Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 101 Returning the Ancestral Property

Chapter 101 Returning the Ancestral Property
"What are you talking about? It's not what you think."

Seeing the head of the family, Liu's face turned red, and one who couldn't hold back the anxious roar fired at Shen.

"If you don't tell me who is in charge, let me tell you, sister-in-law, I heard that you are going to give half of the tea garden to Sister Xiang as a dowry?"

As soon as Liu's words came out, everyone was in an uproar, all staring at Shen.

There was shock in his eyes that couldn't be concealed, he didn't expect the soft and weak Shen to have such a big hand?

Half of the tea garden is used as a dowry, let alone the right age, even if Miss Xiang is older, the boys will not suffer.

Tea garden, a business to make money?

Thinking of this, the melon-eating crowd looked at Bai Ningxiang with eager eyes, and they were silently thinking, which kid in the family is of the same age?
Usually, if I have nothing to do, I will hang around in front of my sister more, so I can get acquainted first.

Shen's name was suddenly called, her eyes were blank, and she didn't react for a while.

On the other hand, Bai Ningxiang's eyes flashed away. She glanced at Hua Tian who was hiding behind Aunt Hua before turning to Liu Shi.

"Third Aunt, I'm in the period of filial piety. Even if we talk about marriage, it will be three years later. Is it too early for you to come here with such fanfare to question my dowry?"

If she was really a 15-year-old girl, she might be too ashamed to hold her head up, but these are not problems for her now.

"Let's not talk about it early or late, isn't that what you plan to do?" Mrs. Liu started, and Bai Laosan also slowed down.

"Third Uncle's question is strange. Doesn't Third Uncle care too much about our family's affairs?"

"Ahem... Sister Xiang, it's not that your third uncle is lenient, but it's about the ancestral property of Lao Bai's family, so I have to intervene." Bai Er Er cleared his throat and spoke in a serious manner.

"Heh~, what does Lao Bai's family's ancestral property have to do with us? Besides, I'm curious, is there any ancestral property after Lao Bai's family has been separated?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at Bai Lao Er with a half-smile, and just when he was about to lose his composure, he showed a look of sudden realization.

"I understand. Lao Bai's family does still have ten acres of ancestral property under the name of grandmother, but now grandma lives with the third room, and the ancestral property also goes to the third room with grandmother. Second uncle talks about ancestral property, what can we do without third uncle? ?”

Second Bai: "..."

Looking at those eyes that see everything, he also began to feel guilty.

Bai Ningxiang stared at Bai's second child from a half-smile to a bright mockery,
"Second uncle won't list the [-] acres of tea garden in our Dafang as ancestral property, will he?"

Second Bai: "..."

It's one thing to acquiesce, but it's embarrassing to be singled out in person.

It was as if the last fig leaf had been lifted, not to mention him, even Lao Bai had an unnatural expression on his face.

But Bai San didn't care at all, "Sister Xiang, if you ask that, it's not wrong. The big house has no brother to inherit, and the tea garden will be returned to the Bai family in the end... Of course, if the sister-in-law's child is a Brother, pretend I didn’t say that just now.”

Bai Lao Sanyue said that the pressure on his body became stronger and stronger, making him almost breathless.

After saying a word, his face turned red.

Bai Ningxiang just quietly listened to Bai Laosan Babalala, spittle flying wildly.

The family is separated, and each family's property belongs to each family, so what's the relationship between brothers and sisters?
Everyone wanted to occupy her family's tea garden, and it made people think that their mother and daughter took advantage of it.

What bullshit theory?
(End of this chapter)

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