Chapter 197 Baby
Hearing Shen's mother and the others talking about Shen An, Yao Yao couldn't help but sigh in her heart, it seems that they didn't know about Shen An's disappearance, they must have thought that Shen An was still imprisoned by Cheng Xue.Yao Yao didn't know whether she should tell them about Shen An's disappearance.When Shen's mother was going to Cheng Xue's residence and asked her to return her son.Yao Yao quickly stopped her, saying that Chi Mo had already gone, and if they went, it would be bad if things got worse, so let's wait for the storm to pass.

Although Shen's mother and the others were not familiar with Chi Mo, Yao's mother and the others knew about Chi Mo's abilities. They were relieved to hear that he had come forward to solve the problem.So he also followed Yao Yao to persuade Shen's mother, saying that if Chi Mo went, the matter should be resolved soon.Seeing that they all trusted Chi Mo so much, Shen's mother felt a little relieved.Yao Yao was right, if she came forward, there would definitely be bigger news.The most urgent thing is to wait for this storm to pass.Shen's mother is also a smart person, and she quickly saw the right and wrong and the key point, so she no longer proposed to find Cheng Xue's important person.

Seeing how excited everyone was, Yao Yao decided to hide the news of Shen An's disappearance first.Because Yao Yao couldn't stand it when she first heard about it, not to mention the parents of the two families.But this matter always needs to be resolved.So Yao Yao excused herself to be tired and asked Xinran and the others to accompany her back to her room.

The parents of the two families saw Yao Yao's tired face and thought of her current body, so they hurriedly told her to rest and said they would call her when dinner was ready.Yao Yao couldn't bear the hard work of the two parents, and insisted that they also go back to rest, saying that she would look for them if she had something to do.Originally, the parents of the two families were very reluctant at first, and wanted to accompany Yao Yao no matter what.Yao Yao had no choice but to take out her trump card, and was willful once, saying that if they didn't go back to rest, and she didn't rest, she would stay with them.

In the end, the parents of the two families couldn't resist Yao Yao, so they told Yao Yao to tell them immediately if she felt uncomfortable, and then they went back reluctantly.Of course, they also took a detour from the underground garage, and the few people wisely chose to be the drunk car, because the license plate number of Shen An's car had already been exposed, and they couldn't prevent the paparazzi at all.

After seeing off the two parents, Yao Yao was really tired and lay down on the bed in the bedroom.Seeing that Yao Yao was so tired, Xinran and An Yunge planned to go out so as not to disturb her to rest, but Yao Yao suddenly stopped them, saying that she had something to discuss with them.An Yunge originally planned to persuade Yao Yao to rest first, saying that if there was anything to do, he would wait until he woke up.But Yao Yao had something on her mind, so she insisted on talking about things first wherever she went to bed early.

Seeing Yao Yao's solemn expression, An Yunge guessed that something must have happened to her.So she and Xin Ran also sat on the bed, luckily Shen An's bed was big enough for the three of them to sleep together without being crowded.

"Yao Yao, what do you want to tell us?" Xin Ran was the first to lose her composure, and quickly looked at Yao Yao impatiently and asked, "Is it related to Cheng Xue? What did she threaten you again? I'll go, This Cheng Xue is too shameless, see if I don't pull out her previous black history, I will make her embarrassed."

"No. Although it is also related to Cheng Xue, what I want to talk about is not about her." Yao Yao shook her head lightly, expressing that she didn't want to talk about Cheng Xue this time. "Yun Ge, let me ask you, do you know where the seniors usually go?"

"Cousin?" An Yunge was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Yao Yao suddenly asked, "Cousin was not taken away by Cheng Xue, is there still something hidden here?" Since Yao Yao would ask this question, It shows that this matter must be related to Shen An, and it is possible that Shen An was not taken away by Cheng Xue, otherwise Yao Yao would not be able to obediently follow Ji Feng back.

"En." Yao Yao nodded directly. After all, she couldn't hold back her emotions, and said with a little cry: "Ji Feng told me that the senior was not under house arrest by Cheng Xue at all, and he doesn't know where he is now? I'll give him Called the phone countless times, but it was turned off, and I don't know how he is doing now?"

"What?" Xin Ran was taken aback by the news, sat up quickly, looked at Yao Yao in disbelief, and said in surprise: "Didn't the news say that Shen An and Cheng Xue left together? I didn't expect him He wasn't taken away by Cheng Xue, so where would Shen An go? And he hasn't been in touch for so long?"

"That's why I'm worried. I want to ask Yun Ge, where does the senior usually go? I'm afraid he will be in danger." Yao Yao felt uncomfortable when she thought that Shen An might encounter difficulties outside.Could it be that Shen An encountered some difficulties outside, so he didn't contact him?

"Don't worry, Yaoyao. With my cousin's ability, he won't suffer anywhere, and this is City Z. Although our family is not very rich, we can be considered a little powerful in City Z, so don't worry about it." I'm worried about my cousin." An Yunge picked up the tissue on the bedside, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Yao Yao's eyes, and persuaded: "Besides, you can't just cry now, it's not good for the baby."

"What baby?" Yao Yao was a little confused. Could it be that An Yunge also knew about Cheng Xue's pregnancy, but what does it have to do with whether she shed tears or not?
Xinran and An Yunge looked at each other silently. They probably didn't expect that the person involved didn't know. They thought that Yao Yao already knew about it during breakfast?Didn't the private doctor tell her?Seeing how calm she was in the morning, did they think that Yao Yao already knew that she was pregnant?
"Yaoyao, don't you know that you're pregnant? It's been almost a month?" Xin Ran looked at Yao Yao with helplessness and disbelief in her tone.

"Me? Pregnant?" Yao Yao stared blankly at the two of them. Seeing them nodding to her, Yao Yao couldn't help touching her lower abdomen. Is there already a little life here?No wonder Yao Yao felt that something was wrong with her in the past month, not to mention she was often sleepy, and she was always hungry for no reason, which made Yao Yao prepare a lot of snacks at work.At first, Yao Yao thought it was because of spring sleepiness, but she never thought about pregnancy. "Xiaoran, Yunge, is what you said true? But why don't I feel it?"

"Big sister, didn't you realize that your good friend's day hasn't come yet?" Xin Ran was also helpless, how could there be such a confused mother in the world, who would dare to negotiate terms with Cheng Xue so boldly.

"I..." Yao Yao's small life is always inaccurate, which is also a common thing. Although she has not come this month, Yao Yao thought it was because the pressure of the internship work was too great recently, so she postponed it. How about seeing a doctor?Unexpectedly, it was because there was an extra little guy in the stomach that the little days didn't come.

 Have you watched Weiwei recently?She's so pretty, but at the end of the season, I'm really busy and I don't have time to watch dramas... woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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