Chapter 196 Missing

"Child?" Yao Yao didn't understand the meaning of Ji Feng's words, but saw that Ji Feng had no intention of continuing.I saw Ji Feng peeked outside the door, and then whispered to Yao Yao: "You continue to pretend to be dizzy for a while, I will carry you to the car, and when they are not paying attention, I will send you away directly. "

"What about you? If you do this, will Cheng Xue let you go?" Yao Yao didn't want Ji Feng to offend Cheng Xue because of herself. Now Cheng Xue has become very scary. If she knew that Ji Feng betrayed her, she wouldn't know what would happen to him. Do something?
"Don't worry, she won't do anything to me?" Ji Feng paused, and couldn't help but defend Cheng Xue a few words: "Don't look at her like this, it's because she suffered too much back then. And I I believe that she will figure it out one day. Yao Xuemei, I apologize to you on Cheng Xue's behalf, don't really bother with her."

"No." Yao Yao shook her head, then looked at Ji Feng with some anxiety, and asked with some worry: "Well, Senior Ji, do you know where Shen An is? I'm really worried about him. How did Cheng Xue hide him?" Where is it? How is he now?"

" tell you the truth, in fact, Shen An was not with us at all. He disappeared the morning the video was captured. We thought he came back to the apartment to look for you, so Xiaoxue arranged such a There are many reporters blocking the door of your apartment, who knows that he never went back." Seeing Yao Yao's worried look, Ji Feng also knew that if she didn't tell her the truth, she would definitely not leave in peace.

Hearing what Ji Feng said, Yao Yao couldn't believe it. Since Shen An was not under house arrest by Cheng Xue, where is he now?Why not come back to her, why hide?Yao Yao has many doubts now, and wants to ask Shen An to clarify them one by one, but now she doesn't even know where Shen An is?
"There is no time. If you want to find Shen An, you have to go out first to find him. Let's go." Ji Feng noticed that Cheng Xue and Chi Mo seemed to have almost finished their discussion, and quickly asked Yao Yao to follow the agreement just now. Plan to act.So Yao Yao quickly pretended to be dizzy, and Ji Feng picked Yao Yao up and went out.When passing by the living room, Cheng Xue asked him what he was doing?Ji Feng said that it happened to be the changing of the guards now, if Yao Yao was not taken away right now, it would be difficult to take away soon, and maybe she would wake up soon.

Cheng Xue felt that what Ji Feng said had some truth, so she nodded in agreement, saying that it would be better to leave early.Then ask Ji Feng to wait for the two of them in the car in the underground garage. After they pack up and check out the room, they come to find Ji Feng.Ji Feng nodded. In order to avoid attracting too much attention, Ji Feng hugged Yao Yao on the fire escape, and in order to prevent Cheng Xue from attacking, Ji Feng hugged Yao Yao all the way and made her pretend to be asleep.

Sure enough, Cheng Xue took the elevator down and made a surprise attack, looking at Yao Yao who was still fainting in Ji Feng's arms.After watching Ji Feng carry her into the car, he left with peace of mind.When the news of Cheng Xue was in front of the two of them, Ji Feng quickly started the car and sped out.

When the car left the hotel and headed back towards the city center, Yao Yao's heart fell.But this is really comical enough. The first time she was kidnapped, she was involuntary.But the second time she was kidnapped, Yao Yao did it voluntarily.What was even more unbelievable was that Yao Yao did not expect that the person who kidnapped her for the first time would actually save her.

The scenery in front of her became more and more familiar, and Yao Yao knew that she could go home soon.But when I think of Shen An, I don't know how he is now?Although Yao Yao didn't know why she hid, but she knew that Shen An must have a reason he had to say.

Ji Feng kept sending Yao Yao back outside the apartment. Yao Yao had already called Xinran and the others on the way, so this time they walked through the back door, and the front door was full of reporters, so there was no way to get through.As soon as Yao Yao got out of the car at the back door of the community, she saw Xinran and An Yunge waiting there.Seeing that it was Ji Feng who sent Yao Yao back, the two were startled.He hurriedly protected Yao Yao behind him and asked him what he wanted to do.

After Yao Yao explained what happened, it was Ji Feng who let her come back.Although Xin Ran still didn't trust him, she finally didn't reject Ji Feng that much, she just said that Ji Feng did this to make up for the harm he did to Yao Yao.However, Yao Yao has returned safely, and Xinran and An Yunge are no longer entangled in the matter of Monsoon.You must know that the parents of the two families are about to die of anxiety. After all, Shen An and Yao Yao disappeared together, and they can't call the police. After all, this is related to the reputation of the two. If it really gets out, how will they meet people in the future.

Ji Feng didn't care about Xinran and An Yunge's attitude towards him, but said that since Yao Yao had been sent, he was going back.Yao Yao was still a little worried about Ji Feng, so she invited him back to the apartment together, saying that she would talk to Cheng Xue after this matter was over.But Ji Feng refused with a smile. He said that he would go back to Cheng Xue's side no matter what. The person who rescued him was Cheng Xue, and he must not abandon her.

Hearing what Ji Feng said, Yao Yao stopped trying to persuade him.Moreover, Yao Yao felt that her guess was right. It turned out that it was Cheng Xue who rescued Ji Feng from the prison, so the female voice she overheard when she was kidnapped last time should also be Cheng Xue.It's just that Yao Yao didn't know that Cheng Xue had plotted against her so early on, and she hid it really well. If Ji Feng didn't tell her, Yao Yao would definitely be buried in the dark.

Saying goodbye to Ji Feng, Yao Yao sneaked back to the apartment with Xinran and the others.Fortunately, when Shen An bought the apartment, he bought an underground garage by the way, and Yao Yao and the others returned to the apartment from it so smoothly.

When she just returned to the apartment, Yao Yao saw Shen's father, Shen's mother, and her own parents waiting for her in the apartment.The small apartment was full of people, and when Yao Yao saw her parents, she couldn't help but shed tears.She didn't feel aggrieved, but she felt that at such an age, she made her parents worry, traveled thousands of miles to find her, and was harassed by reporters outside the door. Yao Yao felt that she was really unfilial.

Seeing Yao Yao crying, the parents of the two families panicked and came forward to comfort her.Yao Yao said that she was fine, but kept apologizing to both parents, saying that she made them worry.

Shen's mother took Yao Yao's hand, saying that they already knew the ins and outs of the matter, and said that this matter had nothing to do with Yao Yao at all, it was because his ignorant son didn't handle his personal emotional problems well, that's why this happened A farce.Said that when Shen An came back, he must be educated well.

(End of this chapter)

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