Chapter 998
"That's right, what your mother said is right, there are no rules at all. Your sister-in-law is brave enough to save people, she is your role model, no matter how big or small, I will be the first to spare you."

As soon as Mrs. Han finished speaking, General Han immediately agreed.

Han Jing took a sip of tea and added slowly, "If you forget about your upbringing, elder brother can pick it up for you."

Xiaoqi: "..."

Want to take the opportunity to beat him up again?

Insidious, cunning, black-bellied~
However, what everyone said was correct, he did have prejudice against Bai Ningxiang.

A few days ago when he went to pay his respects to his mother, he overheard the girls discussing that the rumors outside seemed to be related to his cousin.

He is not stupid, he knows that Bai Ningxiang has been blackmailed by others, and that he can use such low tricks to damage a girl's reputation, it can be seen that it is a trick well used by a boudoir girl, he doesn't look down on him at all.

Thinking of her having no other support in Qingdu except Fifth Brother, it's pitiful to think about it.

However, he really didn't have any malicious intentions today, so why should the whole family protect her?
The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved Xiao Qi felt, she glared at Bai Ningxiang, and stood up angrily, "Can you hide from me if you can't provoke me? Talk to yourselves, I'll withdraw."

Saying that, regardless of whether everyone agrees or not, he ran away in a hurry.

"This poor kid is really spoiled and doesn't understand any rules. Don't worry about Xiangxiang, I'll take care of him later."

Mrs. Han pinched the center of her brows with a headache, thinking that there was only such a child by her side, so she indulged a little, but she didn't expect this guy to become more and more shameless.

"Don't worry, Auntie. I don't think Xiaoqi is malicious today, but he just doesn't know how to communicate with others."

Xiaoqi's behavior just now is like the straight man and steel straight man in the boy's mouth, who can't turn corners.

"Oh, Xiangxiang is really good. They say that a sister-in-law is like a mother. You have to discipline her more in the future. We are old and our eyes and ears are closed. We can't take care of many things. If that kid becomes a moth, you just take care of the family law. disposal."

As for the youngest son, Mrs. Han also had a headache. He was used to being arrogant and pampered, and he couldn't change it for a while.

"What did my aunt say? You are in your prime. I have to study hard from my aunt in the future."

Bai Ningxiang blushed a little. The family did not treat her as an outsider, so she naturally had to shoulder her own responsibilities.

"By the way, the Zuo that Xiangxiang mentioned is Zuo Daojin's son?" After talking about Xiao Qi, General Han turned back to the topic.

"Uncle is right. At that time, Uncle Zuo wanted to entrust his son to me. I was afraid that I would not be able to protect him, so I didn't dare to accept it. Later, he made a brilliant move and promised to protect their family."

Speaking of Fei Ran, Bai Ningxiang didn't reveal too much, only saying that he is from the Jianghu.

General Han nodded, "It's fine if someone protects you."

After talking about Fei Ran and the others, they turned to the engagement of the two, because Bai Ningxiang lives in the Han Mansion, so the matter of hiring is much easier. Go out, walk around Qingdu, and finally hold a banquet at the mansion, and invite relatives and friends to watch the ceremony.

"I found someone to look at for a few good days, and finally chose the tenth day of September, good luck, what do you think?"

Regarding this, Bai Ningxiang was meaningless. After the date was finalized, Mrs. Han took her to tailor clothes and make jewelry. She was too busy to touch the ground for a while.

Occasionally, in her spare time, Bai Ningxiang asked Ding Yang to go to the tea shop to check Fei Ran's situation, and she was completely relieved after knowing that he was safe.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, in a blink of an eye, the day of the next appointment came. The Han Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the mansion was full of joy. Before dawn, the mansion was busy.

Bai Ningxiang didn't have any close friends in Qingdu except Lou's family, so she was relieved a lot in terms of hospitality.

However, today is a good day for her, so naturally she can't neglect it, get up early, take a shower and change clothes, and put on the new dress that Mrs. Han made for her.

She is wearing a pink-purple long dress with flying butterflies embroidered on it, covered with a light blue tulle, which is clear and transparent, and she walks like a butterfly dancing, both real and illusory.

Light makeup on the face, bright eyes and cool teeth, skin like snow, the black hair on the top of the head is tied up high, the red plum flower hairpin given by Han Jing is inserted obliquely, and the earrings are two round light purple south beads, with the same color collar , exuding a kind of elegance and nobility in every gesture.

"Wow, girl, you look very good today. If you see me, my son, I'm afraid your eyes will be straight." Yun Ni waited on the girl to arrange her clothes, and couldn't help but praise her.

"That's natural. We girls are just clothes racks, and we look good in whatever we wear."

Hearing the girl's praises, Bai Ningxiang looked at the glass mirror, the corners of her lips curled up,
"As long as you have a sweet mouth, I am very happy today. Everyone has a red envelope."

"Thank you for the reward, girl."

The maids chirped and congratulated, in order to let the maids and mother-in-law do their best, Yun Ni carried the tray and acted as a money-spreading boy.

Getting rewarded early in the morning, everyone was so enthusiastic that they knew what they should do without even ordering them.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Ningxiang took the girl to Liu Xinyuan. All the things were arranged by her aunt, so she had to go to help her.

"Auntie has worked hard. There are many guests today. If there is anything Auntie needs me to do, just tell me."

"Hey, Xiangxiang looks really good today. You are the protagonist, so you don't need to worry about everything. Later, those ladies and sisters will come, and Xiangxiang can help greet you. Others will be taken care of, so you don't need to come forward."

The son was hired, and the two surnames became good friends. In order to express the joy, Mrs. Han also had a new look.

A dark red brocade dress, a small vertical collar, a ruyi knot, embellished with emerald buttons, a jade pendant around the waist, a pair of milky white jade bracelets on the wrists, and a slightly complicated hairstyle. Inserted a golden phoenix hairpin and a hairpin made of emerald.

Willow leaf eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, the brilliance of the eyes are flowing, the overall attire is oppressive, but also neat and elegant.

As soon as the time passed, guests began to come to the door one after another.

Mrs. Han, as the mistress of the house, has arranged everything properly. Although the mansion is busy, everyone does their own duties and is orderly.

It's time for the bride price,
The one hundred and eight dowry gifts lined up on the street, and circled the street in the order of going east and going west.

Firecrackers were set off, wedding money was sprinkled, and sweets were sprinkled. Along the way, the spectators moved along with the team, cheering endlessly.

All of a sudden, everyone in Qingdu knew that the major general of the Han family was hired today. Although the woman was a girl who grew up in the countryside, the dowry was unambiguous at all. , and this is the specification.

Even the guests who came to the banquet were shocked. They never expected that the Han family would value this daughter-in-law so much.

(End of this chapter)

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