Chapter 999
The family who had looked down upon them didn't dare to move at this time, they could only watch Mrs. Han and her daughter-in-law shuttling among the noble ladies peacefully, congratulating each other and greeting each other.

The festive day was busy and exciting, and Bai Ningxiang let out a long breath until all the guests were sent away.

"It's exhausting."

"Hee hee~, girl, you don't know that we are very successful today, everyone envies you, you have a lot of bride price, and you will be happy with your future mother-in-law. This is a good fortune that no girl can expect."

Bai Cha grinned, thinking of everyone's private words, he couldn't help being happy for the girl.

Bai Ningxiang pinched the center of her eyebrows, she did not expect that the dowry would be increased to [-] carry.

Originally, my aunt prepared 64 pieces according to the regulations, but my brother-in-law prepared half a piece from the private storage, that is, 32 pieces, and then Loufu sent a bunch of makeup, Feiran didn’t know where to dump a lot of money Things, sent someone to deliver... It turned out like this.

To be honest, Bai Ningxiang felt a little high-key.

But with a wave of her hand, Aunt Han immediately posted the dowry. Now, the reputation that had just died down will be resounding for a while.

Yun Ni looked at the girl's expression and didn't care at all.

"Girl, don't worry too much. People rely on clothes and horses. Being high-profile has its benefits. When the girl gets married, the dowry plus our dowry will definitely be red makeup."

"That's right, when the time comes, let those people who look down on people with a dog's eyes look at them. People who don't show off their mountains or leak water on weekdays can't be underestimated."

Bai Cha held her head high, with a proud expression on her face.

Bai Ningxiang twitched her lips, "Okay, don't be shy, just be high-profile, it's true that it can reduce some troubles."

Qingdu lacks everything, except for people who watch people order dishes. Occasionally showing a shock can really dispel some people's wild guesses.

At the same time, the Feng family,
Feng Yujun was already so angry that she dropped several teacups, "My aunt really gave her a face, she even prepared a dowry gift of [-] liters, which is nothing more than princes and nobles."

If she married into the Han family, these dowry gifts should belong to her, plus her dowry, there would be no need to worry for the rest of her life.

Qiu Chan was also shocked, she never thought that the Han family was so generous that they prepared so many dowry gifts.

"It's useless for the girl to be angry now. Not to mention, my aunt is very generous, but it's a pity that those betrothal gifts fell on Bai Ningxiang's head."

Qiu Chan looked resentful, her well-planned plans were disrupted, and she never dreamed that her aunt valued that country woman so much, she gave her a face.

"Heh~, what mother said is right, the married woman poured out the water. My aunt thinks wholeheartedly about the Han family. No matter which woman comes in, my aunt will not be stingy."

Thinking of Bai Ningningxiang's smug smile today, Feng Yuyun twisted the handkerchief in her hand, gnashing her teeth a bit.

My mother wanted her to marry into a scholarly family. Although they had a good reputation, those so-called scholarly families kept saying that they regarded money as dung, but in reality, who didn't cling to money tightly, and lived a tight life Baba, if you want to buy something, you have to plan carefully.

Even her mother complained every New Year's day when she didn't worry about money. If she made more money and earned more income, she would be able to have more money.

She has been with her aunt all year round. Although her aunt's food is not very particular, she has never wronged her in terms of expenses.

The pocket money her aunt gave her every time was more than what her mother gave her in a year.

She is an aristocratic daughter carefully cultivated by the family, she needs a delicate life to support all of this, if everything is carefully calculated, how miserable will she have to live?

The more she thinks about Feng Yuyun, the more she hates her. Now she not only hates Bai Ningxiang for taking away her cousin, but also hates her aunt for not remembering her old love. , why?
"Qiuchan, why do you think Bai Ningxiang is so lucky, she married into the Han family with the reputation of saving her life, and with the auspicious comments from Abbot Youyou Guangyuan, her future life will be too bad no matter what."

Hearing the girl's envy, Qiu Chan was stunned for a moment, it's not a big deal, that woman Bai Ningxiang is really lucky.

It's a pity that she has no other way to change everything except resentment. The girl is completely controlled by the madam, so how can she jump around.

"Hey, girl, don't be sad. She was born into a daughter's family, and she can't help herself in everything. I just hope that in the next life, I will be born into a brother."

Feng Yujun snorted softly, afterlife?

Other women can find a good home for themselves, why can't she?

No matter how Feng Yuyun complains, life is still going on as usual. The Han family is still full of joy because of the marriage between Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing. The last step of the six ceremonies is to ask for a date. After a round of calculations, the date is set on the [-]th of Dongyueyue. It is the best of both worlds. Good day.

"Xiangxiang, time is a little tight, please bear with me, we are the family of generals, we may go to the battlefield someday, there are some things that cannot be delayed."

Madam Han held Bai Ningxiang's hand with a soft tone.

"Don't worry, Auntie. Since I agree to marry Yixiong, I have no objection to the earlier date. It's all up to Auntie to decide."

There are no elders in her family, and Aunt Han has taken care of everything about the man and the woman by herself, and she can also ask for her opinion on everything, which is enough respect. If she is more hypocritical, she will appear ignorant.

Just like what my aunt was worried about, maybe one day the decree will come down, and the brother-in-law will have to go to the border... In this regard, she doesn't want to procrastinate, get married as soon as possible, and many things can be dealt with.

"Girl, don't worry, I've passed the letter on with a pigeon, and I've sent someone to pick up brother Xing and your aunt. Are you happy to have them attend our wedding?"

Han Jing looked at Bai Ningxiang, and whispered her arrangement.

"Ah? You sent someone to pick up Brother Xing? It's such a long journey, okay?"

Bai Ningxiang was surprised. When she got married, she really hoped to have her own relatives by her side, but on the road, it was indeed far away, and she didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, start early, take a little time on the road, with Bai Wu escorting, everything will be fine." Han Jing knew that she cared about her only younger brother, and that little guy was also the only big brother-in-law, so he could only take a hard trip. up.

"The weather is not too cold, thank you brother Yi for the arrangement."

Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, and in the blink of an eye, she hadn't seen Xiao Douding for several months, she really panicked.

"We're all a family, why are you being polite?" Mrs. Han gave her a coquettish look, talking and laughing, the day was decided.

At the same time, a major incident suddenly broke out in Qingdu. Liu Gongren settled the case of the Ninth Prince's money-grabbing, and then the case of the former Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Yang, surfaced.

Ten years ago, there was a catastrophe in the Northwest, and the money and food allocated by the court disappeared without a trace. At that time, half of the court was involved, but now it is suddenly revealed that the corruption of Moan back then was actually planned by the Nine Kings.

 Hug 2021???? Happy New Years!

(End of this chapter)

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