kissed her hard on the lips. This kiss was punitive and made Yao Yao Yao was caught off guard, and Shen An was not willing to let Yao Yao take a breath until the breath in her mouth was about to disappear, but just after Yao Yao finished her breath, Shen An posted it again, until Yao Yao repeatedly begged for mercy.

But Shen An insisted on Yao Yao admitting that she was his wife before he would let her go. Under the coercion of someone, Yao Yao nodded quickly, saying that the senior was right, she was his wife and so on.As soon as Yao Yao finished speaking, Shen An let her go.Yao Yao knows without looking in the mirror that her lips must be red and swollen now, Shen An is getting more and more excessive now, it is simply a very popular saying on the Internet now, people start fighting when they disagree with each other, but when Shen An Here, Ann turned into a kiss when there was a disagreement.However, Yao Yao was too embarrassed to talk about him, so she could only let him bully her.

Seeing Yao Yao pouted and looking slightly depressed, Shen An couldn't help laughing secretly, then took out something from the pocket of his trousers, picked up Yao Yao's hand, and put it in gently.Fortunately, Shen An usually observes meticulously, and the size he picked is just right.

Yao Yao only felt that the top of her ring finger was cold, and then Yao Yao saw something extra on her ring finger, which was a very delicate ring with a very novel style.Although it is not as exaggerated as written in the TV series, what a few carats and so on, but the simple appearance that Yao Yao likes, Yao Yao couldn't help but said happily: "Senior, is this for me?"

"Well, I suddenly discovered that there are too many peach blossoms around my girl, so I have to trap you first, so I can rest assured." Shen An also touched the ring on Yao Yao's hand. He went to the jewelry store today to choose a ring. At that time, he fell in love with this ring at first sight. He imagined that Yao Yao would wear it like this. Shen An was very satisfied, and Yao Yao put this ring on her ring finger.

"Thank you senior, I like it very much." Yao Yao took the initiative to hug Shen An, expressing her liking.After getting tired of the ring for a while, the two returned to the game.

The World Channel is very lively. It has been a long time since Shen An sent the message. Zongheng Sihai has not responded. Just when everyone thought this farce was about to pass, Zong Heng Si Hai replied in the world.

[Transaction] Across the World: See you at [-] o'clock tomorrow night, Bang Zhan.If you lose Fenghuo, then I want Miss Yao.

[Transmission] Don't forget to feel at ease: She is not a bet, besides, you don't have this chance at all.

[Sound Transmitter] Across the World: Then I will see you in the battle, if you lose, I want you to disband.

[Transsion] Don't forget to feel at ease: Oh, as I said, you don't have this chance at all.

The conversation between the two made the world channel go silent. At this moment, no one is sending messages in the world, for fear of disturbing the conversation between the two.Yao Yao looked at Shen An still with a smile on his face, she knew that he was intentionally provoking Zongsi Hai, she couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked Shen An why he did this?Shen An just said that it's time to clean up the people in the game. He wants to make an example to others, and tell others that no one wants to touch Shen An's woman.

[World] The vertical and horizontal gang will launch a gang battle against the Fenghuo gang at [-] o'clock tomorrow night. Members of the two gangs are asked to be ready.

After the declaration of war was over, the Fenghuo gang was very lively. Well, they were originally a group of militants, but after holding back for so long, they finally became active again.

[Gang] Drunk Kissing Beauty's Heart: Brother An is mighty, he has long disliked Zongheng, and this time he can finally fight them openly.

[Gang] Just kidding: That's right, dare to miss our sister-in-law, let's see if we don't kill them.

[Gang] It's still a joke: that is, I want to let Zongheng's dog understand what it means to die in a rhythmic manner.

[Gang] Died rhythmically: shot while lying down for no reason.

[Gang] Just kidding: Haha, Brother Rhythm, you're lying down again.

[Gang] Hurry up: Let's go, brothers, let's increase our combat power.

[Guild] Blossoming Blossoms: Damn, I went to buy the scrolls today and make the weapons.

The people in the gang are very active, and they are obviously very keen on gang wars.On the other hand, Yao Yao, the heroine of the incident, was looking at the screen in a daze.But regarding the gang battle, seeing Shen An's confident appearance, Yao Yao also believed in him very much, so she knew that Shen An would definitely win the ending.

Everyone in the gang went to improve their combat effectiveness. Yao Yao felt that since she was also a member of the gang, of course she also had to contribute to the gang, so she followed Da Dakong and Xinran to get along, saying that she wanted to help Yao Yao first. After Yao brushes up the level, Yao Yao directly uses the double experience pill, because all the advanced books are used, her experience basically increases gradually.

And when Yao Yao followed Da Da and the others to mix dungeons, Shen An didn't know what he was doing?But judging from his appearance, he should be discussing the matter of helping the war.

In terms of strength alone, Zongheng is much stronger than Fenghuo.After all, only after Shen An and You Xianzi left, this gang gradually became low-key, and gradually became a leisure gang.So when Zongheng was about to fight Fenghuo, everyone thought it was a battle without any suspense.

The gang battle between the former No. [-] gang in the game and the No. [-] gang in the game has been heard. Xinran's hand has spread throughout the Feixian service area, and she made another bet, letting everyone guess which gang will win In the end, most of them were overwhelmed. After all, the hardware strength of the two gangs is there, and how can it be reversed in just one day?

(End of this chapter)

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