Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 996 I'm afraid to be careful

Chapter 996 I'm afraid to be careful

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone with one eye, he glanced at the tea table beside her and moved his nose, but there was nothing but the aroma of brewing tea.In the end, he turned his eyes back to Bai Ningxiang, and his unique eye made him exude a gloomy aura.

"The girl really didn't see the stranger breaking into the yard?"

"Except for you, I really haven't seen anyone else who dares to break into a private house in broad daylight."

Bai Ningxiang held the round fan in her hand, and shook it lightly, "I only have female family members here, and you are not government investigators, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

"Young lady, aren't you afraid of us?" She stared blankly at Bai Ningxiang with one eye, her tone was cold.

"Heh~, you are not a scourge, and I have never done anything wrong. I am afraid that you will do something? Do you still want to rob people openly?"

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, her eyes showed guard,
"Let me tell you, my place is very close to the Qingdu yamen. If you dare to be malicious, the yamen will come right away."

Looking at Bai Ningxiang, she finally knew she was afraid, she pursed the corner of her lower lip with one eye, and stared at her coldly for a long while.

"Miss, can you let me check it out, if the robbers hide in the house, it will not be good for the girl's safety?"

"Thank you for your kindness, no need, my backyard is full of female relatives, how can I let you check it at will, how can you walk in Qingdu if the reputation is ruined?"

As Bai Ningxiang said, she looked at the few people staring at her, and took a step back.

"I'm not an unreasonable person. If you have a search warrant from the government, please feel free to do so. If you don't, I'm sorry."

One eye stared at Bai Ningxiang gloomily, the flesh on her cheeks trembled, "You really won't give in?"

Hearing the other party's threatening tone, Bai Ningxiang slapped the round fan on the table,
"Although we are just ordinary people who earn a living, we are not greedy for life and afraid of death. Don't bully others too much."

One Eye: "..."

Really stupid can be.

If they hadn't been forced to do something, they shouldn't have made a statement, otherwise, they would have died countless times just because they were ignorant women.

"The girl is not afraid of us breaking in?"

"If you dare to forcibly break into your daughter's boudoir, I will dare to report to the officials and sue you for trespassing on private houses. I want to see, at the feet of the emperor, who dares to break into the house by force and damage the reputation of the boudoir."

Bai Ningxiang said with a stubborn look on her face, as if she wanted to fight to the death for chastity.

"Boss, don't listen to her nonsense, it's important to arrest people first..."

Before the people around him finished speaking, he was interrupted by One Eye raising his hand. Seeing Bai Ningxiang's unyielding posture, he frowned and remained silent for a while.

He waved his hand again, "Withdraw."


"Shut up and withdraw."

With one eye, he glared at the person who spoke in a bad tone, and his unique eye looked particularly gloomy and cold. The man shrank his neck, turned into a quail immediately, and moved silently behind everyone.

Watching the group of people retreat outside the yard, Bai Ningxiang secretly let out a sigh of relief, and didn't raise her hand to pat her heart until Ding Yang closed the door.

"Girl, you are amazing."

Cuihu moved her stiff body. She didn't even dare to change her posture just now in order not to be discouraged. Now she suddenly relaxed and her body was a little weak.

"Good to say~"

Terrible fart, she was so frightened that her heart was pounding, but everyone was saved by herself, so she must delay time, but fortunately she won the bet.

These people really don't dare to see the light, otherwise, it would be hard to say.

"Girl, those people haven't left." Ding Yang came over and said in a low voice.

"I know, they won't give up easily... It's just that the teacher came out of nowhere, and they don't want to make a big noise to attract attention."

Bai Ningxiang smelled the tea soup boiling in the tea stove, and frowned, it was too strong to drink.

"You stare at the yard, I'll go in and have a look."

Bai Ningxiang flicked her dress, took two steps, and couldn't help turning her head, "Cuihu, add some water and continue cooking, it tastes good."

"Yes, girl."

Cuihu looked at the bubbling tea stove, feeling uneasy, his eyes were faintly bright, he stayed in the general's mansion all day, he hadn't felt so excited for a long time.

Entering the room, Bai Ningxiang looked at the slowly burning censer and moved her nose. The rich sandalwood fragrance did dilute the bloody smell, and people with sensitive noses could still smell it.

Lifting the curtain and entering the inner room, he looked at Zuo Ben who had been tidied up, and Fei Ran lying on the bed.

"What's the matter, you were hunted down in broad daylight?"

"Sister Bai, we fell for the trap. Feiran was seriously injured to save me. My sister must save him. Brother Fei said he would take me to see the world, but I got him into trouble..."

After all, he is a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. Although he deliberately keeps a straight face, he will still be afraid when encountering major events.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Bai Ningxiang patted his shoulder, turned to look at Yun Ni,
"Is everything done?"

"The wound looks scary, and it's not serious. What matters is the internal injury. It should be attacked by someone with strong internal strength. It hurt the lungs and needs to be recuperated. It will take about half a month."

Yun Ni washed her hands, packed the blood-stained clothes, and stuffed another sachet into it.

Bai Ningxiang nodded, and glanced at Zuo Ben, "I heard, it's not life-threatening, don't worry, I'm recuperating here recently, don't go anywhere."

"Thank you, sister Bai, you saved me twice in a row, and I don't know how to repay you."

Zuo Ben's eyes were red, and he tightly held the scimitar in his hand, as if this was the only way to appease the fear in his heart.

"Don't think too much, take a good rest, I'll ask someone to cook you something to eat."

Walking into the yard, Bai Ningxiang looked up at the westward sun and pinched her temples.

"Girl, what's the problem?"

"Those people outside are afraid that they won't leave for a while, and maybe they will launch a surprise attack at night. We have to find a way to get over it."

"Girl, for the current plan, we can only inform the young master to ask him to help?"

Ding Yang glanced at the sky, they didn't have enough manpower here in Qingdu, and the guards they brought were all from the Han family army. If they did something about it, as the girl said, if they alarmed the patrols and got entangled, it would be of no benefit to anyone.

"Let me think,"

Those people came with bad intentions, dragging Yixiong into it, Bai Ningxiang subconsciously refused, and then felt a little guilty, the moment she saved someone, she had already dragged him into it.

Oh, so annoying~
"Knock Knock Knock~"

Hearing a knock on the door suddenly, the nearest Cuihu was even more startled, and almost threw the fan in his hand.

"Ding Yang, go and have a look."

Bai Ningxiang took a deep breath, and walked slowly under the pomegranate tree, "Cuihu, go to the kitchen and make some chicken noodle soup."

(End of this chapter)

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