Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 102 The Dowry Is Eye-Catching

Chapter 102 The Dowry Is Eye-Catching

"Based on Uncle San, our mother and daughter are still taking advantage of the Bai family?" Bai Ningxiang stared at him with a sense of sternness in her eyes.

In the previous life, they also had a quarrel because of the tea garden, but unfortunately they were cut off by Jiang Wenxue. In this life, the exact same scene happened again, and Bai Ningxiang was still angry.

His eyes swept over Erfang and grandma, seeing their natural tone, suddenly couldn't help laughing, raised his finger and pointed to the sun above his head,

"The third uncle dares to speak boldly in the open sky. Ask the folks here, which family uncle will interfere with other brothers' property after the division of the family?"

"It's too late to avoid suspicion. It's good for you. You come to ask directly. You are all like the third uncle. What's the point of separating the family?"

"Sister Xiang, you misunderstood. What your third uncle means is that when your mother and daughter are at Bai's house, no one can touch the thirty acres of tea gardens. Even if you get married in the future, these tea gardens can still support your mother. "

Bai Laoer said, clearing his throat in a serious manner,
"Ahem... To put it bluntly, whether these extracorporeal objects are brought along or not, we only hope that these tea gardens will still belong to the Bai family after a hundred years."

After Bai Laoer finished speaking, the melon-eaters who watched the excitement around were stunned for a moment, and they were collectively silent. If the things left by the ancestors can be passed down from generation to generation, as future generations, there should be no reluctance.

Hearing Bai's son's reason for his glamorous face, Bai Ningxiang bent her lower lip, "So, you came here so motivating people, just to warn me not to bring the tea garden to my in-law's house as a dowry?"

"I just said that if money is not involved, you will not be so motivating. Grandma, do you also think that my mother has no right to manage the tea garden?"

Bai Ningxiang turned around and looked at Lao Bai with a gentle expression.

"Sister Xiang, it is said that you are still in the period of filial piety, and it is inappropriate to talk about dowry. But since grandma has heard about it, she will also express her opinion to you. After the filial piety period, the three families will bear your dowry together, and she will never treat you badly." .”

As Lao Bai said, looking at his granddaughter who was still calm, he felt a little unsure.

"Grandmother thinks that the dowry given by my second uncle and third uncle will be more valuable than the tea garden my mother prepared for me?"

Bai Ningxiang turned around and went back to her mother, suppressing the sarcasm in her eyes by the way, the bit of blood and blood in her grandmother's heart was completely gone.

Old Bai: "..."

"Sister Xiang, why did you talk to grandma? How could the property of the Bai family fall into the hands of outsiders?"

"Even if you get married, the tea garden can't be taken away as a dowry. It's the wealth accumulated by the ancestors of the Bai family through untold hardships. If it falls into the hands of people with foreign surnames, what's the point?"

Bai Er frowned, dissatisfied with his niece's attitude.

"What is the second uncle so excited about? If the second uncle and the third uncle are willing, they can also marry a few cousins ​​with a few acres of tea gardens. With tea gardens next to me, my cousin must be grateful for the kindness of my parents."

"Girl Duanzi, it's good enough to marry with some cloth bedding and the like. If you marry a tea plantation, don't you want to provoke right and wrong, Sister Xiang."

Mrs. Liu snorted, her family's tea garden belongs to her son.

"The third aunt values ​​her cousin, and the whole village knows it. No wonder Sister Yan has such an awkward personality. It seems that the third uncle and the third aunt usually have a bad bowl of water."

She can assure that Bai Ruyan provoked this incident in all likelihood.

"Today I'm mainly talking about you. What are you doing with our sister Yan? Let's talk about the girl's family. Don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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