Chapter 997

"Thank you, girl." Cuihu put down her fan and rushed into the kitchen like the wind.

As the door opened, Han Jing walked in in a black robe, looking at the people who were getting closer, Bai Ningxiang felt inexplicably at ease.

Looking at the people under the pomegranate tree, Han Jing finally let go of the early anxiety in her heart. After entering the yard, she couldn't help but look back at the empty alley, and frowned.

"What's the matter?" Bai Ningxiang held the handkerchief, walked up to Brother Yi, and looked up at her.

"It's nothing, I read it wrong. I came back early today, and I heard that you were going out as a guest. Thinking of this, you should have come to the teahouse, so I came here to try my luck."

Han Jing reached out and tapped her forehead, her eyes were teasing,

"If you don't go back so late, are you suffocating in the mansion?"

Bai Ningxiang blinked, and just about to speak, Han Jing moved her nose,

"It smells so strong, did your girl forget that tea is still boiling on the stove?"

Bai Ningxiang choked, stretched out her hand to grab Brother Yi's sleeve, and said with her lips, "Brother Yi, something happened."

Afterwards, without any explanation, he directly brought the man into the inner room, pointed to Fei Ran on the bed, and narrated the afternoon's events aside, then stroked the jade ring on his ring finger with some guilt.

"At that time, I saw him and Zuo Ben barging in suddenly, like a bloody man, so I didn't think too much... I was afraid that those people would not let it go, and I didn't know what to do, when Brother Yi came. "

Han Jing walked into the bed and looked down at the man lying on the bed. His face was pale and his brows were tightly knit, as if he was in pain.

Although the wounds on his body had been treated, Han Jing could tell from the color of his pale lips that it was not as simple as losing blood.

The internal injury is not serious, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed for ten and a half months.

Who can beat him like this?
He has fought against Fei Ran, he knows the ability of this person best, but now he is beaten unconscious, the opponent must be a powerful character.

In this place of Qingdu, there are not many people who are good at martial arts?
No wonder when he entered the door just now, he was sure that the atmosphere around him was not right, there was a hidden stake.

After a moment of silence, Han Jing couldn't help curling the corners of her lips.

The person who was still showing off in front of him two days ago, he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would be like a puppet and become a lamb at the mercy of others.

"Girl, don't worry, I'll let Feng Er protect him, he won't die."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Why did she feel that her brother's tone was sour?
"Catch him, notify Feng Er, protect him, if someone raids, kill him on the spot."

Han Jing caressed the jade ring on her ring finger, staring at Fei Ran on the bed with deep eyes.

He really wanted to know, what would this person look like when he woke up and found out that he owed him a favor?
"Don't worry, my lord."

Dazhuo's eyes were burning, if it wasn't for the fact that Zuo Ben's child couldn't even sleep soundly, he would have picked him up and asked Zi Wu Yinmao.

"It's getting late, let's go back to the mansion, and leave it to Feng Er here."

Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang's hand and walked out slowly, "I have already handed over half of the defense battalion to the prince's people. After a while, it will be much easier, and I don't have to go to check every day."

In this way, before we get married, we can spend more time with the girl.

"Ah? Is this appropriate?" Bai Ningxiang was surprised.

"What's inappropriate, the prince is trying his best to grasp the military power, and has already extended his hand to the barracks. I just push the boat along with the flow, which can be regarded as a kind of favor to the prince."

Who made the monarch go too far with the Han family? Since the crown prince wants to take control of the power earlier, why not push him?

Listening to brother Yi's tone, Bai Ningxiang pursed the corners of her lower lips. She knew that the Han family was in an embarrassing situation. The monarch's fearful thoughts were like deception, and even a fool could see it, but she didn't know if the crown prince would continue to suppress him after he came to power. The Han family?
Once the king and the courtiers, who can figure out the minds of the superiors?

It wasn't until she got into the carriage and left the alley with a strange atmosphere that Bai Ningxiang let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing her nervousness, Han Jing reached out and rubbed the back of her head, "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble."

He just wanted to know who Feiran had offended, so that he could know what orders he received during this trip to Qingdu.

"I think I need to ask a doctor to look at Feiran, after all the medicine in Yun Ni's hand is not complete." Thinking of Feiran's miserable appearance, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but worry.

"Girl is very concerned about Feiran?" Han Jing stared at Bai Ningxiang with burning eyes, his eyes were bottomless.

"Where is it? Am I afraid that he will have an accident? Anyway, I can be considered a friend."

Hearing Yibro's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously opened her mouth to explain, only to realize that Yibro was actually teasing her after speaking.

Han Jing pinched her cheek, and said in a resentful tone, "They are all engaged, except that I don't plan to care too much about other men, otherwise I will be jealous."

After saying this, Han Jing also felt a little embarrassed, coughed lightly,
"Don't worry, with Feng Er's arrangements, nothing will happen... Besides, Yun Ni's medical knowledge is not to be underestimated. Although she is not as good as Wei Zixian, it is not easy for ordinary doctors in Qingdu to surpass her."

When I first trained her, I discovered that she was talented in medical skills, so I focused on training her, thinking that she would be useful in the future, but I didn't expect to end up with the girl.

Hearing the righteous brother's explanation, Bai Ningxiang finally felt relieved.

After returning to the mansion, Cui Hong came over just after washing up, "Girl, dinner will be ready soon, Madam asked the servants to invite her."

"Thanks, that's over,"

After returning home, Cuihu went straight back to Liu Xinyuan. Auntie should have known what happened today, but fortunately she wasn't going to hide anything about the tea shop.

After perfecting it, everyone moved to the living room to drink tea. Bai Ningxiang glanced at the guard at the door and frowned. Madam Han explained her confusion without her asking.

"Xiangxiang doesn't have to worry about it, she's all her own, so it doesn't matter if you have anything to say."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

So it was cleared?

"I abducted from the Loufu to the tea shop today and saved two people. My aunt must have known about it."

Bai Ningxiang sighed, looked at several pairs of eyes staring at her, and recounted what happened today.

Before anyone else could speak, Xiao Qi, who was sitting at the bottom, snorted coldly, "I'm quite courageous, it's not bad if I didn't faint from fright."

As soon as Xiaoqi's words came out, the three pairs of eyes looked at him together, so frightened that he almost jumped out of the chair,
"What...why are you staring at me? I'm not wrong, she is a weak woman, she didn't faint after seeing such a bloody scene, isn't she just courageous?"

Bai Ningxiang shook her head speechlessly, this brat deserves a good beating.

"Xiaoqi, Xiangxiang will be your sister-in-law from now on. The elders and younger ones are respectful and orderly. Although we are a family of generals, we don't have so many sour rules, but we still have to respect you. Otherwise, what's the difference with a dude? the difference?"

 The new year is coming soon, I wish all the children a happy new year and a prosperous new year~~~~ Let's celebrate the new year together!

(End of this chapter)

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