God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 195 Why Are You Helping Me?

Chapter 195 Why Are You Helping Me?

When Yao Yao woke up again, she was lying on a big soft bed. According to the surrounding decoration, this should be a hotel, because Yao Yao also saw the promotional card of the hotel.Yao Yao sat up directly from the bed, and found that she was the only one in the room, but Chi Mo didn't know where he went?
Yao Yao only felt sore, and then tried to get out of bed. Just as she walked to the door, she suddenly heard someone outside arguing about something?Yao Yao quietly put her ear close to the wall, she definitely wasn't listening to the corner of the wall, she just felt that the voice outside was somewhat familiar.

I saw a shrill female voice yelling at someone angrily: "I tell you, my patience has a limit, don't forget that you still have something in my hands, why do you dare to disobey me now?" ?”

Yao Yao was slightly taken aback by this voice, it was not Cheng Xue's voice.But how could she be on Cheng Xue's side? She remembered that she was in Chi Mo's car, but Yao Yao's doubts were soon answered.Because a familiar male voice rang out, Yao Yao's heart sank. This voice was obviously Chi Mo's. "Heh...Cheng Xue, don't push yourself too hard. Although I agreed to cooperate with you, I am not someone you can order. Besides, I brought you all the people. To show your sincerity, don't you also Should you give me some information?"

Yao Yao's eyes widened involuntarily, how could Chi Mo and Cheng Xue be together, and from what the two said, they seemed to have made some kind of deal, and Yao Yao's being brought here was premeditated.Yao Yao couldn't help but secretly opened the door a crack, looked outside, and saw Cheng Xue and Chi Mo standing in the living room, they looked at each other coldly, what were they arguing about?
Yao Yao accidentally numb her feet, and then made a slight noise, and the two immediately looked towards this direction.Yao Yao quickly closed the door, not knowing what to do?At this time, someone suddenly covered Yao Yao's mouth, Yao Yao turned her head and saw that it was Ji Feng.Ji Feng made a 'shh' gesture towards her, and then signaled Yao Yao to lie down on the bed.

Yao Yao's reaction was extremely quick, she quickly ran to the bed and lay down, then adjusted the quilt, as if she had never woken up.At this moment, Ji Feng opened the door, looked at Cheng Xue and Chi Mo outside the door, and asked, "What are you doing, aren't you afraid of waking her up?"

"What are you doing in the house?" Cheng Xue looked at Ji Feng, then at Yao Yao who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.However, he was slightly puzzled by Ji Feng's inexplicable appearance in the bedroom.Recently, this man has been spoiling her affairs. If Cheng Xue knew that he would never betray her, she would have abandoned him long ago.But because of the deal with Chi Mo alone, it's safer to bring Monsoon.In case something happens, she is no match for Chi Mo.And if someone finds out, she can use Ji Feng as a shield, and lie that she was also kidnapped by him.

"What? You don't know me yet?" Ji Feng smiled evilly on purpose, and then acted like he was very infatuated with Yao Yao, and said, "My Angel sleeps on it, of course I'm going to observe her, I want to take a picture of a sleeping girl It’s just the Sleeping Beauty in the movie.” After finishing speaking, Ji Feng deliberately raised his injured camera to increase the credibility of his words.

"But didn't you say that you let go? Didn't you pursue her anymore? Didn't you persuade me to let go every day? Why did you suddenly figure it out?" Cheng Xue still doubted the credibility of Ji Feng's words, but seeing the other party The indifference of the face.

"That's because I thought I would never see her again in this life. Seeing her lying there quietly, if it was an angel in the sky, my heart began to beat for her again, and I realized that I couldn't let go She's gone." Ji Feng said half-truthfully, and deliberately approached the bed slowly, intending to touch Yao Yao's face with his hands.But just when they were about to touch each other, Ji Feng's hand was suddenly grabbed by someone, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Chi Mo.Chi Mo shook Ji Feng's hand away and said, "Do you want to wake her up? And don't touch her with your dirty hands."

"Hmph, it's not up to you to decide here." Ji Feng and Chi Mo fought like this, Cheng Xue hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two of them, threatening: "Both of you get out, for a woman like this , don't make noise here, be careful to wake her up. Ji Feng, are you ready to see the car? We will take this opportunity to take her away."

"Hmph." Ji Feng just snorted at Chi Mo, but he still didn't disobey Cheng Xue's order, turned around and left the room, and went downstairs.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the topic just now." After Cheng Xue finished speaking, she went out directly, and Chi Mo followed her out, closing the door carefully before leaving.

As soon as the two left, Yao Yao burst into tears.She slowly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, wondering why Chi Mo did this?What reason did he have in Cheng Xue's hands that he chose to cooperate with Cheng Xue at the expense of betraying himself.No wonder Chi Mo behaved strangely in the car today.Although Yao Yao found it strange, she didn't doubt it too much.So what happened to Shen An this time, did Chi Mo also participate in it?Otherwise, how could Shen An be fooled so easily, and obediently let Cheng Xue lead her by the nose.

Thinking of this, Yao Yao couldn't sit still, she must escape from here and find Shen An.Listening to what they mean, it seems that they want to send themselves away to where?Yao Yao had to run away before they came back, otherwise she was really sent to a strange city by them, then she really had no choice.

Just when Yao Yao was thinking about how to leave, the door was pushed open again, Yao Yao was taken aback, but seeing that it was Ji Feng who came, Yao Yao breathed a sigh of relief.Although Ji Feng had hurt her before, Yao Yao could tell that what he said in the restaurant today was sincere, and if he really wanted to hurt her, he wouldn't have helped her just now.

"I'll take you away, please cooperate." Ji Feng looked at Yao Yao and explained.Although I don't know if she will trust me, after all, he did that to Yao Yao back then.

"Okay." Who knew that Yao Yao directly agreed, and Ji Feng looked at Yao Yao with trusting eyes.Ji Feng was a little moved from the bottom of his heart, and then kept holding back the words in his heart, and finally said it out. "sorry."

Yao Yao knew what Ji Feng was talking about, so she nodded with a smile, expressing that the matter was over and she forgave him. "By the way, why did you help me? Aren't you afraid that Cheng Xue will trouble you?"

"Maybe it's for redemption? Maybe it's because I don't want the child to repeat my own path." Ji Feng suddenly thought of something, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was very heart-warming.

 Humph, my brother is an idiot.Souvenirs from people's travel are all local specialties?Fortunately, he passed by the base of grapes and kiwis and bought a bunch of them back. Can't these things be put away?Now there is no room in the refrigerator... I think I will have to eat fruit for the next week...

  Such a stupid brother, anyone else?Sold cheap...  

(End of this chapter)

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