Chapter 1000
Even the former Secretary of Agriculture was killed by the Nine Kings... Including the assassination of the official who presided over the case, it was also the work of the Nine Kings.

These were all confessed by Liu Gongren when he pleaded guilty. I don't know if he felt that he would not worry if he had too many debts, and if he had too many lice, he would confess everything he had done as soon as he confessed.

Not only that, but more than a dozen court officials were involved, and their positions were not low.

Liu Gongren said that since he joined the Nine Kings, he has been helping the Nine Kings. Because he is quite smart and quick to handle things, he quickly gained the Nine Kings' trust and reuse, and started to rise up step by step.

But from the beginning to the end, he was a member of the Nine Kings. Taking advantage of the convenience of being an official in the court, he did a lot of things for the Nine Kings and made a lot of money.

The biggest one was stealing money and changing posts, secretly keeping old warehouses in the dark, uniting with several officials in the Northwest to transfer the relief money and food to other places, and by the way, firmly put the hat of greedy ink on the head of Secretary of Agriculture Yang.

In order to settle the case, create an unsolved case, prevent Master Yang from going back to Qingdu to report the case, and directly intercept and kill people on the way, of course, including raiding the entire Yang Mansion.

As soon as this news came out, the entire court was shocked, and people in the court dismounted one after another. At the same time, several officials in the court jointly signed a letter, requesting the monarch to thoroughly investigate the outstanding cases of the year, and to give justice to the dead officials.

Just as everyone was shocked, an account book was presented for the monarch's dragon case, which was entered by the former Yanchi official Zuo Daojin himself according to the chapters. chapter.

It is used to prove that the disaster relief money went from the saltworks to the water transport, all the way to the disaster area in the northwest safely, and the handovers are Mr. Yang and the city owner of the northwest city...Because there is a lot of money and food to be transported, there are ten local officials in the inspector alone, including Liu Gongren. .

The long-standing case was uncovered, and the whole Qingdu was in shock and panic, for fear of being implicated in the events of the year.

After all, things have passed for a long time, and some things, some people, have long since died without proof.

The monarch was furious, and immediately issued an order to block the entire Ninth Prince's Mansion and arrest the Ninth Prince.

It's a pity that when the monarch's personal guards went to arrest people, except for a group of female relatives, the Ninth Prince had long since disappeared.

"Asshole, just asshole, is Gu not good to him? Where does Gu owe him?"

The younger brother of the first-milk compatriot, he has always loved and cared for him, making people honor him as the Nine Kings, the King of Eaters... In the entire dynasty, who else has such honor except him?
"Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down." The supervisor who was waiting on Zai's side knelt tremblingly on the ground, trembling with fright.

They are all palace servants who serve the monarch closely, and they are also the people who know the temperament of the monarch best on weekdays.

Don't look at the amiable face when receiving ministers on weekdays. Every time the courtiers retreat, the monarch will get angry and smash a wave of things. If someone who is not long-sighted happens to hit the muzzle of the gun, he will either be shot or strangled.

There are countless palace people who disappeared without a sound in the palace. The monarch has a gloomy and tyrannical temperament. They have all experienced it before.

At this time, the ruler behind the dragon case gasped for a while, his hands were tightly supported on the dragon case, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging,

"Come here, make an order, Major General Zhuo Ling will try his best to pursue the Nine Kings... No, Yin Chi is no longer the Nine Kings, he will immediately be reduced to a commoner, a pariah, and the isolated Yin Dynasty cannot be destroyed in his hands."

"As ordered,"

The supervisor stepped back cautiously, wiped the sweat from his brow, "Come here, follow Sa's house to the Han Mansion."

After receiving the order, Han Jing frowned, and bowed, "Please report back to the monarch, the last general will take orders, and immediately pursue Yin Chi and the others."

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, Major General. Your Majesty will be happy to know that the General is so hardworking."

The supervisor looked at Han Jing, his smiling eyes were narrowed into slits, the Daqing Dynasty was guarded by the Han family, so it was safe and sound, but it's a pity... Sigh.

After sending the supervisor away, Han Jing immediately left the mansion, swung his horse and swung his whip, and galloped directly to the defense battalion.

He has been preparing for this day for a long time.

Bai Ningxiang didn't turn around until her brother-in-law disappeared.

"Xiangxiang, don't worry, Brother Ting will be fine." Mrs. Han took Bai Ningxiang's hand, "I'll get used to it gradually in the future."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I know." Bai Ningxiang smiled. From the moment she wanted to marry her brother-in-law, she was ready to send him off at any time and pray for his safe return...

Next, she began to prepare for various matters related to the marriage. As for the major events that happened in Qingdu, she just listened to them. The only thing she was worried about was the brothers and sisters of Baiwu and Baicha.

I don't know if Bai Wu will go crazy when he knows that the Yang family's disaster is just a part of the Ninth Prince's conspiracy?

That person has suppressed too many emotions, once released, it will be ruined.

Bai Ningxiang pinched the center of her eyebrows, looked at Bai Cha who was seriously doing embroidery work, and moved the corners of her lips, but she didn't say anything.

However, there is one thing she knows, that this girl's identity will be restored in a short time, see you later, she will be the young lady of the Yang family.

"Girl, Zuo Daojin sent someone to send two letters." Ding Yang stepped in through the curtain, holding the letter in one hand and a brocade box in the other.

Bai Ningxiang took the letter, read it from beginning to end, couldn't help but frowned, Uncle Zuo was really transparent.

In the letter, he bluntly stated that if he had the opportunity, he would forward another letter to the descendants of the Yang family. As for who this descendant of the Yang family refers to, he was not strict.

"Liu Gongren's case is settled. Uncle Zuo is credited with providing the account books. The family is finally safe. He is going to take his daughter back to his ancestral home. Zuo Ben follows Fei Ran and fulfills the ten-year agreement."

After experiencing so much along the way, Mrs. Zuo is gone, and returning to her ancestral home to enjoy her old age is considered happy.

Bai Ningxiang sighed, and opened the box inside. Inside was a bead the size of a pigeon egg, which was shining brightly. A piece of red letterhead was attached to the side wall of the box, with a congratulatory message written on it.

"Wow~ Ye Mingzhu, this is the first time I've seen such a big pearl." Bai Cha stretched out his hand to touch it, his eyes widened.

"When is Uncle Zuo going to leave, I'll see them off." Bai Ningxiang put away the letter and looked at Ding Yang.

"The housekeeper said that there is always a banquet in the world, and I only hope that the girl is well."

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, Uncle Zuo didn't want to get involved with the people of Qingdu, no matter what, everyone has their own ambitions, and after seeing it through, his thoughts will fade away.

I just don't know if Bai Wu will calm down some of his anger after reading this letter?

What a sin.

"Ding Yang, you should pay more attention to the situation in the city these few days. Brother Yi has led someone to arrest Yin Chi, and you don't know when he will return?"

"Miss, don't worry, this subordinate knows well." Ding Yang clenched his fists, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he turned and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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