Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 995 Stranger broke in

Chapter 995 Stranger broke in
"Well, it's well done, and the taste is good. Hawthorn has a sweet and sour taste, which is suitable for most people. Your idea is good. I will ask Shopkeeper Wang to reward you later."

As Bai Ningxiang said, seeing Quanzi's happy expression, she didn't mind reminding her in vain,
"Most people can drink ordinary flower fruit tea, but there are also some people with special constitutions who can't eat it, so it involves the dosage. If you don't understand medical principles, you can try to make it yourself and taste it yourself, but absolutely not. For the guests to eat, understand?"

"I understand that without the owner's permission, naturally I can't list it." Quanzi's face tightened, and the joy just now disappeared immediately.

"Don't be afraid, it's good that you can infer other things from one instance, but we must be careful about the things that are imported, otherwise, accidents are easy to happen."

However, Quanzi's behavior reminded Bai Ningxiang.

Instead, she can set up a reward mechanism, for example, those who perform well, do not miss work, are not late, and are not complained, can receive a certain amount of tea every month to practice their crafts.

The quality of your personal performance is directly related to the amount of tea you receive, with a cap of two taels.

In this way, it not only allows the employees to practice their hands, but also stimulates their enthusiasm. Of course, if they want to take it home and use it for themselves, she will not stop it. It is a reward in itself, and they can naturally choose by themselves.

I have to discuss this matter with Wang Quan later, is it feasible?
Bai Ningxiang regained consciousness only to find that Quanzi's face was slumped, as if he had been hit,

"Your idea of ​​this hawthorn tea is good, but I have to ask the doctor to check the dosage, adjust the dosage, and then show you the recipe. I will buy it for you later, and the price is guaranteed to be reasonable."

Speaking of this, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help thinking, if everyone messed around, what if something went wrong?
What's more, if they come up with some recipes in the store and sell them back, who is to blame except for the problem?

This is putting the cart before the horse.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Quanzi, the reward method just now might not be easy to implement.

"Quanzi, there is something I have to explain to you. If you don't want to sell it or want to sell it to other tea shops at a high price, I advise you to give up the idea."

"Yipin Ganquan sells flower and fruit teas, all of which are health-preserving recipes. You can try them at tea shops, but you must not resell them. If someone has a problem with your prescription, Yipin Ganquan will not bear any responsibility for you. One thing, you have signed an employment document with me, and you absolutely cannot use the reputation of Yipin Ganquan to resell health-preserving prescriptions, do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing the boss's serious tone, Quanzi was taken aback, "I...I didn't want to sell it outside?"

"I know what you mean. If you don't want to, it doesn't include other people who don't want to. You are in the teahouse all day long. Our flower and fruit tea is very popular. You all know it. It's not surprising if someone has other ideas. But once I found out that I must fire the person, and in addition, the other party has to fulfill the agreement signed in the document and compensate the loss of the tea shop."

Bai Ningxiang said, looking at Quanzi's pale face, although she couldn't bear it, there were some things she had to stop.

She is not a philanthropist and does not want to test humanity.

In business talk business, she doesn't allow her business to be damaged because of other people's affairs.

"In other words, if you didn't work in Yipin Ganquan, who would believe that the prescriptions in your hands have health-preserving effects?"

Quanzi: "..."

Yun Ni put down her teacup, looked at Quanzi in a daze, shook her head,

"Hey, you silly boy, what the girl means is that even if those people outside buy the prescription in your hand, they are looking at the signboard of Yipin Ganquan. Otherwise, how can you be convincing just because you are a teenager?"

Quanzi blinked and blushed a little, "I understand, thank you for your advice."

Seeing Quanzi leave dejectedly, Yun Ni stroked her chin, "Girl, did you also intend to move just now?"

"Well, at the beginning I really didn't want to discourage their innovation, but I was even more afraid that they would turn the tea shop into a mess. With everyone imitating, who else will work patiently?"

Bai Ningxiang smiled, there is competition in any business, and there are endless means of competition, if there is trouble within her, she has no place to cry?
It's about hiring and caring, so it's better to do things according to your duty.

Yun Ni nodded, "What the girl is worried about is that if their so-called health-preserving prescriptions are bought by someone with a heart, even if something happens, we can get rid of the relationship, and our reputation will inevitably be damaged. After all, people are workers in our tea shop. of……"


Before Yun Ni could finish speaking, she suddenly heard a sound.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the water overflowing from her hand, and then at the two blood men who fell from the corner of the wall, her eyes narrowed.

Zuo Ben~
"Yun Ni, help the person into the room and treat the wound. Ding Yang, clean up the aftermath and clean up. Cuihu, drink tea with me here."


Several people looked at each other, and acted immediately, those who rescued people saved people, and those who mopped up people were busy and orderly.

It was the first time for Cuihu to see this formation, and his eyes were a little dim.

"Cuihu, it's not been a day or two since you've been with your aunt. In the family of generals, it's common to see blood when you get injured. You should be used to it by now."

Seeing her flustered look, Bai Ningxiang curled the corners of her lower lips. General Han and his wife really love Diehe deeply. Aunt Han probably has never seen General Han get injured.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's suggestion, Cuihu was taken aback for a moment, then clasped his hands in front of his chest, standing beside the tea table with his head held high,

"Young lady taught me a lesson." As the chief maid beside the madam, how could she panic?

Bai Ningxiang turned on the charcoal stove for making tea, and put two slices of orange peel and a piece of ginger into the tea stove. With the rising white mist, the air was filled with the fragrance of orange peel.

Cuihu stared blankly at Bai Ningxiang holding a small fan in one hand, and pinching the lid of the teapot with the other. The tea soup in the tea stove had boiled early in the morning, and the soup was undrinkable after boiling.

Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes and sniffed, then raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction.

Until Ding Yang turned back and nodded at her, the master and servant made and drank tea in a tacit understanding~
"Bang bang bang~, is there anyone, open the door."

"Wait a minute, what to knock, the door is falling apart."

As soon as the door opened, a group of people rushed in.

The leader, with one eye covered by a black mask, scanned the yard with the other. When he saw Bai Ningxiang sitting under the pomegranate tree making tea, he was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand.

"To disturb the girl's elegant mood, dare to ask the girl, is there a stranger breaking into the yard?"

"Yes." Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup, looked at the leader, and said lightly, "Isn't it you?"

One Eye: "..."

"In broad daylight, if you are like this, aren't you afraid of disturbing the people?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at the crowd, her expression was still indifferent, "Fortunately, I'm in the backyard of a tea shop, and I usually see a lot of people, otherwise I might be scared by you."

(End of this chapter)

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